
"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

Modified vehicles, for many car owners, are a way to show their personality and pursue a driving experience. But you know what? It's not just a hobby, it's a responsibility. When your car has undergone some careful modifications, you may feel like your car has a new look and performance. But don't forget, modifying a vehicle is not a trivial matter, it involves legal regulations and safety standards.

First of all, we need to understand that not all modifications are allowed. Some modifications may affect the safety performance of the vehicle and may even pose a threat to other road users. For example, if you add too bright lights to your vehicle, it may affect the vision of other drivers and cause a safety hazard. Or, if you modify your vehicle's emissions system and don't meet environmental standards, not only will you pollute the environment, but you may also be penalized for violating environmental regulations.

So, when you decide to modify a vehicle, be sure to understand the relevant laws and regulations first. In China, it is a very important step for a vehicle to be filed with the DMV after it has been modified. The purpose of the filing is to let the DMV know about the modification of your vehicle and ensure that the modified car meets the national safety and environmental protection standards. This way, you can drive on the road legally and avoid unnecessary trouble due to illegal modifications.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

When it comes to filing, some car owners may find it troublesome and even want to escape. But I want to tell you that the consequences of evading filing are very serious. If your vehicle is found to be modified due to a problem, it can result in a fine, or at worst, the vehicle may be impounded or even towed. This will not only cause you financial losses, but also cause you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, the filing process is actually not complicated. You only need to prepare the relevant modification information, such as the certificate of conformity of the modified parts, the test report after the modification, etc., and then submit the application to the vehicle management office. The DMV staff will review your vehicle, and if everything meets the standards, your vehicle can be successfully filed.

In addition, there is another advantage of filing, that is, it can protect your rights and interests. Once your vehicle is successfully filed, it is equivalent to having a "legal ID card". In this way, even if there is a problem with your vehicle while driving, you can protect your rights and interests in accordance with the law.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

In conclusion, modifying a vehicle is something that needs to be treated with caution. As car owners, we must not only pursue individuality and driving pleasure, but also abide by laws and regulations to ensure the safety of ourselves and others. Timely filing at the DMV is not only responsible for yourself, but also a manifestation of your responsibility to the society. Remember, legal modifications, safety first, is not only responsible for yourself, but also responsible for others.

Modified cars, that sounds cool, doesn't it? But you know what, it's not just about changing the color and changing the wheels? Modified cars are actually an art and a science. It's about the appearance of the vehicle, its performance, and even its safety and environmental friendliness. Moreover, all modifications must be carried out within the limits of traffic rules.

First, let's talk about cosmetic modifications. When many people modify their cars, the first thing they think of is to change the color, paste a latte art, or change to a more dazzling wheel. These changes may seem simple, but they also need to be compliant. For example, the color of the body should not be too bright to affect the vision of other drivers; Latte art cannot cover the license plate, nor can there be illegal signs; The size and style of the wheels should also match the specifications of the vehicle.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

Then, let's take a look at performance tuning. Performance modification can be said to be the core of the modified car, which includes the engine, suspension, brakes, etc. These modifications can improve the performance of the vehicle and make the driving more exciting. However, there are also risks associated with performance modifications, which can affect the safety of the vehicle and even cause traffic accidents if not properly modified.

So, whether you want to modify the appearance or performance, you must follow the traffic rules. In China, there are strict standards and regulations for vehicle modification. For example, the modification of the engine cannot exceed the original factory power; The modification of the suspension system should ensure the stability of the vehicle; The modification of the braking system should ensure the braking performance of the vehicle.

Moreover, after modifying the vehicle, you also need to carry out a series of inspections and filings. These tests cover aspects such as the vehicle's appearance, performance, safety, etc., and only after passing the tests can your vehicle be road-legal. Filing is to report your vehicle modification to the DMV, so that once there is a problem with the vehicle, you can protect your rights in accordance with the law.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

Of course, modifying vehicles also requires a certain amount of economic investment. Good retrofits are expensive, and professional technical support may be required during the retrofit process. So, before retrofitting it, you need to budget and prepare well.

In conclusion, modifying a vehicle is a fun and challenging thing to do. Not only can it make your car more personalized, but it can also enhance your driving experience. But at the same time, modifying a vehicle also requires you to have enough knowledge and experience, as well as respect for traffic rules. Only then can your tuned car be cool and safe.

A modified car sounds like a new dress for your car, which can not only show the personality of the owner, but also make the car more eye-catching on the road. However, modification is not arbitrary, especially the car logo, which is the "ID card" of the vehicle, once the change is not right, it can be a big trouble.

First, let's talk about car logos. The car logo is not just a decoration, it represents the make and model of the vehicle, and is an important identification of the vehicle's identity. According to the Measures for the Administration of Motor Vehicles9, the vehicle mark must be consistent with the vehicle model and shall not be encroached upon or misappropriated. This means that the shape of the logo cannot be changed at will, which is the bottom line of the law.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

However, this does not mean that there can be no changes to the car logo. If you want to personalize your logo, a color change is a good option. For example, some car owners may feel that the color of the original car logo is not bright enough, or want to match the body color better, so they can choose to change the color of the car logo. However, even if the color is changed, it needs to be filed with the DMV, which is a manifestation of responsibility for oneself and society.

The process of filing is actually quite simple. You only need to prepare the relevant application materials, such as vehicle registration certificate, driving license, etc., and then submit the application to the DMV. The DMV staff will review your application, and if it meets the requirements, you can complete the filing.

Of course, there are certain requirements for changing the color of the logo. For example, the color should not be too bright or dazzling, so as not to affect the vision of other drivers and cause safety hazards. In addition, the color change of the car logo also needs to be in harmony with the overall style of the vehicle, and should not appear abrupt or incongruous.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

In addition to the vehicle marking, other modifications to the vehicle also need to comply with the relevant laws and regulations. For example, the shape and performance of the vehicle cannot be changed at will, and must be carried out within the specified range. If the modification is beyond the prescribed range, not only may you be fined, but it may also affect the annual inspection and insurance of the vehicle.

In short, tuning is a way to pursue individuality, but at the same time it is a responsibility. While pursuing personalization, car owners also need to comply with laws and regulations to ensure the legality and safety of modifications. Only in this way can a modified car truly become a way to show personality and enhance the driving experience, rather than a burden or a hassle.

The car logo, which seems to be a small metal or plastic product, is actually an important identification of the vehicle's identity. It not only represents the brand of the vehicle, but may also contain information such as the model of the vehicle, the year of manufacture, etc. Therefore, the car logo is as unique and recognizable to the vehicle as it is a person's ID card.

"Wonderful car logo" laughed until my stomach hurt! Jaguar in a sweater, Dongfeng Peugeot fighting with little monsters

In the world of modified cars, there are always some car owners who want to make their car more unique, so they may think of making some personalized changes to the car logo. But here is a reminder that the car logo is not something you can change if you want to. Any alteration to the original appearance of the logo may be considered a violation in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

Imagine if your logo was changed to a logo of another make or model, it would not only mislead other road users, but could also involve trademark infringement. What's more, if the vehicle is involved in an accident, due to the discrepancy between the vehicle logo and the vehicle registration information, it may lead to a series of troubles such as liability determination and insurance claims.

Therefore, for the modification of the car logo, we must be cautious and cautious. If you really want to make your logo look more personal, consider making a fuss with the colors. For example, some car owners may choose to spray the silver logo in black or red to match the overall color of the vehicle. But even so, it is necessary to go to the vehicle management office for the record to ensure that the modified car mark still complies with the law.

The filing process is actually not complicated. You need to prepare some basic documents, such as vehicle registration certificate, driving license, etc., and then fill out the relevant application form. The DMV staff will review your application, and if everything is in order, you can successfully complete the filing.

Of course, there are some caveats when it comes to changing the color of the logo. First of all, the choice of color should be in line with the overall style of the vehicle and not too obtrusive. Secondly, the brightness and reflectivity of the color should also be moderate, so as not to affect the sight of other drivers. Finally, the durability of the color should also be considered, after all, no one wants to change the color of the car logo not long after the change.

In short, as an important part of vehicle identification, we must comply with laws and regulations to ensure the legality and safety of modification while pursuing personalization. Only in this way can your car be driven safely and compliantly on the road while maintaining its individuality.

Logo modification, that sounds exciting, doesn't it? On a busy street, if your car stands out because of a unique logo, it's a treat. Today, let's talk about a few interesting logo modification cases and see how car owners show their creativity and personality.

First of all, I have to talk about the guy who changed the car logo to a smiley face. Imagine that when you are stuck in traffic and the logo of the car in front of you suddenly turns into a big smiling face, is your mood getting better? The owner is clearly an optimist, and he adds a touch of color to the city's traffic in his own way.

Let's talk about the owner who changed the logo to a superhero logo. Instead of a cold piece of metal, his logo has become a symbol of Superman, Spider-Man, or Captain America. Every time I drive out, it is like carrying my own superhero dream, and this modification is not only a display of personality, but also a manifestation of feelings.

And then there's the owner who changed his logo to a cartoon character, and instead of the traditional brand logo, he replaced it with Mickey Mouse, Pikachu or Hello Kitty. This kind of modification is full of childlike fun, and people can't help but smile when they see it, as if the whole city has become cute.

Of course, there are also car owners who take the high-end route, and they choose to decorate the logo with gold leaf or diamonds, so that the logo sparkles in the sun and looks extraordinarily luxurious. This modification is undoubtedly announcing to the world: my car is so different!

However, when we appreciate these creative car logo modifications, we must also remind everyone that the modified car logos must comply with laws and regulations. As mentioned earlier, the original appearance of the car logo cannot be changed at will, and the color change also needs to be recorded. Otherwise, once it is found, not only will the modification be in vain, but you may also face penalties such as fines.

In short, car logo modification is a way to show the owner's personality and creativity, but at the same time, it is also a responsibility. While pursuing individuality, we should pay more attention to the legality and safety of modification. Only in this way can our cars be driven safely and compliantly on the road while maintaining their individuality. The next time you see a distinctive logo, you might want to keep an eye out for it and there might be an interesting story waiting to be discovered.

Modifying the logo is a real excitement and headache. The excitement is that the creativity of the car owners is infinite and can always bring all kinds of novel transformations to the car logo; The headache is that while these modifications are fun, compliance can be a big problem. Today, let's take a look at a few ridiculous car logo modification cases.

First up is the owner of the Jaguar sweater. Winter is coming, and the owner is probably afraid that his Jaguar will freeze, so he ingeniously put a sweater on the leopard on the car logo. Although this modification looks quite heartwarming, I have to say that the sense of grade drops instantly, and it becomes a bit down-to-earth. However, although this modification is interesting, let's not forget that the correct modification of the car logo can change the color, but it must be recorded, and it is not allowed to change the shape of the car logo.

Next up is BYD's slogan change. BYD's logo is usually followed by the phrase "Build Your Dreams", which means "Build Your Dreams". But some car owners may feel that this sentence is not domineering enough, so some naughty car owners deducted the original slogan and replaced it with "BeyourDad", which is "BYD" from English, but the changed slogan is a bit arrogant. While this modification can make people smile, there is a question mark when it comes to compliance.

Let's talk about the vicious ghost modification of the masses. Volkswagen's logo is very creative because it is round. Some car owners have added various decorations to the car logo, such as headphones, crabs, etc., but the most impressive thing is that one car owner changed the Volkswagen logo to a vicious ghost, and he also held a trident in his hand, which looked particularly cute. While this retrofit is creative, it also requires attention to compliance.

In addition to these, there are also interesting car logo modifications such as Dongfeng Peugeot's Little Lion Fighting Monster 10 and Baojun's Horse Head Complementing the Lower Body 10. Although these modifications can show the personality and creativity of the car owner, everyone must remember to abide by laws and regulations when modifying, and do not change the shape of the car logo at will, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

In conclusion, logo modification is a way to show personality, but compliance is a prerequisite. While pursuing individuality, car owners should also be careful not to touch the red line of the law. After all, the purpose of modification is to make your car more perfect, not to cause trouble for yourself. I hope that everyone can be fun and compliant when modifying, and make their car a beautiful scenery on the road.

Modification culture, this is a topic that car enthusiasts talk about. It's a culture where car owners can show off their personality and taste and make their cars unique. But don't forget, retrofitting isn't just about doing what you want, it's about doing it within the limits of the law.

Take car logo modification, for example, which is a popular item in the modification culture. Some car owners like to make a big change to the car logo, such as wearing a sweater to the Jaguar car logo, so that this usually noble and glamorous brand suddenly becomes accessible to the people. There are also car owners, who may be fans of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", who have equipped Jaguar cars with a three-stage head and 98k as standard, as if they are ready to parachute into the battlefield at any time. These modifications are interesting, but don't forget that they can change the original appearance of the logo, which is a red line in the law.

Another example is BYD's car logo, which was originally full of positive energy "Build Your Dreams", but some car owners may feel that it is not domineering enough, so they changed it to "BeyourDad". This modification, although it is still "BYD" in the English abbreviation, has a very different meaning, and this arrogant slogan can easily cause disgust among other car owners, and may even cause unnecessary disputes.

The modifications of the Volkswagen logo are also varied, and since its shape is round, it is easy to be creative. Some owners added headphones to the Volkswagen logo, some changed it to a crab, and some even changed it to a vicious ghost with a trident in his hand. While these modifications are creative, it is important to note that they may change the shape of the logo, which is also not allowed.

In addition to the vehicle marking, other parts of the vehicle must also be modified in accordance with the law. For example, the appearance and performance of the vehicle cannot be changed at will, and must be carried out within the specified range. If the modification is beyond the prescribed range, not only may you be fined, but it may also affect the annual inspection and insurance of the vehicle.

In conclusion, the tuning culture is a way for car owners to express their individuality, but this expression must be done within the limits of the law. While pursuing individuality, car owners should also pay attention to the legality and safety of modification. Only in this way can the modification culture develop healthily and become a beautiful landscape in the automobile culture. I hope everyone can be fun and compliant when modifying, so that their car becomes the focus of the road, not the source of trouble.

Modification is not simple, it is not just as simple as changing the color of the car and adding a rear wing. Modification is the embodiment of the owner's personality and creativity, a kind of life attitude, a kind of pursuit of beauty. But don't forget, the modification also has to be a rule, and you have to comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

Let's talk about exterior modifications first. Some car owners like to give their cars a full-body spray paint and change a cool color; Some car owners like to add a rear wing to make the car look more sporty; There are also car owners who like to change the wheels to make the car look more unique. These modifications can indeed make the car look more attractive, but only if they comply with laws and regulations.

For example, the color of the body should not be too bright to affect the vision of other drivers; The rear wing should not be too high to affect the stability of the vehicle; The size and style of the wheels should also match the specifications of the vehicle. These regulations are to ensure the safety performance of the vehicle and avoid traffic accidents caused by modifications.

Let's talk about performance modifications. Performance modifications include engine, suspension, brakes, etc., which can improve the performance of the vehicle and make driving more exciting. However, performance modifications are also risky, and if not properly modified, they may affect the safety of the vehicle and even cause traffic accidents.

For example, the modification of the engine cannot exceed the original factory power; The modification of the suspension system should ensure the stability of the vehicle; The modification of the braking system should ensure the braking performance of the vehicle. These regulations are designed to ensure that the performance modification of the vehicle will not affect its safety performance.

In addition to exterior and performance modifications, there are also logo modifications. The vehicle logo is an important identification of the vehicle, and any alteration to the original appearance of the vehicle logo may be considered a violation. However, the color of the car logo can be changed, and as long as it meets the regulations, it can be filed with the DMV.

For example, some owners put sweaters on the Jaguar logo, some changed the BYD logo slogan to "BeyourDad", and some owners changed the Volkswagen logo to a vicious ghost. While these modifications are creative, it is important to note that they may alter the original appearance of the logo, which crosses the red line of the law.

In short, modification is not only a change in the appearance of the vehicle, but also a reflection of the owner's personality and creativity. However, this manifestation must be carried out within the scope permitted by law. While pursuing individuality, car owners should also pay attention to the legality and safety of modification. Only in this way can the modification culture develop healthily and become a beautiful landscape in the automobile culture. I hope everyone can be fun and compliant when modifying, so that their car becomes the focus of the road, not the source of trouble.

Modification, this thing is a hot topic in the car circle. Many car owners want to show their personality through modification and make their cars the most beautiful on the street. But I have to remind you here that although modification is good, don't be greedy, excessive modification may put you in legal risk.

Take exterior modifications as an example, changing the color of the body, adding a cool rear wing, or changing to large wheels can immediately improve the car's return rate. But don't forget, these changes must be within the scope of the law. The body color should not be too exaggerated, the rear wing should not be too high, and the wheel size must also meet the regulations. Otherwise, once you are stopped by the traffic police uncle, it will be troublesome.

Performance modifications have to be done with care. Some owners may make deep modifications to the engine or upgrade the suspension and braking systems in order to make the car go faster. However, if these changes exceed the performance range of the original vehicle manufacturer, not only may it affect driving safety, but it may also be punished for non-compliance with relevant regulations.

Logo modification is also a technical job. Some car owners like to give their car logo a makeover, such as putting a sweater on the Jaguar logo or changing the BYD logo slogan to "BeyourDad". Although these ideas are interesting, I would like to remind everyone that the shape and content of the car logo are protected by law, and it may be illegal to change them at will.

Xiaobian has also seen some car owners, in order to make the car look more individual, will carry out some more radical modifications, such as adding a large surround, changing an oversized rear wing, or changing the body to be colorful. Although these modifications can make the car stand out on the street, it is also easy to attract the attention of the traffic police, and once it is determined that it is an illegal modification, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, Xiaobian here suggests that you must maintain moderation when modifying, and do not blindly pursue individuality and ignore legal risks. The purpose of modification is to make the car more to your liking, not to cause unnecessary trouble. Before modifying, it is best to understand the relevant laws and regulations to ensure that your modification plan is legal.

In addition, the modified vehicle also needs to be tested and filed accordingly. For example, after the color of the car logo is changed, it needs to be filed with the vehicle management office; After the performance modification, it is necessary to carry out safety performance testing to ensure that the safety performance of the vehicle is guaranteed.

In conclusion, modification is a personal hobby and a way for car owners to express their personality, but this expression must be done within the limits of the law. I hope that everyone can be fun and compliant when modifying, so that their car can become a beautiful scenery on the road, rather than a source of trouble.

Modification, this thing sounds exciting. Who doesn't want their car to stand out from the crowd and be in the limelight? But I have to remind you here: although the modification is good, don't overdo it. Especially for family cars, we still have to take it easy, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble due to excessive modification.

First of all, we have to understand what the purpose of the modification is. Some people modify it to improve performance, some people modify it to pursue appearance, and some people modify it to show off their personality. But for whatever purpose, we have to do it within the limits of the law. After all, the car still has to be on the road in the end, and safety comes first.

The modification of family cars, Xiaobian thinks that it is still mainly a small change. For example, changing the color, putting on a latte art, or upgrading the interior are all good options. It can not only meet the individual needs of car owners, but also will not cause too much controversy. Moreover, these small changes are usually inexpensive and relatively low-risk.

Take the body color as an example, changing the color can give the car a new look and give people a bright feeling. But the choice of color is also very particular, not too bright, not to affect the sight of other drivers. In addition, after the color change, it is also necessary to file with the DMV, which is also part of the law.

Interior modifications, seat covers, navigation, or audio systems are all great ways to improve the driving experience. However, Xiaobian reminds everyone that interior modification must also pay attention to safety, which can not affect the driver's vision and cannot hinder the normal operation of the airbag.

As for the track car, it is possible to try something bolder. After all, track cars don't need to worry about the legal and regulatory restrictions of everyday driving, and can pursue performance and speed to the fullest. But even so, the modification of the track car must also pay attention to safety, and the stability and reliability of the vehicle must not be neglected because of excessive pursuit of performance.

Xiaobian has also seen some car owners, in order to pursue individuality, to give the car logo a big makeover, such as putting on a sweater for the Jaguar car logo, or changing BYD's car logo slogan to "BeyourDad". Although these ideas are interesting, I would like to remind everyone that the shape and content of the car logo are protected by law, and it may be illegal to change them at will.

In conclusion, modification is a personal hobby and a way for car owners to express their personality, but this expression must be done within the limits of the law. The modification of family cars, Xiaobian thinks that it is still mainly based on small changes, which can not only meet individual needs, but also will not cause too much controversy. Although there can be a more daring attempt with a track car, safety always comes first. I hope that everyone can be fun and compliant when modifying, so that their car can become a beautiful scenery on the road, rather than a source of trouble.

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