
The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die

author:Labyrinth home

Valkyrie selling dog rice:

Before a junior high school An English teacher, the back door came in, her husband is the class director, what ability is not, on a mouth Abba Aba aba non-stop, that time she proctored, I don't know if she is idle nothing to do, down to flip over the test paper, and stopped next to the classmates, anyway is to feel the mentality, there is a classmate behind, will not do, play the pen cover, she thought that the classmate cheated, just turn over, no problem is still there. Everyone also ignored her, and finally closed the paper, she mentioned that some people should not engage in small actions, ah, can see everything, has been looking at the back of the classmate, the more the back said more and more excessive, only to hear boo! With a sound, the classmate in the back directly smashed the garbage can to the podium, did not hit the teacher, she was still shouting, he directly dragged the chair and smashed it, and the whole person rushed directly to the female teacher. Good guys, we were not worried about coming over, someone shouted don't be impulsive, we boys reacted, rushed over to hug him, did not stop, the female teacher has been scared to crawl on the ground, hard to hit a few feet, before reacting to run to the office. Before it was over, the class teacher came to comfort him, the female teacher came from the corridor, should have wanted to go downstairs, he saw it, directly stepped on the stool over the table, jumped out of the window, and hit a few times, the class teacher asked someone to stop him, we did not use much force to stop, just a group of boys pretended to hold him. The main thing is that the English teacher loves to be weird if she doesn't have a fart, there is no popularity, and everyone thinks that she is excessive. Finally, the eldest brother transferred, and the teacher had never met.

The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die

Floating is empty:

I was not good at math, the math teacher showed me my math paper and said my paper was not clean, and then a lot of people in the class laughed at me, and then I laughed, he rushed over and slapped me, and then I cried, and he came over and slapped me again, and I can't forget it in my life. And my English teacher, The English test did not do well, she smoked me more than twenty whips, her hands were swollen, bruised and bruised, and the English dictation did not listen well, she reported a few words, we were going to be whipped a few whips. English teacher Her own English is not good, Chinese is not good, and she does not know how she became a teacher. (My math teacher used to teach physical education, not math professionally)

My English teacher wears a skirt every day, she is so fat, wearing a skirt under the arm socket is all "swimming circle" She especially likes to complain to my class teacher, my class teacher is not a good thing, some time before the middle school entrance examination, every day said that some students have bad grades, hurry up to report to the middle job. (He took the money given by the middle job) And he directly kicked others, because the person did not write his political homework, there was a person in our class who brought a ping-pong ball to the school, the class leader was still not a good thing, and he complained every day, the class leader told the class teacher about the person who brought the table tennis, the class teacher told the person to take it to him, the person said that it was not in his place (the person put the table tennis to go to others, and the person played table tennis when others fell asleep during the lunch break) And then the class teacher did not understand the words of the people, I kept saying take it, I don't care where your stuff is, take it out for me. Also kept scolding others, and then the class leader has been adding oil and vinegar, that person was slapped by the class teacher a few times, the person did not fight back, (that person weighed 160 ~ 170 height more than 180) and then later, there was a person to help the person theorize, said that the teacher is not right, he said that the thing is not in his own here, you also asked him to take it out, and hit people without punching in the face, so the class teacher hit the person who helped others theorize, and said, I hit, what's wrong, I am a teacher, I hit him, I still hit you. Later, he called the parents of the two people, and in front of the parents, he said that he did not hit multiple times, but just lightly hit them a few times, and also beat a rake backwards to say that the two of them did not respect the teacher or something.

The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die

into the sky:

As soon as you said it, I remembered, a female classmate in the middle school looked for an English teacher at the office door and thought that she was not there, she called the name of the English teacher, and then she was called in and knelt down, the English teacher hit 5 ears and directly hit the nosebleed, followed by the next day the female classmate's parents and two brothers and a bastard uncle went directly to the school to beat the English teacher, and after a week I did not see the English teacher. Don't ask me how I know, I was punished by the class teacher in the office to do 300 push-ups [laughing cry] [laughing cry]


At the beginning of the first year of high school, a scumbag class teacher, always scolded me, he likes to kill chickens and scare monkeys, every time he takes me to shabu, once on vacation, immediately left the school, I packed things in my seat, this b into the classroom glanced at me, and then others were chatting, I packed my bag and waited for school, he walked behind me and said I don't go up, don't come next week, talk to your mother, stay at home, don't disgust me, ask your mother how to educate you, I was blinded, I reacted, wait for him to go out, I also followed out, in the corridor I kicked him behind I finally called the police, because every time I was stopped, I pretended not to fight, and when I stabilized, I rushed up and punched hard.

The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die


Before the class, there was a small boy sitting in the first row, one day the class was uncomfortable and then vomited, just the class teacher was lecturing, the class teacher thought it was to see her vomit, go down and give people two slaps, I have never been so speechless in my life.

The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die

Flight Specialist:

When I was in the second year of junior high school, I was a small class, the teacher who taught us music was particularly annoying, female, once in class, a classmate sent me a small chicken claw, just by the music teacher saw, it began to force Lai Lai, that classmate he did not say, he caught me to send a novel, the more I said the more ugly, I sent a small directly to the table with the music teacher roared up, the music teacher retreated to the podium to continue to scold him, and then I sent a small can not bear to carry the bench to rush up, I saw this, Quickly stopped him with a few classmates, our music teacher was scared to run out, to find the grade director, and then I was suspended for a month when I was young, and the music teacher was still in that disgusting person every day.

The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die

Japanese Girl Baga Sauce:

My high school male teacher, who called me ugly in front of the whole class, cried for half a day.


On the first day of junior high school, fight with the class teacher! She didn't hit me! In a word, she insulted the four words of the teacher's table. Corporal punishment of girls on the grounds of not doing homework, said to the boys to pay attention next time, and then let a few of us girls stand on the podium, first all kinds of insults, from not doing homework to the whole family, and then with the ring ruler to beat the palm of the hand, round the beating, not two times, the one-centimeter thick bamboo board was broken, and then let the classmates take out the broom, said to spank, but also had to take off the pants to beat, at this time the class teacher and the crazy people are no different, the mood is particularly excited, the students are scared silly, and the girls with me have been scared to shrink by the door and cry. As soon as the class teacher pulled me, I was about to pull my pants, my temper was not good, and after the reaction, I grabbed the broom, she scolded and slapped me, I pulled her hair and she fought on the podium.

Some classmates ran out and shouted, and when the director came, I was already riding on the class teacher, still clutching her hair.

After that, I was suspended from school for a month, and when I came back again, I didn't see her and heard that I had been dismissed from school.

The teachers in his youth who longed for him or her to die

Phone change fake:

Class Ren in the class has been promoting the college have directly told us that the school requires a class must be out of five college (that is, expelled) a student commission of five hundred (cheating people were hit by a car) and let the newspaper art students also have a commission, which makes her more powerful, and then she called a boy to call the parents a beautiful name reflection for a week, angry but called her theory, the next day she let us listen to her during the early reading of who who the parents are unreasonable trouble, her son is not good at college material let us not learn from him, Then there was a really dramatic scene (I really didn't lie) where the male classmate slammed the door with both hands, and at that moment the morning light reflected his figure and the doorway shone like a god, and he exhaled and said who let you discuss my mother.

Finally, because he was relatively tall, the class teacher looked a little afraid that he would directly grab the door and say that he was looking for the age director.

Then the class exploded, many people told him why not beat her, and finally he went to a higher vocational college, that teacher I will always despise her for the second time, and there is a first grade class teacher who is also a female thirty or forty teaching mathematics is even more disgusting, I will never forget this teacher for the rest of my life.

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