
Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

author:Jiang said bluntly
Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, there was a rebellion in Dzungaria in the west.

In the process of counterinsurgency, the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha stood out and made him famous in a fight.

However, what Emperor Qianlong didn't expect was that Hailancha, who had outstanding military achievements, especially liked to sleep with fat women.

In the process of going out to fight, Hailancha even used a cow as an emergency.

For various reasons, Hailancha is also known as a "demon", which casts him with a layer of mystery.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

1. Be brave and stand out

In fact, Hailancha was not a wealthy man, he was born in the vast northeastern plains. From their grandfather's generation, they lived by hunting, and the family conditions were extremely difficult. It was in the harsh living environment that Hailancha's strong will was honed.

As a teenager, he often followed his father out hunting, laying a solid foundation for his subsequent battles. During those difficult years, Hailancha was excellent at horseback archery, which also allowed him to show extraordinary courage and courage.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

At this time, there was an internal strife in Dzungaria, far away in the western border, and the Qianlong Emperor decided to use troops against it in order to solve the serious problem of his henchmen. However, Emperor Qianlong's wish was good, but the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners was not good, which also made him feel a headache.

In order to select more courageous soldiers, the Qianlong Emperor was forced to come to the northern part of Heilongjiang. Because there are fierce tribes of Sauron living here, many of them are good at killing enemies. Facts have proved that Emperor Qianlong's choice was not wrong.

In the Sauron tribe, there is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Hailancha is the most typical one. After being incorporated into the cavalry, he quickly demonstrated extraordinary horseback marksmanship. After entering Dzungaria with the army, Hailancha once shot the rebel Bayar under his horse, and became famous for a while.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

With this exploit, Hailancha was promoted to a third-class guard, and he gradually entered the sight of Emperor Qianlong. In the years that followed, Hailancha traveled with him many times and helped Emperor Qianlong resolve many crises.

Once, on a whim, Emperor Qianlong took his subordinates out hunting. In the deep mountains and old forests, a tiger with its cubs suddenly rushed to the horse of Emperor Qianlong, which frightened him into shock. At such a time of crisis, all the generals did not dare to step forward to relieve the siege.

Just as the tiger was about to leap up and pounce on Emperor Qianlong, fortunately Hailancha appeared in time. I saw him sitting firmly on the war horse, and soon drew his bow and shot arrows. In an instant, the tiger and the cub fell to the ground, and Emperor Qianlong finally escaped.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

After experiencing this incident, Emperor Qianlong took a look at Hailan Chagao and made him a veritable guard with a sword in front of the emperor. However, this is not the most commendable credit of Hailancha, in the suppression of the rebellion of the Burmese army, Hailancha even convinced everyone with his bravery.

At that time, the rebels had surrounded the Qing army for several months, and the morale of the soldiers was very low. At such a critical moment, Hailancha was ordered to lead troops to reinforce, and in just ten days, he marched more than 800 kilometers in a hurry.

The result can be imagined, Hailancha defeated the arrogance of the Burmese army with lightning speed, rescued the Qing army that had been besieged for several months, and let Hailancha once again win the commendation of Emperor Qianlong, and his portrait was also hung in the sequence of heroes of Ziguang Pavilion.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

Second, Hailancha's special hobby

During his life, he helped Emperor Qianlong defeat the rebels many times, and of course he was rewarded many times.

Unlike others, Helancha did not like My Fair Lady, but instead developed a strong interest in fat women.

According to historical records, every time Hailancha asked Emperor Qianlong for a reward, he would make an additional request, that is, to ask Emperor Qianlong to give him a fat woman.

For Hailancha's request, Emperor Qianlong would naturally agree.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

In fact, Hailancha was originally a burly warrior, so it is not surprising that he likes plump women, but Hailancha's performance is more prominent.

He doesn't care about the woman's appearance at all, as long as the weight and height meet the standard.

In the process of marching and fighting, sometimes Hailancha was hungry and thirsty, and he would find a cow for emergency in order to vent, but this is just a record of wild history, and it is also a topic for everyone to talk about after dinner, in fact, it can't be taken seriously, so everyone doesn't have to care at all.

However, it is absolutely true that Hailancha likes to sleep with fat women, because it has been recorded in detail in history.

In Hailancha's life, he married a full wife and three side chambers, all of whom were plump women without exception.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

From this, everyone can also clearly see that Hailancha does have a soft spot for fat women.

Whether it was marrying a woman who entered the family, or asking for a reward from Emperor Qianlong, Hailancha liked fat women in order to satisfy himself.

The reason why Hailancha has such a hobby is actually related to his upbringing.

Because Hailancha was born in an extremely cold place, his body will inevitably suffer from the cold in winter, so he desperately craves warmth.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

In the prime of life, it is natural for Hylancha to develop a keen interest in obese women.

Embracing them in his arms, Hylancha can not only feel the warmth, but also dispel the bitter cold of the long night, making Hylancha more heroic and invincible on the battlefield.

These are all speculations of later generations, and as for why Hailancha loves obese women so much, only he knows.

In the 36th year of Qianlong, there was a rebellion in the Jinchuan area, and the Qing generals were helpless.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

This time, he and the Counsellor took a flanking approach from east to west, and quickly suppressed the Jinchuan rebels to a hilltop.

In order to reduce the losses of the army, Hailancha did not rush to take the mountain, but instead adopted the method of catching turtles in urns, trying to break the will of the rebels.

Facts turned out that Hailancha's decision was right, and the Jinchuan rebels saw that the retreat had been cut off, and there were no reinforcements from outside.

After holding out for half a month, they chose to surrender to Hailancha. After hearing about this incident, Emperor Qianlong chose to be lenient, and he accepted the surrender of Jinchuan Tusi very readily.

After leading the army back safely, Hailancha once again received many rewards, and his portrait was once again hung in the Purple Light Pavilion, becoming one of the objects of worship of countless soldiers.

It was Hailancha who turned the tide and made the Qing court turn the tide again.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

3. Behind the fact that Hailancha is called a "demon".

Although in some wild histories, Highlancha is a womanizer, but in reality this is not the case. He was not only a valiant general, but also a soldier who loved his son.

In the process of quelling the rebellion, Hailancha always cared about the safety of the soldiers and won the respect of the soldiers.

They fought extremely bravely under the leadership of Hailancha, and this was also one of the magic weapons of Hailancha's victory against the enemy.

It is the concentricity of the top and bottom that makes Hailancha and the soldiers an ironclad piece, they are invincible and invincible, and they have also made great achievements.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

In his later years, he was also very concerned about the suffering of the people.

One year, there was a severe drought in Shandong, and the life of the common people was extremely difficult. However, officials at all levels paid a lot of taxes, which simply drove the people to a dead end.

After hearing about this incident, Hailancha immediately wrote to Emperor Qianlong and asked for tax reduction and exemption for the people of Shandong.

Unexpectedly, after Emperor Qianlong saw Hailancha's recital, he did not blame him for meddling, but immediately issued an edict that greatly reduced the taxes of the people of Shandong.

In addition, the Qianlong Emperor also allocated a large amount of disaster relief funds, requiring local officials to help the people, and not a single civilian should starve to death.

From this, you can also see how merciful Hailancha's heart is for the people.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

He was not only an outstanding general, but also dared to ask for the people's lives, and was definitely a good official in the period of decay and decline of feudal society.

It is precisely because of Hailancha's integrity and selflessness that he offended many powerful people in the DPRK and China, and was called "demons" by them.

Among these powerful people in the court, He Shen is also the most typical one. He was once a minister of the Qin Mission and was sent to Lanzhou by the Qianlong Emperor to quell the rebellion.

However, He Shen does not understand military affairs, so it is inevitable that he will disagree with Hailancha's opinion.

The result can be imagined, because of He Shen's mistake, more than 10,000 Qing troops were besieged by the rebels. If it weren't for Hailancha taking advantage of the night to harass the enemy army, perhaps the Qing army would have suffered a crushing defeat.

Unexpectedly, He Shen did not thank Hailancha, but the wicked person sued first.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?

After Emperor Qianlong received He Shen's recital, he was already keenly aware that He Shen was deliberately shirking his responsibility, and he soon issued a holy decree, requiring He Shen to return immediately and hand over all military affairs to Hailancha to deal with.

After receiving the edict of Emperor Qianlong, He Shen did not dare to slack off for a moment, and he immediately returned to the capital in disgrace, which also allowed Hailancha to fight against the rebels with confidence.

After experiencing this incident, He Shen held a grudge against Hailancha, and he even wanted to pull out this thorn in his eye and flesh. Fortunately, Emperor Qianlong valued Hailancha very much, so that He Shen dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

No matter how ruthless he is, he will never dare to attack the heroes and generals! However, under the slander of He Shen, Hailancha was gradually stigmatized, and his reputation was seriously damaged.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?


As a fierce general in the Qianlong period, Hailancha made great achievements and made outstanding contributions to the prosperity and stability of the Qing court. However, because Hailancha likes to sleep with fat women, he is also called a "demon".

In fact, these are concrete manifestations of the stigmatization of Highlanza. He was not only a loyal and good general, but also a good official who asked for the people's lives. It is precisely because of the existence of Hailancha that the corrupt officials led by He Shen dare not act recklessly.

Because of Hailancha's outstanding achievements, his portrait has been hung in the Ziguang Pavilion three times, which shows that Emperor Qianlong attached great importance to him. Unfortunately, in the 58th year of Qianlong, Hailancha passed away due to illness, which was also a great loss to the Qing court.

Why is the famous Qing Dynasty general Hailancha called "demon"? Like to sleep with a fat woman, cows can also be emergency?


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