
There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

author:Ancient and modern times
There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out
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There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

At the southernmost tip of the earth, a vast white continent lies silently. This is Antarctica, a mysterious world 1.5 times the size of China.

However, it is this land known as the "Doomsday Glacier" that has attracted global attention.

With an average temperature of minus 25 degrees Celsius and a perennially arid climate, it seems that this is a barren land. But there's more to Antarctica than that.

Beneath this snow-covered continent lies trillions worth of treasures. Countries are eyeing each other, and Japan has already quietly laid out.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

What secrets does Antarctica, the world's largest borderland, hide? And how will it affect the future of the world? Let's unveil this mysterious continent and find out.

In 1958, a seemingly ordinary day, it left a strong mark on the history of Antarctica. The Japanese government's statement declaring that a certain piece of territory in Antarctica belonged to them was like a thunderclap that caused an uproar in the international community.

In Tokyo's government building, senior officials from Japan's foreign ministry sat around with sparks of ambition in their eyes. They knew that having missed the opportunity to expand on the Asian continent, Antarctica had become the hope for Japan's resurgence.

One official whispered: "This is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss." The others nodded their heads with solemn and determined expressions.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

In order to disguise its true intentions, Japan cleverly flaunted the banner of "scientific investigation". Soon, the Japanese expedition team members appeared on the ice and snow of Antarctica.

They braved the hardships and worked hard in the extremely cold environment, and established 39 scientific research stations and more than 150 research facilities. The completion of each scientific research station has made Japanese scientists rejoice, and their faces are full of pride and expectation.

Behind the hard work of these scientists, however, the ambitions of the Japanese government are quietly inflated. Every expedition, every study, paved the way for Japan's influence in Antarctica.

At a secret meeting in Tokyo, the Japanese prime minister looked at him and said firmly: "Antarctica will be the hope of Japan's future." We must seize this opportunity.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

As time went on, Japan's presence in Antarctica grew. Their scientific research stations are like outposts, silently declaring Japan's ambitions. Although ostensibly for scientific research, everyone knows that these are all about getting a head start in the future competition for resources.

Japan's series of actions sends a clear signal to the world: a silent battle has quietly unfolded on this snow-covered continent.

In the name of scientific research, Japan is realizing its territorial ambitions step by step.

Japan's actions in Antarctica were a wake-up call to the sleeping international community. Leaders frowned, realizing that the snow-covered continent could become the focus of new international disputes.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

At the United Nations headquarters in New York, diplomats from all over the world sat around with solemn expressions. Tension and anxiety were in the air. After several rounds of intense discussions and debates, the Antarctic Treaty was finally launched.

The treaty clearly states: "Antarctica is terra nullius and can be visited by all countries." A senior diplomat breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is the first step in maintaining peace in Antarctica."

However, the treaty did not completely quell the ambitions of the countries. After the meeting, the eyes of many delegates still had a mixed glint in their eyes. They know very well that Antarctica's value is far beyond a treaty that can be easily divided.

A young diplomat whispered to his colleague: "The treaty has been reached, but the real contest has just begun."

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

Soon, countries followed Japan's lead and began to establish their own research bases in Antarctica. The members of the scientific expedition team braved the biting cold wind and trudged the vast ice field.

Their eyes burned with a passion for exploration, but they couldn't hide their desire for this virgin land. Every flag flying in Antarctica symbolizes the existence and ambition of a country.

At the same time, the international community is becoming aware of the environmental catastrophe that overexploitation can bring. At international conferences, the voices of environmentalists are getting louder and louder.

They held signs in their hands and shouted emotionally: "Protecting the Antarctic is protecting the future of the planet!" "These voices have attracted a lot of attention.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

However, it remains to be seen whether the ban will actually deter countries from coveting Antarctic resources. In public, delegates have expressed their respect for the treaty, but in private, there is an undercurrent.

A political analyst said worriedly: "The future of Antarctica may have to go through more contests and games."

In this way, in vigilance and action, the international community began to jointly manage the Antarctic continent. But under this pure ice and snow, the undercurrents of various countries are still quietly surging.

Antarctica's riches are like treasures sealed in thick ice, tempting every explorer who sets foot on this land. Beneath this seemingly barren ice sheet lies a huge wealth that can change the pattern of the world economy.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

In the vicinity of the Prince Charles Mountains, an international geological expedition is exploring. Suddenly, a young geologist excitedly shouted: "The mineral reserves here are simply incredible!" His colleagues quickly gathered to poruse the data they had just obtained.

However, after the excitement, mixed expressions appeared on the faces of the scientists. A veteran geologist lamented: "It's a shame that such a rich resource cannot be exploited because of an international treaty."

In addition to minerals, Antarctica is also rich in mineral resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, gold, silver, and diamonds. Each new discovery leaves scientists ecstatic and frustrated by the inability to mine.

Standing on this snow-covered earth, they seemed to feel the pulse of those precious resources under their feet, but they could only look away.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

And in the waters of Antarctica, marine biologists are even more shocked by the abundance of marine resources. One researcher was surprised and said, "You know what? A staggering 1.05 billion tonnes of krill are caught from Antarctica each year! This number made the eyes of everyone present widen in disbelief.

Standing on the edge of a glacier and looking out over the vast Antarctic continent, a young environmentalist said thoughtfully: "Perhaps, these restrictions are just protecting Antarctica's pristine ecology."

We should cherish this last pure land.

While countries around the world have taken up a foothold in Antarctica, China has missed the golden age of the first wave of expeditions because its national strength has not yet fully recovered. However, this has not dampened the enthusiasm of Chinese scientists to explore Antarctica.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

In 1984, China finally took a crucial step. The first Chinese Antarctic expedition team was officially established, and the team members set foot on this strange land with excitement.

Although nearly 30 years later than Japan, the Chinese are firm and powerful. An elderly scientist recalled: "When we first raised the five-star red flag in Antarctica, everyone burst into tears.

At that moment, we knew that China finally had its own voice on this mysterious continent.

In the years that followed, China caught up at an astonishing rate. Researchers are brave and hard-working in extremely harsh environments. Soon, China established five research stations in Antarctica, each of which marked an important step forward in China's polar research.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

Special mention should be made of the establishment of the Kunlun station. Its inauguration officially puts China in the leading ranks of Antarctic research stations. Standing in front of Kunlun Station, the eyes of Chinese scientists shone with pride.

A young polar researcher said excitedly: "The Kunlun station is not only an important step for the mainland to fight for rights and interests in the Antarctic region, but also provides strong support for us in the field of polar research."

Despite its late start, China's Antarctic research is advancing at an alarming rate. Researchers are working around the clock to close the gap with other countries.

In the extremely cold environment, they overcame countless difficulties and collected a large amount of precious scientific research data.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

A veteran polar scientist said affectionately: "We may start late, but we will go faster and farther." The wisdom and diligence of the Chinese will certainly make unique contributions to the field of Antarctic research.

Today, China's presence in Antarctica is growing stronger. From the initial follower to the current important participant, China's Antarctic Road interprets a wonderful story of latecomers catching up.

Although there is still a long way to go, Chinese scientists are confident that they will eventually write a glorious chapter for China on this snow-covered continent.

Antarctica's quest has not been easy. The "milky sky" phenomenon poses a huge challenge for researchers, sometimes even threatening lives. An experienced polar explorer recalled: "In those weather, you lose your sense of direction completely, as if you were in a white world without borders.

There is no terra nullius in the world, an area 1.5 times larger than China, and there are trillions of wealth, and Japan has begun to lay out

Extreme climatic conditions also make it difficult for scientific research. The low temperature of minus tens of degrees, coupled with the strong ice wind, makes every task extremely difficult.

However, scientists persevered in their quest to unravel the mystery of this mysterious continent.

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