
Why is Heilongjiang called Heilongjiang, what was Heilongjiang called in ancient times, and the origin of Heilongjiang's history

Heilongjiang Province, referred to as Hei, the capital of Harbin, is located in the northeast region of China, is China's northernmost and highest latitude province, north and east of Russia across the river, the west of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region adjacent, the south of Jilin Province border. The total land area of the province is 473,000 square kilometers, second only to Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Sichuan, ranking 6th in the country.

In the pre-Qin period, some of the ancestors of Sushen, Donghu, Qinqi and Han people had already settled in the Heilongjiang region. He also began to establish a subordinate relationship with the Central Plains Dynasty, which was called Sushen, Yan, Hao, and Wubei Tuye during the Zhou Dynasty. Swallow really blocked.

Why is Heilongjiang called Heilongjiang, what was Heilongjiang called in ancient times, and the origin of Heilongjiang's history

From the 4th century BC to the 3rd century BC, the Fuyu regime was established in the territory, spanning the southern part of present-day Heilongjiang Province.

After the Qin Dynasty, in the Heilongjiang region, there were successively Rulou people, Fuyu people, Goguryeo people, Han people, Xianbei people, Beji people, and Jing people.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Heilongjiang region was under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, and three governorates were successively established: Bohai, Heishui, and Murongwei.

During the Wu Zhou Dynasty, Zuo Rong, the chief of the Late Su Dynasty, gradually conquered the surrounding Jing tribes, founded the State of Zhen in 698, and renamed it the State of Bohai in 713. At its peak, its jurisdiction extended to the Yongheung River in south to present-day Korea, east to the Sea of Japan, west to the territory of present-day Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and north to present-day Heilongjiang. The Bohai state was destroyed by the Khitans in 926.

During the Liao Dynasty, the western and eastern parts of the Heilongjiang region were under the jurisdiction of Shangjing Province and Tokyo Province. In the Jin Dynasty, most of the administrative area of present-day Heilongjiang Province was under the jurisdiction of Jin Shangjing Road, and the ruins of Shangjing HuiningFu, the capital of the Jin Dynasty, were located in baicheng, Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province.

Why is Heilongjiang called Heilongjiang, what was Heilongjiang called in ancient times, and the origin of Heilongjiang's history

During the Yuan Dynasty, the northeast region was under the jurisdiction of Liaoyang Xingzhongshu Province, which roughly included the three northeastern provinces of present-day northeast China and the northeast of Hebei Province, as well as a vast area north of Heilongjiang and east of the Ussuri River. The area of present-day Heilongjiang Province was under the jurisdiction of Kaiyuan Road and Shuidada Road.

During the Ming Dynasty, the northeast region implemented the system of capital division, guard, and station with the characteristics of military defense. The area of present-day Heilongjiang was initially under the jurisdiction of the Liaodong Dusi. After 1409, it was under the jurisdiction of the Nuer Gandu Commanding Envoy Division.

The administrative region of Heilongjiang Province originated from the Qing Dynasty. After the Qing Dynasty unified the whole country, it strengthened its rule over the "land of Longxing", the northeast region, and set up the Shengjing Governor to rule.

In order to resist the invasion of the Heilongjiang River Basin by the Russian forces, in 1652, the Qing court sent Meile Zhangjing to lead troops to garrison the ningguta area, and the following year it was promoted to Angbang Zhangjing. As a result, Ningguta and Shengjing coexisted, and the northeast region was divided into two major military garrison areas, that is, two administrative regions.

In 1662, it was renamed as the local general of Zhenshou Ningguta and other places, referred to as the general of Ningguta for short. The area of present-day Heilongjiang was located within the jurisdiction of General Ningguta. The general is both the highest local military and political chief and the highest local civil administrator.

Why is Heilongjiang called Heilongjiang, what was Heilongjiang called in ancient times, and the origin of Heilongjiang's history

In 1683, the Qing court decided to demarcate the northwestern region under the jurisdiction of the generals of Zhenshouningguta and other places (Zhenshou Jilin and other generals), and add local generals of Zhenshou Heilongjiang and other places, referred to as Heilongjiang generals, to govern the heilongjiang generals. Formed the three generals of Shengjing, Jilin and Heilongjiang to jointly guard the northeast. This was the beginning of Heilongjiang's military, administrative region and its name.

In the early days of the Heilongjiang General's jurisdiction, it was thousands of miles wide. It is bounded by the Bizhan River to the east and the Songhua River to the south, bordering the Jilin General's jurisdiction, the Waixing'an Mountains and Russia in the north, and the Chechen Khanate border in the west.

In the middle of the 17th century, Tsarist Russia began to invade the Heilongjiang River Basin of China.

In the Second Opium War, in 1858 and 1860, through the unequal Sino-Russian Peace Treaty and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing, Tsarist Russia forcibly occupied more than 1 million square kilometers of land north of Heilongjiang Province and east of the Ussuri River, greatly reducing the administrative areas of Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province.

In April 1907, the Qing court dismissed the generals Of Fengtian, Jilin and Heilongjiang and established the three provinces of Fengtian, Jilin and Heilongjiang. The administrative region of Heilongjiang Province is under the jurisdiction of the Heilongjiang General, bordering Jilin Province to the southeast and south, Fengtian Province to the southwest, Mongolia to the west, and Heilongjiang to the north and northeast.

Why is Heilongjiang called Heilongjiang, what was Heilongjiang called in ancient times, and the origin of Heilongjiang's history

After the establishment of the Republic of China, the name and administrative divisions of Heilongjiang Province continued unchanged from the old system.

During the period of the fall of Northeast China, the Japanese puppet regime implemented a two-level system of provinces and counties (cities). In 1934, a "divide and rule" policy was introduced for the northeast region, and the number of provinces increased and the regions were small.

After 1949, Nenjiang Province merged with Heilongjiang Province to form the new Heilongjiang Province, with the provincial capital Qiqihar. Hejiang Province merged with Songjiang Province to form the new Songjiang Province, with the provincial capital Harbin.

In 1954, Songjiang Province was abolished and merged with Heilongjiang Province to form the new Heilongjiang Province, and the provincial capital was moved from Qiqihar City to Harbin City.

As of 2020, the province has jurisdiction over 12 prefecture-level cities and 1 district; 54 municipal districts and 4 prefecture-level districts; and 67 counties (cities).

They are Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Daqing, Jixi, Shuangyashan, Yichun, Qitaihe, Hegang, Heihe, Suihua and Daxinganling.

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