
Stealing the cellmate's car after the party The phone mistakenly treated the police as other inmates There is no suspense in the end

author:Lightning News

Qilu Network Lightning News, January 16, the prisoners met to gather, and the wine was happy and drove the prisoners' cars away. Recently, Liu Qiang (pseudonym), who lives in a township in Xiajin County, Dezhou City, went to the Nancheng Police Station of the Xiajin County Public Security Bureau to report to the police: A white Santana car parked in a hotel in Nancheng City was secretly driven away by his fellow prisoner Li Lin (pseudonym), and at first Li Lin said that it would be returned in two or three days, but after more than two months, not only did he not return the car, but he could not be directly contacted.

No coincidence, no book, the mistake of the police as a former prisoner

Xing Shangtao, director of the Nancheng police station, realized that the amount of money involved in this case was large, and the suspect was driving without a license, which had a large safety hazard. Organized police forces to visit the suspect's village many times to investigate, the family only knows that Li Lin is working in Jinan, and does not know the specific location. Xing Shangtao tried to dial the suspect's mobile phone, thinking of persuading the suspect to surrender, and found that the suspect set all strange numbers into a blacklist and could not call in. Coincidentally, at this time, Li Lin was chatting with another prisoner in the WeChat group, and saw a strange number on the mobile phone dialing in, thinking that it was the phone of the prisoner.

Stealing the cellmate's car after the party The phone mistakenly treated the police as other inmates There is no suspense in the end

Li Lin called back Xing Shangtao's phone, and after connecting it, he directly shouted "You are so-and-so, just chatting on WeChat, you called me", and the police began to listen to a confused situation, but in order not to fight grass snake has been with the snake, and later reacted that this is the mistake of treating the police as a prisoner. The police were afraid of revealing the stuffing, did not dare to talk too much, took the opportunity to ask Li Lin's current work location, and the two met the next day in a hotel near a logistics park in Jinan. The police went in advance to prepare, and when Li Lin came to the hotel as agreed, he was arrested by the police on the spot before he could react.

Stealing someone else's car is just for showmanship

According to the confession of the suspect Li Lin, he drove away Liu Qiang's car just to show off in front of his relatives and friends, because he had not learned to drive, he accidentally crashed the car, and then parked in a repair shop in Dongchangfu District of Liaocheng City for maintenance, because he could not afford to pay for maintenance, he had not picked up the car, and he did not dare to tell the truth to his fellow prisoner Liu Qiang, so he kept dragging it. The police found Liu Qiang's car according to the location of his confession.

Stealing the cellmate's car after the party The phone mistakenly treated the police as other inmates There is no suspense in the end

After nearly three months, seeing the car found, Liu Qiang was also excited: "Thank you to the police at the Nancheng police station, find my car, otherwise how can I go home for the New Year, my father is not in good health, most of the savings bought me this car, if he knows that I lost the car, how can I live this year." ”

After interrogation, Li confessed to the illegal facts of stealing other people's motor vehicles and driving motor vehicles without a license. At present, Li has been administratively punished according to law.

Source: Texas Police

Lightning News reporter Qian Wei reported from Shang Xiaowen of the Texas Public Security Rong Media Center

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