
Happy healthy | dry! dry! dry! Winter humidification, these simple and rough methods are reliable?

Happy healthy | dry! dry! dry! Winter humidification, these simple and rough methods are reliable?

Waking up in a heated house in winter, do you feel dry mouth? Indoor humidification can be regarded as a thing that can "moisturize and silently". Can putting a basin of water on the ground play a role in humidifying? I heard that if the humidifier is used incorrectly, it is not good for the body? Today Xiaobian will talk about things related to humidification!

First, why should I humidify indoors in winter?

Humidification can alleviate "heating sickness"

I've heard of "air conditioning disease" in summer, did you know that there may also be "heating disease" in winter? Of course, this may be mainly the annoyance of northern classmates...

During the heating period, the indoor air is too dry, and many people wake up in the morning to feel dry mouth and tongue, and some will also bleed from the nasal cavity. If drying lasts too long, the respiratory mucosal secretion decreases. In addition, in order to keep warm, many people rarely open windows for ventilation in winter, dust and bacteria attach to the mucous membrane, which is easy to cause cough, upper respiratory tract infections and other problems. Humidifying the room can alleviate this "heating disease".

Humidification reduces static electricity

Drying can easily lead to static electricity generation. In winter, the air is dry, so it is easier to generate static electricity, and if you touch something casually, you may be "snapped" by the ground.

Studies have shown that the lower the relative humidity of the air, the greater the likelihood of generating static electricity. When the humidity is less than 30%, it is very easy to generate static electricity. When the humidity is 50%, the body's static electricity will be significantly reduced. At humidity above 65%, the probability of generating static electricity is close to zero. Therefore, increasing the indoor humidity can effectively reduce the problem of static electricity.

Second, how much humidity is appropriate?

The human body generally adapts to a humidity of 40% to 70%, and if the humidity exceeds 80% or less than 30%, the human body will feel uncomfortable. If the indoor humidity is less than 30%, consider using a humidifier. Usually, when the humidity reaches 60%, the human body feels more comfortable. Some humidifiers can display humidity, if not, you can buy another hygrometer.

Third, are these humidification methods reliable?

Basin method

Putting a basin of water on the ground may be a simple humidification operation for many people... Does this really have a humidifying effect? Since the water in the basin will slowly evaporate, it does moisten the air a little, and it may be more useful to place a few more basins of water in different positions.

However, this effect may not be great. And the basin is always open, which will breed bacteria, so it is best to change the basin of water every day. In addition, the water basin is more occupied, put on the ground is not beautiful, quite obstructive, it is best to put it in the corner of the room, so as not to walk and kick it over, don't ask the editor how to know...

Happy healthy | dry! dry! dry! Winter humidification, these simple and rough methods are reliable?

Green planting method

Raise some green plants indoors, such as loose tail sunflower, turtle back bamboo, green lotus, etc., these plants will evaporate water on the leaves. However, if there are only one or two pots of green plants, the humidification efficiency is very low.

Plants will absorb the water in the soil during the growth process, and through the stomata, the water will become water vapor and spread into the air, which is the transpiration effect. In this process, the water absorbs heat energy when it becomes water vapor, which can effectively reduce the temperature of the leaf and prevent the leaf temperature from being burned by the leaf temperature being too high. Unless the home is arranged as a "flower room", it is difficult to achieve the desired humidification effect, but Xiaobian does not recommend placing too many plants in the bedroom.

Drying method

If you dry the washed clothes in a heated room and dry many pieces, you can indeed humidify the room. However, the limitation of this method is that the clothes are dried overnight, and there may not be so many wet clothes to dry every day... Put a wet towel on the radiator, similar to this method. Xiaobian personal test, wet towel put radiator on a few hours on dry, need to re-wet towel wet reuse, a little troublesome.

Happy healthy | dry! dry! dry! Winter humidification, these simple and rough methods are reliable?

Sprinkler method

Sprinkling water on the floor does humidify it. However, the amount of sprinkler is not easy to grasp, the sprinkling is less and soon evaporates, the sprinkling is more and there is a risk of slipping, and the feeling of wet answering everywhere at home is not good. Mopping the floor to humidify is also similar to sprinkling humidification, after dragging the ground, the floor in the heating room will soon dry, this method is not recommended for lazy people.

Wet clothes stall electric heater method

Some people will use the electric heater as a dryer, spread the wet clothes on the electric heater, and feel that they can also humidify it. But this is not safe, and it may cause a fire because of the high temperature igniting clothes! When the electric heater is on, the temperature is very high, it is recommended to place it at least one meter away from people, and do not cover clothing on it.

Fourth, how to use the humidifier correctly?

It is best to use purified water for humidifiers

If you want to achieve a more effective and direct humidification effect, the humidifier should not give up. However, if the humidifier is not used properly, it may cause "humidified pneumonia", such as upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, asthma and so on.

If you are using an ultrasonic atomizing humidifier, you can not directly add tap water, you should choose pure water. Because tap water is "hard water", it contains a variety of minerals and calcium and magnesium ions. Impurities in tap water may be blown into the air with water mist, causing indoor pollution. It also produces a white powder due to the content of calcium and magnesium ions, which has a certain impact on the health of the human respiratory tract.

There is also a pure humidifier on the market, most of which use molecular sieve evaporation technology, which can filter out the calcium and magnesium ions in the water, such humidifiers can be directly added to tap water, and the price is usually more expensive. However, Xiaobian once bought a humidifier that can directly use tap water, but its instructions also write that it is better to use pure water.

Do not put anything in the humidifier except water

Do not add substances other than water to the humidifier, otherwise it may be bad for the respiratory tract. For example, do not add vinegar, essential oils, perfumes, etc. to the humidifier, these ingredients are inhaled into the lungs after atomization, which can easily induce respiratory diseases.

Humidifiers should be cleaned frequently

Humidifiers usually leave some impurities, easy to breed bacteria, it is recommended that the humidifier should change the water every day, two or three days to clean once. If the humidifier is not used for a long time, the water should be poured out, the inside of the humidifier should be cleaned up, and the filter element should be dried and then put away.

Happy healthy | dry! dry! dry! Winter humidification, these simple and rough methods are reliable?

Fifth, humidification is important, and hydration is more important

In addition to humidifying the environment, it is also important to keep the water inside the body. Heard you have a cold? Please drink plenty of warm water! I heard that you feel very dry, so please drink more warm water! Don't look at water as a mediocre thing, but drinking water really works. Staying in a dry room, the human body will lose more water, so pay attention to hydrating the body.

In general, it is recommended that adults drink 1500 ml to 1700 ml per day, that is, about 7 or 8 cups of water, and a glass of water is about 200 ml. When you get up in the morning, it is also recommended to drink a cup of warm water first, which can supplement the water consumed overnight, reduce blood viscosity, promote blood circulation, and also accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is conducive to defecation.

(Some of the content of this article is synthesized from Health Times and CCTV News)

Workers Daily client "Le Health" No. 173

Editor of this issue: Wu Lirong Cheng Lu

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