
Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

author:Fo Shuo tells stories

Once upon a time there was a mountain, there was a temple on the mountain, there was a statue of Guanyin in the temple, one day there was a small shami in the temple, let's call him Wujing, Wujing came to the statue of the bodhisattva, and found that the willow branches in the jade bottle on the desk had withered, so Wujing took the bottle into his hand and found that there was no water in the bottle.

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

So Wu Jing carried the flat burden to the foot of the mountain to carry water, and after picking up the water, he first filled the water tank, then filled the jade bottle with water, and then the willow branch sucked the water and became fresh, and the bodhisattva smiled.

In this way, Wujing lived in the temple, he lived every day a life of knocking wood fish, chanting Buddha, and carrying water, in fact, I was quite envious of Wujing, how comfortable a person is!

Many days later, a thin monk came here, let's call him Goku, Goku was very hungry and thirsty because of the long journey, so Goku led Goku to the water tank, Goku began to drink water, after a while, the water was drunk by Goku, Goku said happily: Master and brother, I go to fetch water, you are waiting here!

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

Goku was very happy to see Goku so diligent, and after Goku picked up the water, the two of them poured the water into the water tank together, looked at each other and smiled, very harmonious.

In this way, the next few days are Goku to the foot of the mountain to carry water, one day Goku as usual to carry water, and Goku is in the water room happy hands dancing, Goku walked out of the door, thinking that every time I go to fetch water, too much loss, so turned around and shouted to Gojing: Master and brother, come, let's go to fetch water together.

Wu Jing was not happy at the moment, but there was no way, so they went to fetch water together, and on the way back to carrying water, because the two of them were one tall and one short, resulting in uneven gravity, they all felt that they had suffered losses, so along the way there were contradictions, and finally Wu Jing took out a ruler, measured it, and made a mark in the middle of the flat burden, so that no one suffered a loss, so that things calmed down, and continued to carry water.

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

Day by day, there came a fat monk, we called him Gokun, Goku and Goku solemnly welcomed the arrival of Gono, because Gono was also very hungry and thirsty all the way, so without saying a word, he went to the water tank in front of a scoop of water to drink, and soon the water was gone, after drinking enough, Goku could throw the water scoop and return to sleep on the futon.

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

Goku and Goku saw this situation and jumped up and down in anger, so they pushed and shoved to let Goku be able to carry water, Goku could see it, and he knew that there was no way, so he had to carry water.

Goku was quite hard to carry the water, tired and sweaty, so when he came back, he began to drink water in a scoop, at this time Goku and Goku couldn't look at it, Goku and Goku directly threw Goku aside, and began to drink water mode.

Goku can go mad on the spot, the tiger is not threatening, when I was a sick cat, my hands directly lifted the water tank, completely drying a tank of water! Scared Goku and Goku are scared, their legs are weak!

Since then, the three of them have been completely frozen, and no one has paid any attention to anyone back to back in the hall, and even the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the hall can't look at it anymore, and directly closed his eyes!

So they were deadlocked, and suddenly a rat came, climbed up the lampstand, and bit off the candle, which fell on the curtain, causing a fire.

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!
Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

A ball of fire landed directly on Wu Jing's ass, the hot Wu Jing jumped straight ah, the three of them were a mess, or Wu Jing's small head melon good, immediately ran to the water room to pick up the flat burden to sprint down the mountain at a speed of 100 meters, that speed is not to say ah.

Unfortunately, he was tripped by a turtle halfway through, saying that it was fast at that time, Goku took over the flat burden with the momentum of the thunder in the sky, and even picked up the water at the speed of the wind, after going back, Goku took the bucket and immediately threw it at the fire, but it was not helpful, the fire was too fierce.

Goku and Goku quickly went to fetch water, just when carrying water, an unexpected thing happened, because Goku was too anxious, he actually took Goku as a bucket and rushed back to fight the fire, just when the fire was extinguished, Goku actually threw Gojing directly as a bucket to throw out, fortunately, the second master brother Goku was able to see quickly and quickly, and grabbed Gojing back at once.

It was really a false alarm, but at this time, Wujing was already dizzy, and after a while, Wujing was awake, so the three of them continued to fight the fire.

After their unremitting efforts, the fire was finally saved, the three of them looked at each other, very embarrassed, but also very tired, just at this time the rat that bit the candle came out to laugh at them, they were angry, directly showed a very angry face, but the rat was directly frightened, at this time they understood, completely understood, unity is the strength, so they shook hands and made peace, decided to unite!

After analysis, the three of them decided to divide their work and cooperate, perform their respective duties in their posts, and live a happy and harmonious life.

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

This story tells us at least four truths.

First, selfishness will not succeed, and only by helping each other can we achieve a win-win situation.

Second, when the members of the team evade responsibility and shirk each other, the team is bound to have big problems and fall apart!

Third, unity is strength, people's hearts are united, Tarzan moves!

Fourth, human nature is greedy, and there must be strict rules and regulations in the face of human nature, otherwise problems will arise endlessly!

Human Nature Story: Three monks carry water to drink, not the water is the human heart, enlightening the wisdom of life!

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