
The story of three monks

author:Zero zero storytelling

Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple in the mountain, and there was a little monk in the temple. Every day, he carried water, chanted the scriptures, knocked on wooden fish, and lived a peaceful and comfortable life.

Soon, a high monk came. So the two monks carried the water up the mountain every day, and the days were leisurely.

Later, another fat monk came. The fat monk picked up a load of water, but immediately drank it alone. Everyone felt that they could not carry water for others, and no one would carry water after that, and the three monks would not have any water to drink.

One night, the rat came out to steal something, but no one cared, and the rat overturned the candlestick and lit a fire. The three monks fought together to put out the fire, and the fire in the temple was finally extinguished.

From then on, the three monks were no longer lazy, and they took turns carrying water every day, and all three monks had water to drink.

The story of three monks

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