
A medical team of 7 people provides birth delivery services to close contacts

A medical team of 7 people provides birth delivery services to close contacts

Doctors perform surgery on the mother to deliver the baby

A medical team of 7 people provides birth delivery services to close contacts

Health care workers who deliver babies to women

□ Dahe Bao Yu video reporter Gao Zhiqiang Wen Tangyin County People's Hospital provided a picture

Recently, in the Tangyin County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, in the operating room, with a crisp baby crying, all the doctors, midwives, anesthesiologists and nurses present grew a long breath, and the hearts that had been hanging for a long time finally fell...

This seemingly ordinary baby girl has an extremely special identity. Three days before she was born, her father had just been confirmed as an asymptomatic infected person (later turned into a confirmed case), and he was the first asymptomatic infected person in Anyang in this round of the epidemic. To this end, everyone affectionately calls her "anti-epidemic baby".

A special war "epidemic" was quietly fought

In the early morning of January 9, the "green channel" telephone for epidemic prevention in Tangyin County People's Hospital suddenly rang: Zhao Mou, who lives in Tangyin County Hope Xincheng Community, had a strong pregnancy reaction and urgently needed to rush to the hospital for delivery!

Upon hearing this news, Wu Tianqing, president of The Tangyin County People's Hospital, suddenly felt a little tricky. It is said that having a child is not a big deal, and it is a direct birth or caesarean section.

Zhao Mou is not, her husband was just identified as an asymptomatic infected person on the 8th; as a close contact of the close contact, she herself is also in home isolation, and no one can say whether she is also infected with the Aomi Kerong virus.

At present, the epidemic is at present, rushing to receive the county people's hospital, doctors and patients add up to thousands of people, in case there is a mistake, accounting for two-thirds of the county's doctors are isolated, no one can afford the responsibility!

After consulting with Duan Glacier, the deputy dean in charge, and asking for instructions from the county epidemic prevention headquarters, the person was finally taken to the Tangyin County Maternal and Child Health Hospital!

In view of the fact that many doctors in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital were dispatched to the following townships to help at that time, and the medical strength was somewhat insufficient, the Tangyin County People's Hospital urgently ordered Zhang Jinhua, director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, and 7 other people to form a medical team specifically for Zhao's delivery service.

A special war "epidemic" was quietly fought...

I haven't been out of the isolation ward for more than 20 hours

The fetal head position is high, the suspicious head basin is not symmetrical, and the aura is about to give birth!

It is said that similar cases of "old" obstetricians and gynecologists like Zhang Jinhua, who have 17 years of work experience, are not uncommon; even if surgery is needed, it is easy for him to know the road and it will not be too difficult.

The difficulty is that the pregnant woman in front of her is a special patient encountered in a special period, unprecedented and unique. Whether it is out of the duties of a doctor or the needs of epidemic prevention and control, he must play the spirit of twelve points!

In his eyes, there are three reasons: First, the mother and her family ask to give birth as smoothly as possible, which means that there are more layers of risk; he is the "top card" in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the county hospital, and the business will not be sloppy at all. Second, whether the pregnant woman is infected is unknown, he is the head of this medical team, in order to reduce the risk of everyone being infected, he has been in the ward until very late, regardless of personal safety. Third, pregnant women have just experienced drastic changes before giving birth, the mood is naturally anxious to the extreme, the first night almost did not close the eyes, prenatal need more communication, more guidance, more attention, he is the director, she listens to what he says, she also believes.

"To be honest, for more than 20 hours, I was wearing thick protective clothing, and I basically didn't come out (from the isolation ward) except for eating and sleeping and going to the toilet!" Zhang Jinhua said so.

The progress of the operation is almost twice as long as usual

After a day and a night, the trial birth was unsuccessful.

After consultation with pregnant women and their families, the time is not waiting for anyone, and a cesarean section must be delivered.

The surgery is scheduled to begin at about 9 a.m. on January 10. Two doctors, including Zhang Jinhua, two midwives, an anesthesiologist, and two surgical nurses, were staffed for the operation.

On the operating table, the standard of epidemic prevention is higher!

The innermost layer is underwear, plus a layer of hand washing clothes and a layer of protective clothing, the outermost is a sterile surgical gown, as well as medical masks, face shields, etc., even so, the body will still be much bulkier than usual.

Zhang Jinhua said that this kind of surgery is not difficult, but the breathability of protective clothing and masks and face shields is not good, plus he originally loved to sweat, and if he did not pay attention, he would blur the mask and affect the line of sight.

At the end of the operation, the clothes inside were all soaked.

This seriously affected the progress of the operation, almost twice as long as usual. Fortunately, the operation was very successful in the end, and someone reported: "Mother and daughter are safe, six pounds and eight twos!" ”

When the crisp cry of the baby sounded and the mother and family smiled, Zhang Jinhua and his team members finally breathed a long sigh of relief, as if unloading a thousand pounds of burden.

The stress and exhaustion of the past few days have been swept away...

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