
Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

Recently, the second ward of the Pediatric Department of Zichang People's Hospital received a pennant sent by the family of the child, on which the golden light shone with eight big characters of "exquisite medical skills and noble medical ethics", which touched the heartstrings of each and every one of us. The original thing is this: on December 23, 2021, the pediatric second ward received a premature baby who was 31 weeks pregnant and weighed 1600g, and under the day and night struggle, meticulous diagnosis and treatment and escort of the medical staff in the pediatric second ward for more than 10 days, they braved many difficulties and were cured and discharged from the hospital, and at present, this "little baby" has been 2 months, the development indicators of follow-up have improved significantly, the weight has increased steadily, and the parents have specially sent pennants to express their gratitude when they come to the hospital to review the baby.

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

The baby suddenly arrives and calls for help

On the night of December 23, 2021, the second ward of the pediatric department of Zichang People's Hospital received an emergency obstetric call, a 31-week pregnant woman will undergo an emergency caesarean section due to "premature rupture of membranes", and the director of the second ward of pediatrics and the head nurse urgently organized a resuscitation team of senior doctors and nurses to fully protect this "anxious birth" small life in the operating room. After birth, the premature baby weighs only 1600 g and has extremely unstable vital signs, and after initial treatment by the resuscitation team, it is urgently transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit for further treatment.

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

Do your best to heal, give love and hope

Around this precious premature baby, the department has formulated a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan, including respiratory support programs, nutrition management programs, refined nursing programs, etc., 24-hour day and night guard, during the epidemic period has not been affected in the slightest.

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

Intensive care, CPAP ventilator treatment

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

A small baby that is only the size of an adult's palm

After admission to the hospital, through the further examination of Wang Xuanzhe, director of the department, and Yang Yantao, the doctor in charge, the children also had 9 diseases such as "neonatal pneumonia, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, myocardial damage, metabolic acidosis, neonatal pathological jaundice, and hypoglycemia". In order to care for this small life, Nurse Yang Ying formed a "premature baby nursing and treatment team" to implement 24-hour special monitoring of disease changes and meticulous care.

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

Well cared for

During the hospitalization of the child, he experienced many breathing, circulation, blood oxygen abnormalities, as well as repeated jaundice, hypoglycemia, feeding intolerance and other problems, according to the child's situation, the department medical staff applied CPAP ventilator treatment, intravenous nutrition, "bird's nest" nursing, non-nutritious sucking, micro-feeding and other neonatal diseases treatment of advanced technology, the child experienced more than 10 days of life and death tests, and finally in the pediatric second ward under the careful diagnosis and treatment and care of medical staff to overcome the breathing, infection, jaundice, feeding and other difficulties, He was discharged from the hospital and successfully composed a miracle of life.

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

Baby 2 months old

Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby
Good news: Zichang People's Hospital successfully treated a 1600g premature baby

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