
He joined the Red Army at the age of 18, became a platoon leader at the age of 23, and rose 5 grades to become a division commander four months later

During the Red Army period, due to the rapid development of the troops and the relatively lack of cadres, especially military cadres, many people were promoted beyond the ranks. But usually it was two consecutive promotions, but one person was an exception, in November 1934, he was still a small platoon leader in the Red Army, but unexpectedly four months later, he was promoted 5 levels in a row and became a division commander! So who is this person? He is Wang Shicai.

The name Wang Shicai may not be very familiar to many friends, the main reason is that he died too early. In 1911, Wang Shicai was born in Jinzhai, Anhui, a famous general county in China, and suffered a lot when he was a child due to his family's poverty. In mid-May 1929, the Red Army guerrillas came to his hometown to fight the local tyrants to divide the land, Wang Shicai's family also received a few acres of good land and a cultivating cow, in order to defend the fruits of victory, 18-year-old Wang Shicai and many partners joined the Red Army guerrillas.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 18, became a platoon leader at the age of 23, and rose 5 grades to become a division commander four months later

In the following years, Wang Shicai continued to fight with the guerrillas and the main force, showing great bravery. In September 1931, his guerrilla unit was incorporated into the 12th Division of the Red Fourth Front, and six months later he was transferred to the Red 27th Division for his military achievements. In early July 1932, the enemy dispatched heavy troops to besiege the Eyu-Anhui Soviet Area, and faced with the unfavorable situation of the enemy being outnumbered, the Red Army was forced to abandon the Eyu-Anhui Soviet Region and advance towards the Sichuan-Shaanxi area.

After the main force of the Red Army was transferred, Wang Shicai stayed with the troops and continued the guerrilla struggle. Soon after, the Red 25th Army was established, and Wang Shicai served as the squad leader of the 223rd Regiment of the 75th Division. Under the leadership of Xu Haidong and Wu Huanxian, the Red 25th Army repeatedly crushed the enemy's attacks and played a famous role in the area of Dabie Mountain. The development and growth of the Red 25th Army caused panic among the enemy, and in the winter of 1934, Lao Jiang mobilized more than 100,000 heavy troops to besiege the Red 25th Army in multiple ways.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 18, became a platoon leader at the age of 23, and rose 5 grades to become a division commander four months later

Despite the heroic fighting of the Red Army, the disparity between the enemy and our forces was too great, the area of the base area was shrinking day by day, and the mobility of the Red Army was greatly affected. Faced with an unfavorable situation, the Red 25th Army decided to march. On November 16, 1934, more than 2,900 members of the Red 25th Army set off from He Jiachong, Luoshan County, Henan Province, to the west of the Pinghan Railway and began the Long March. Wang Shicai was transferred to the 223rd Regiment's traffic platoon platoon, more than 5 years after he joined the Red Army.

After joining the army for more than 5 years to become a platoon leader, Wang Shicai's progress was not fast, but unexpectedly, 4 months later, he was promoted to 5 levels in a row to become a division commander. What's going on? In early December 1934, the Red 25th Army broke through the enemy's encirclement and blockade along the way and came to the Shangluo area of Shaanxi. The enemy in this area is relatively weak and has a large mountain as a support, so the Red 25th Army decided to establish a new base here. After several months of hard work, the Eyu-Shaanxi Su District was created.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 18, became a platoon leader at the age of 23, and rose 5 grades to become a division commander four months later

In order to meet the needs of the situation of revolutionary struggle, the Red 25th Army set up a 7-way guerrilla division, and Wang Shicai was appointed as the commander of the 3rd Guerrilla Division because of his rich combat experience and certain command ability. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang Shicai entered the 4th Regiment of the Northwest Left Guard Corps as the commander of the 3rd Battalion. Since then, he has served as the commander of the 3rd and 6th detachments. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Shicai was transferred to the 45th Regiment of the 15th Brigade of the 2nd Column of the Central Plains Army, and on July 19, 1946, he died heroically during the breakthrough of the Central Plains, at the age of 35.

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