
34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

"The water rolling in the east of the Yangtze River, the waves exhaust the heroes." Ancient emperors will be phased to this day has long become a smoke cloud of the past, but after the founding of the country, there are still many people with the dream of emperors, 34 years ago there was a woman in Shandong to emulate Wu Zetian as emperor, as for what she did to call the empress, it is quite absurd to say.

Wu Zetian's popularity needless to say, in history, she was originally the imperial concubine of Tang Taizong, and after being taken back to the palace by Tang Gaozong, she became an empress step by step, listened to the government of the dynasty, and in 690 AD, she ascended the throne at the age of 66 and ruled the world for 15 years. Although Wu Zetian was not a perfect person, she was able to make good decisions, attach importance to talents and agriculture, and also created a prosperous world.

34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

Objectively speaking, when Wu Zetian became emperor, he did not lose to the boy. But today we want to talk about Cao Xiuhua from Anqiu, Shandong, who has the ideal of being Wu Zetian, but does not have the ability to become Wu Zetian. The name Cao Xiuhua sounds ordinary, so she also gave herself a new name, called Chao Zhengkun.

Originally, Cao Xiuhua called the dynasty established by the empress "Great Saint Dynasty" and the era name "Zhengkun", which meant that she wanted to correct this Qiankun. Considering that she is a native of Shandong, and the story of the good man of Liangshan in Juyi in Shandong is brilliantly written in "Water Margin" and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Cao Xiuhua also claims to be a descendant of the Chao Heavenly King of Liangshan.

34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

Before the emperor, Cao Xiuhua was just an ordinary rural woman. The question is, since there is nothing special about her identity, what kind of people does Cao Xiuhua rely on to support her as emperor? In fact, the move she uses is very common, that is, to first build a religion and collect disciples, win people's hearts and minds, and then achieve the goal. Since 1982, Cao Xiuhua has claimed to be the third daughter of the Jade Emperor and has been saving lives and suffering.

In order to achieve the effect of "unity of words and deeds", Cao Xiuhua helped people to see a doctor without collecting money, at that time everyone's living standards were not as high as they are now, and Cao Xiuhua's small favors in the countryside were enough to make a large number of people grateful. Cao Xiuhua used the psychology of the masses to win over many believers and established the "Qinghua Sacred Sect" with a population of about 400 people.

34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

Four years later, Cao Xiuhua felt that the time was almost up, so she chose to hold the enthronement ceremony on the day of the Lunar Chongyang Festival of this year, and the place of the ceremony was chosen in the homes of believers. She delivered her enthronement speech in public: "I have set a lofty ambition... Be a veritable Holy Lord, be good at saving all people, purify all sentient beings, and moralize the world, so that real people and good people can be happy..."

Although these words are not very literary, they move the believers to tears. Logically, since Cao Xiuhua had set such lofty ambitions, she should do something helpful and good, but the first thing Cao Xiuhua did after she ascended the throne was to crown the Minister of Culture and Military Affairs, and the second thing was to build a harem and make young, good-looking men among the believers as concubines.

34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

What is even more absurd is that many of the older believers are still proud that their sons have been crowned concubines, and cao Xiuhua has publicized that they will get more blessings, and many families are vying for "self-recommendation" and bring their sons to Cao Xiuhua to see. At the same time that Cao Xiuhua was crowned a concubine, she did not forget to continue to plot a great cause.

34 years ago, a woman in Shandong followed the example of Wu Zetian as emperor, established the "Great Saint Dynasty", and sealed countless male concubines

She asked her followers to create more than 400 flags such as "Long live the Holy Pilgrimage", printed more than 5,000 leaflets explaining that the Great Saint Dynasty would unify the world, and then held a gathering of hundred officials on August 2, 1988, to discuss that 2 people would go to 14 cities such as Beijing, Xi'an, Yantai, and Qingdao in groups, and agreed to post leaflets and plant holy flags together after 6 days.

However, Cao Xiuhua's men did not succeed, and the group members who rushed to Xi'an were found by the local joint defense team members before they could leave Shandong. Subsequently, the police arrested all the members of Cao Xiuhua's group, and Cao Xiuhua's dream of empress came to an end, and she herself was sentenced to death by the Weifang City Court after squatting in the detention center for 2 years.

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