
The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

Hello everyone, I'm seven seven. Yesterday (1.17) the King of Glory official blog released the first Weibo about the Spring Festival activities, and also officially exposed the poster, modeling and special effects of Han Xin's "Stepping Snow Plum Gun" skin.

Han Xin - Stepping Snow Plum Gun Exposed

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

Originally thought to be like Zhuang Zhou's ink jiangshan, the result is that in addition to the plum blossom scenery in the snow in the background, han xin can not see any ink elements at all, preheating is simply a fraud...

The hair color of the model is different from the poster, the poster is purple tone, and the model is directly made and the clothes are a color, and this ponytail is frighteningly high, and it is about to grow out of the screen!

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

The appearance of the animation is not short, but it is particularly bland without those fancy special effects.

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

Skill effects are the more praiseworthy places for this skin, mainly blue, white and black, and the special effects use the brush strokes of ink to embellish the snow and plum blossoms.

When a skill picks a gun and drops it, there will be a scene of snowy mountains and lonely plums.

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

The second skill will bring up the residue of ink when it gallops, and after stopping, it will surround three geese. The three skills swing the spear and scratch the ink marks, which are sandwiched between snowflakes and a plum blossom.

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

Overall, this skin is more like the king in order to give the historical Han Xin a good ending.

The costume design also combines the ancient official dress design and martial arts elements, and the background voice in the animation is shouting Han Xin to take over the will of the canon, and he turns away, leaving the filth of the temple, and has been freely accompanied by the snow mountain lone plum ever since.

Year of the Tiger Limited Selection Finalized!

The age limit is finally about to be announced, and yesterday Xiao Daji released a group photo of five heroes who celebrated the New Year together.

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

They were: Lian Po, Lu Ban No. 7, Yang Yuhuan, Sun Zhen and Pei Huhu.

It matches our previous guess 100 percent, so it seems that the official actually began to warm up very early. After all, the news is not out of thin air, and some mysterious people will release some ambiguous messages in the comment area to detect the player's reaction.

The glory of the king year warms up to begin, and the candidate is finalized! Han Xin epic limited exposure

In this way, this comment similar to Acumen Modeling has a higher degree of credibility.

Seven seven productions, must be new products. The above is the king of this issue of the information, like the small partner may wish to point a thumbs up Oh ~

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