
Plum Blossom Village People | Harmony and difference, and the same but not harmony

author:Ōin Kojo

Text/Plum Blossom Village

When I'm older, I love to think about things. Recently, I have often heard some people talk about some things, such as the comparison of social systems, these things are big and big, and they are closely related to everyone's lives, such as the comparison between ZBISM and SHISM. There are different opinions, and I want to make fun of it from the clouds.

It is said that these two isms have been fighting for one or two hundred years, and they have influenced each other for so long, and the result is that there are fewer conceptual and textbook-like factors in their respective isms, but they are a bit like you have me, and I have you, each adopting and absorbing what seems to be useful to the other side but is advocated by the other party. You say it's not weird, but in fact it's not weird.

For example, welfare socialism emerged in Northern Europe.

Another example is that after the setback of the socialist revolutionary movement in the major countries of Western Europe, the left-wing forces were divided, and the organizations such as the Second International and the Fabian Society led by the former Lassalle and others turned to the right in an all-round way, and evolved into left-wing parties and legitimists in Western society, participating in universal suffrage, and gaining many opportunities to govern in many countries in various capacities. However, in the handling of international relations, it is still the first to safeguard the interests of the country, and has not let go of the face of the representatives of the interests of the developed countries in the past, because capital must generate excess profits in order to ensure that the living standards of the entire population in the developed countries are much higher than the average level of the entire earth countries; There is also the need to promote the development of science and technology, and any innovation requires a high amount of investment.

As Marx put it, the rulers within these countries have to cede a share of value to feed the "workers' aristocracy", that is, the trade unions and a section of the population in the developed countries. And humanitarianism and human rights equality have become their slogans.

In the early days of capitalism, the equality of human rights meant that the bourgeoisie demanded equality from the feudal lords, and later with the development of socialist theory, the content of this value was constantly expanded, and the workers felt that they had nothing in the ownership of capital, and where could they talk about equality. They want substantive, genuine equality, which is of course difficult to achieve. But what makes one wonder is that the so-called "equality of human rights" seems to have become a kind of "banner" and "preaching" in modern capitalist society.

There is also a phenomenon of competition and cooperation, and from the case point of view, the most effective is Roosevelt's "New Deal", that is, in the 1929 world economic crisis, the US government used the power of the state to strengthen its investment in infrastructure and important industries, adopted a new income distribution policy to stimulate effective demand, and relatively smoothly got out of the dead end of the economic crisis.

This is actually a successful practice of Keynes's theory of state intervention. Keynes pointed out that there is no invisible hand in society that can transform private interests into social interests, and that only by relying on the visible hand, that is, the comprehensive intervention of the government in the economy, can we get rid of the problems of economic depression and unemployment. Keynes had a deep knowledge of mathematics and logic, but his doctrine also left a strong mark on the times, and it is impossible not to see the benefits of the proposal and implementation of some national plans and plans. He should understand the meaning of the word "borrowing".

Of course, after the sixties and seventies of the last century, Hayek's liberal economic theory gained momentum, which was a correction of capitalist society from the right. The West now seems to be more accustomed to sharing the left and right hands, alternating between changing patterns, and giving priority to whichever doctrine is more effective and practical. And that's just in terms of economics.

The failure of Soviet-style socialism was fundamentally the result of its socio-economic development failing to keep pace with its political aspirations and the needs of the people's livelihood. The kind of absolute planned economy it adopts is difficult to realize the actual and effective "plan" when human beings cannot achieve perfection in computing power and algorithms from the perspective of economics. Poor planning, or flawed plans, often arise. The shortage economy is a norm in this form of economy.

The development of socialism in China may have been more "smooth", although it has also gone through some unjust paths. In the fifties and sixties of the last century, there was no imposition of "purity and purity" in the ownership system, and the state ownership system, the collective ownership system, and a small number of individual economic elements coexisted. After three years of economic difficulties, there was also a brief "three-self and one-pack" experiment. WG ten years, a lot of trouble, a slap of the palm.

The discussion of the criterion of truth has led to the emancipation of the mind, starting with the land contract system, which has brought about the rapid development of the urban and rural private economy, and the state-owned enterprises have also carried out different forms of reform, such as independent management, joint-stock system, and contract system, and have begun to establish a relatively perfect socialist market economic system. Famous quotes: Call it a white cat and a black cat, and catch a mouse is a good cat.

China has adopted a "take-it-or-leave-it" attitude toward the means conducive to economic development in the capitalist world, and has not fallen into the quagmire of useless arguments and quarrels over whether to have the surname "capital" or "society," and has basically not delayed the modernization drive centered on the economy. Of course, China has not built a completely "Westernized" country, as the West had hoped, and it still adheres to the Chinese-style socialist system, while at the same time still adheres to the attitude of reform and opening up toward the current policies and new things. China has not stopped researching and implementing new quality productive forces, which means that China does not refuse to learn from the advanced and superior places of the West.

This political and economic orientation has enabled China to develop rapidly in a very short period of time. This watertight, somewhat mixed economy approach has paid off. The mainstream of the world believes that China has become the world's second most powerful country in terms of comprehensive national strength, after the United States. But China still doesn't seem to have declared itself a "world power."

Nature is beautiful and complex. It seems to be a large forest, with thousands of trees growing and verdant, and although there are vines and ferns, it can form a patchwork of beautiful communities; It is just like a hundred gardens, a hundred flowers bloom, flowers are like brocade, and the green leaves support each other, the green grass is like a tree, without losing the spring color of the garden, and the fragrance is beautiful.

Ancient Chinese sages said that all things in heaven and earth are mutually reinforcing, complementing each other, developing together, and harmonious and different. This kind of belief, which is full of wisdom and philosophical understanding, should become a rational guide to human thinking and behavior.

and the same. All are the same, and it is difficult to achieve harmony. Five-flavor soup, five-tone soundtrack. Isn't this exactly the kind of social norm that the married family hopes for in a free, orderly and recyclable way? The Analects say that gentlemen are harmonious but different, and villains are the same but not harmonious. There is some truth to this. After thinking through some difficulties, it can still be overcome. However, the key point is to work hard to find a way to achieve a harmonious balance.

On June 26, 2024, he wrote in Yangcheng

Plum Blossom Village People | Harmony and difference, and the same but not harmony

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