
People's Daily lost the reporting process


The People's Daily Lost Publication Process is a public service that aims to help readers issue a loss statement through official channels after the loss of various documents and items, so as to stop losses and prevent potential risks in a timely manner.

Prepare a loss declaration document

People's Daily lost the reporting process

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

People's Daily lost the reporting process

1. Identity certificate: submit a copy of the valid identity document of the person who made the declaration of loss, such as ID card, household registration booklet, passport, etc.

2. Proof of loss: Provide relevant supporting materials for lost items, such as invoices, receipts, contracts, etc.

3. Statement of loss: Write a statement of loss, including the name of the person who lost it, the name of the lost item, the time of loss, the place of loss, contact information, etc.

People's Daily lost the reporting process

4. Authorization letter for loss declaration: If the loss declaration is handled by someone else, the authorization letter for loss declaration must be provided.

5. Notarial certificate of loss declaration: In some cases, it is necessary to provide a notarial certificate of loss declaration.

Submit a declaration of loss

1. Offline submission: Bring the above materials to the location of the People's Daily or the designated publication window to submit a statement of loss.

2. Submit by mail: mail the above materials to the designated address of the People's Daily, and please indicate "Statement of Loss" on the envelope.

3. Online submission: Submit a statement of loss through the official website of the People's Daily or the official WeChat public account, note that the materials need to be scanned or photographed and uploaded to the designated platform when submitting online.

Review & Reporting

1. Review process: After receiving the loss statement, the People's Daily will review the materials, including: whether the materials are complete, whether the content of the statement is true, whether it meets the requirements of the newspaper, etc.

2. Review time: Under normal circumstances, the review time is 3-5 working days, and the review time may be extended if there are special circumstances.

3. Publication arrangement: After the review is passed, the lost statement will be published in the order of submission, and the time, layout and location of the report will be arranged by the People's Daily according to the actual situation.

4. Publication fee: The fee for reporting the loss statement shall be charged according to the standard stipulated by the People's Daily, please consult the People's Daily or the designated newspaper window for specific fees.

Receive a certificate of registration

1. Offline collection: After the loss statement is published, you can go to the People's Daily or the designated window to get the registration certificate.

2. Mail collection: If you need to mail the registration certificate, please provide a detailed mailing address when submitting the loss statement and pay the mailing fee.

3. Electronic certificate: People's Daily provides an electronic version of the newspaper certificate, which can be downloaded through the official website or WeChat public account.


1. When submitting a loss statement, please ensure that the materials are complete, true and valid.

2. The documents and items involved in the loss statement should be described in detail to avoid ambiguity.

3. The registration fee must be paid when submitting the loss statement, otherwise it will not be published.

4. The declaration is only a form of loss statement and does not replace the legal effect.

5. If you have any questions, please consult the People's Daily or the designated newspaper window in time.

Through the above process, you can successfully complete the lost publication of the People's Daily, I hope this guide can help you, I wish you a speedy recovery of lost documents and items.