
The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci

The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci
The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci
The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci
The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci
The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci
The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci

The founder of the Qing Dynasty, Ai XinJueluo Nurhaci

Qing Taizu Ai Xinjue Luo Nurhaci (February 21, 1559 – September 30, 1626), founder of the Qing Dynasty, emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty, who spoke Manchu and Chinese, and enjoyed reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. At the age of twenty-five, he rose up to unify the Jurchen tribes, pacified the Eastern Liaoning Province, and in the forty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar of the Ming Dynasty (1616), Nurhaci was called Khan in Hetuala, established the Houjin, divided Liaodong, and established the Mandate of Heaven.

On February 21, 1559, the thirty-eighth year of Ming Jiajing," Nurhaci was born into the family of a small chieftain of Jianzhou Zuowei in Hetuala (in present-day Xinbin County, Liaoning Province). His sixth ancestor, Timur, was originally a wanhu of the Yuan Dynasty's Wanhu Province, and in the third year of Ming Yongle (1405), at the request of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, he entered the Capital Dynasty to pay tribute, and was given the title of Commander of Jianzhou Wei, and later took charge of Jianzhou Left Wei and was promoted to Right Governor. In the eighth year of Xuande (1433), he was killed by assojiang and other guards such as "Savage Jurchen" because professor Mingdu commanded Pei Jun. His son Dong Shan was the fifth ancestor of Nurhaci, who was initially given the command of envoys, later promoted to right governor, and was divided with his uncle Fan Cha to take charge of Jianzhou Left Wei and Jianzhou Right Guard, and in the third year of Chenghua (1467), he was beheaded by the Ming Dynasty for repeatedly plundering people and animals in Liaodong. The three guards of Jianzhou were brutally recruited by the Ming army. Dong Shan's eldest son, Deluo, and his son Tu Yimo, successively took up posts and repeatedly entered The Capital to worship Emperor Ming and contribute to the Fang Dynasty. Dong Shan's third son, Aisin Kyora XibaoQi Phangu, was the fourth ancestor of Nurhaci. Fu Man, the son of Xi Baoqi, was later posthumously honored by the Qing Dynasty as the Xingzu Zhi Emperor. Fu Man's fourth son, Kyaw Chang An, was Nurhaci's grandfather. Kyaw Chang An's fourth son, Tak Shi, married his wife, Hitara Ermoqi, and had three sons, growing up to Nurhaci, the second to Shulhaqi, and the younger to Yarhaqi.

The Hitara clan died when Nurhaci was ten years old, and her stepmother, the Nara clan, was a daughter of the Wangtai clan and was very mean to her. At the age of nineteen, Nurhaci had to live separately and received only a small amount of family property. Nurhaci and Shulhazi and others make a living by digging ginseng, picking pine nuts, picking hazelnuts, picking mushrooms, and picking wood ear fungus. He often went to Fushun Guanma City to trade with the Han and Mongols. During this period, Nurhaci learned Mongolian and gained a basic understanding of Chinese. Nurhaci liked to read Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin, claiming to be strategic. According to some historical records, during his time in Fushun, Nurhaci was adopted by Li Chengliang, the general of Liaodong, and became his attendant.

In the northeast region at that time, the most important military force was the troops of Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Province. He took advantage of the contradictions between the Jurchen tribes and between other ethnic tribes to control the situation. The Ming Dynasty's Jianzhou Right Guard commanded Wang Gao (Nurhaci's maternal grandfather) to rebel against the Ming in the second year of the Wanli Calendar (1574) and was killed by Li Chengliang. Wang Gao's son, Atai Zhangjing, escaped and returned to Gulezhai (present-day Gulou Village, Shangjiahe Town, Xinbin). Ah Tai's wife is the granddaughter of Kyaw Chang An.

Jue Chang'an was the chief of the Left Guard Branch of Jianzhou, commanding the ming capital, with few people and weak strength, and in the early days, wang Gao, who was dependent on the "strong chieftain" of Jianzhou, often led his troops into the trade of Fushun Ma, exchanging sackcloth and grain for pigs and cattle, and receiving rewards such as salt, red cloth, and wula. In the second year of the Wanli Calendar (1574), Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, led tens of thousands of troops to capture Wang Gao's village, killing and plundering people and animals, jue Chang'an and Takshi betrayed their relatives and served as guides for the Ming army. In the eleventh year of the Wanli Calendar, Wang Gao's son Ataitu avenged his father and repeatedly plundered the border, and Li Chengliang again led a large army to attack, taking the Gule Village of Atai and the Mangzi Village of his cohort Ahai, and killing Atai. Jue Chang'an and Tak Shi were once again guides of the Ming army, and were mistakenly killed by the Ming soldiers during the war.

When the bad news came, the twenty-five-year-old Nurhaci originally remembered to take revenge on his father, but he was alone, how could he confront the "Heavenly Emperor" of Daming, who had millions of troops. Helplessly, Nurhaci naifa went too far as to build a state left guard Tulum City Lord Nikan Wailan, accusing him of instigating the Ming soldiers to kill his father and ancestor, and asked Ming Chen to send them. Unexpectedly, this request actually annoyed the arrogant Ming Dynasty border generals, who were regarded as unreasonable, refused, and declared that they wanted to build a city on the deck, so that Nikan Wailan would be the "lord of Manchukuo", so that the prestige of Nikan Wailan soared, "so the people of the country believed it, and all of them belonged to Nikan Wailan", and even the sons of their relatives "swore an oath to God" and wanted to kill Nurhaci to return to him, and Nikan Wailan took the opportunity to force Nurhaci to "attach" himself, as if he were the monarch of Jianzhou. Nurhaci and his brother Shulhazi were in the midst of the defeat and were let go by Li Chengliang's wife because of their extraordinary appearance. On the way back, Nurhaci encountered the support of Eyidu and others, and used the thirteen pairs of armor left by his grandfather and father to raise an army and start a war to unify the Jurchen departments of Jianzhou. After he returned to Jianzhou, he sent people to question why the Ming Dynasty killed his grandfather and father. The Ming Dynasty returned the remains of Nurhaci's ancestor and father, and gave him "thirty edicts, thirty horses, and a general of the dragon and tiger, and a letter of reply to the governor." Nurhaci reorganized the old ministry, including Ambulu, Anfeiyangu father and son, etc., plus dozens of new recruits.

In May of the eleventh year of the Wanli Calendar (1583), Nurhaci led his men to attack Nikan Wailan and capture the city of Tulum, but Nurhaciyuan Yonomina led an army to attack the city of Tulum, and Nomina did not return to the agreement. Nikan Wailan also foresaw the news, and left the city of Tulum with his wife and fled to the city of Aban. Nurhaci returned victorious after conquering the city of Tulum. In August, Nurhaci attacked Deck City. However, nomina, the lord of Salhu City, who had previously betrayed the alliance, saw that Nikan Wailan had the Ming Dynasty as a patron and was more powerful, so he secretly leaked the wind to Nikan Wailan, and Nikan Wailan fled to the nearby city of Huerhun near Fushun. Nurhaci pounced again, and returned after receiving the Nikan Wailan people. Soon, Nomina and his brother Narkhadajo and Nurhaci would attack the city of Balda, and Nurhaci knew that the opportunity was coming, so he pretended to make a covenant. Before the battle, Nurhaci asked Nomina to attack first, but Mina did not comply. At this time, Nurhaci used the predetermined strategy to easily get rid of Nomina.

In the first month of the twelfth year of the Wanli Calendar (1584), Nurhaci launched an attack on Zhaojia City (zhaojia village, now Yingzi, Xinbin, Liaoning), where Li Dai was stationed, and won and captured Li Dai. In February of the thirteenth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1585), after Nurhaci's victory over the Suksu Hubu and Dong'ebu, he also attacked the Zhechenbu of the left neighbor of the Suksu Margin. Nurhaci attacked the city of Jechenbu with twenty-five armored soldiers and fifty soldiers, but because his opponent was fully prepared, Nurhaci gained nothing. When the division returned to Tailangang in the south of Jiefan, the lords of the four cities of Jiefan, Salhun, Dongjia, and Balda led 400 pursuing troops to arrive. The defeated generals of the Battle of Maldun, the lords of Jiefan City, Neshen and Bamuni, took the lead in approaching, and Nurhaci rode back to his horse to meet the enemy. Neshen cut off Nurhaci's horse whip, and Nurhaci returned to the horse and slashed Neshen's back with a knife, splitting it into two pieces, and then turned around and killed Bamuni with an arrow. The pursuing soldiers saw that the commander was killed and stood aside. Nurhaci personally went to the palace, and used the tactic of suspect soldiers to hide his body with seven of his subordinates, and only showed his helmet as if there were ambush soldiers. The other side lost its commander, the army was unstable, and it was worried about ambushes, so it did not dare to chase again. In April, Nurhaci led 50 more mianjia soldiers and 30 ironclad soldiers to recruit Zhe Chenbu, and on the way encountered jiefan and other five cities and eight hundred allied troops. Faced with an enemy force ten times larger than his own, Nurhaci's five grandsons, Zakin and Sanguri, removed their armor and handed it over to others, ready to flee. After Nurhaci angrily rebuked the two, he and his brother Murhazi, the close attendant Yan Bulu, and Wulingga shot and killed more than twenty enemy soldiers. Although the enemy army was numerous, it was afraid of the bravery of Nurhaci's side, and its morale was greatly weakened, and they fled. Nurhaci chased after The Jilin Cliff and won a great victory.

In the fourteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1586), Nurhaci conquered Erhun and Nikan Wailan fled to the Ming Dynasty. Nurhaci begged the Mingbian officials to take Nikan Wailan back and put him to death. In the fourteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1586), the city was built on the site of the "Jianzhou Old Camp", which was called Foala after the Jin Dynasty moved to Liaoyang after the sixth year of the Mandate of Heaven (1621), that is, the "Old City" (now Erdao Village, Yongling Town, Xinbin County). In the fifteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1587), Nurhaci attacked the Zhechenbu Cottage again, killing the lord of the village, Altai, and sending Er yidu to attack the city of Balda. As for the Hun River, the river could not flow because of the high tide, and the soldiers were connected to each other by ropes, and the fish crossed. After crossing the river, Egido attacked the city of Balda at night, the defenders were defenseless and rushed to battle, and Egido led his soldiers to the city. Er Yidu was wounded in more than fifty places, but still did not retreat, and finally attacked the city of Balda. For this battle, Edu was given the title of Baturu. Nurhaci then led an army to attack Dongcheng, and the city lord Zahai surrendered. At this point, the Zhechen clan was completely annexed by Nurhaci.

In September of the sixteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1588), su guan minister Sol Guo, Dong'e minister He Heli, and Yargu minister Hu Erhan led three troops of soldiers and civilians to annex Nurhaci, which made it a big shock. Nurhaci treated the chiefs of the various tribes who came to vote, with Fei Yingdong, the son of Solgo, as a first-class minister, and gave his eldest daughter Xu to He Heli, and adopted Erhan as his adopted son, giving him the surname Jueluo. Later, Fei Yingdong, He Heli, Hu Erhan and Nurhaci's fierce generals Eyidu and Anfei Yanggu, who were just starting an army, were called the "Five Ministers" and became the mainstay of Nurhaci's regime. Subsequently, Nurhaci fought against Zhaojia City and beheaded the city lord Ninggu and Zhang Jing. In the same year, Nurhaci conquered the city of Guanyan (Wang Jia) and eliminated the last rival of the Jurchens of Jianzhou, Guanyanbu. After 5 years of conquest, Nurhaci successively conquered 5 parts of Jianzhou.

Beginning in the first month of the nineteenth year of the Ming Dynasty (1591), Nurhaci marched eastward and captured the Yalu River Road.

At the end of the twenty-first year of the Wanli Calendar (1593), he successively conquered Zhusheli Road and Nayin Road, and incorporated the Changbai Mountain Department into his sphere of influence. In turn, he sent troops to capture the East Sea. Because Nurhaci officially promulgated the state government in June of the fifteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1588), after calling himself Shulebelle, it caused real dissatisfaction among the Haixi women.

In September of the twenty-first year of the Wanli Calendar (1593), just as Nurhaci was leading his army eastward to conquer the various departments of Changbai Mountain, Bu Zhai, the leader of the Jurchen Yehe tribe of Haixi, joined forces with Ulla, Huifa, Hada, and Mongolian Horqin to launch an attack on Jianzhou. The two sides fought at Mount Gul. Nurhaci concentrated his forces, attacked its main force, defeated 9 allied troops, slashed Bu Zhai, and captured the leader of the Ural tribe, Bu Zhantai, thus laying the foundation for his unification war. Due to the strength of Haixi's power and the difficulty of quick conquest, Nurhaci adopted the strategy of long-distance and close attack, division and disintegration, and each breaking down. While deeply submitting to the Ming court and expressing friendship with Korea and Mongolia, the focus was on wooing the powerful Yehe and Ula departments.

In July of the twenty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar (1596), Nurhaci sent buzhantai back, supported buzhantai as the leader of Ula, and married his sister.

In the first month of the twenty-fifth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1597), he lost his marriage with the Yehe chieftains Buyanggu and Jintai, and gradually isolated the Hada and Huifa tribes.

In September of the twenty-seventh year of the Wanli Calendar (1599), Nurhaci destroyed the Hada Tribe and captured Maggero on the pretext of betraying the alliance. In the same year, Nurhaci adopted the Mongolian script and added a letter to manchu.

The Haixi Nu really weakened, allowing Nurhaci to attack the East Sea with all its might. From the beginning of the twenty-sixth year of the Wanli Calendar (1598) to November of the forty-third year of the Wanli Calendar (1615), Nurhaci successively marched into the East China Sea, successively conquering the Huye Road, Namuduru, Suifen, Ninguta, Nimacha, Yalan, Urguchen, Mulun and Xilin of the WojiBu, and captured the city of Hekulun in the east of the Wojibu. The Kurkha departments of the East China Sea were also annexed. In the twenty-ninth year of the Wanli Calendar (1601), Nurhaci went to Beijing to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty. In the thirty-first year of the Wanli Calendar (1603), the capital was moved to Hetuala.

In the first month of the thirty-fifth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1607), the Lord of the Jurchen Varkhabu of the East China Sea, Tsemu Tehei, came to see Nurhaci and recounted that his troops had been repeatedly humiliated by Buzhantai after defecting to Ula, hoping to be able to return to Jianzhou. Therefore, Nurhaci ordered Shu'erhaqi, the eldest son Chu Ying, the second son Dai Shan, and the three generals Fei Yingdong, HuErhan, and Yanguli to lead 3,000 soldiers and horses to the city of Yuyou to immediately collect the troops. After hearing the news, Bu Zhantai sent his uncle Bokdo to lead more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to intercept. Shulhazi was related to Bu Zhantai by marriage, and the same ministry stopped Changshu and Naqibu on the mountain and watched from the sidelines. At that time, the snow was heavy, and after Erhan and Yanguli divided their troops to protect the defecting people, they led 200 soldiers and the vanguard of the Ula Army to engage in a fierce battle at Wujian Rock. Subsequently, Chu Ying and Dai Shan each led five hundred troops to attack from both flanks, and the Ula army was defeated, and the Dai Shan Array beheaded the father and son of Bokdo, the deputy general Chang Zhu and hu li bu, and the soldiers were defeated and captured. In this battle, the Jianzhou army slaughtered more than 3,000 people of the Ula army, obtained more than 5,000 horses and more than 3,000 armor, and won a great victory. The Battle of Wujiyan further weakened Ula's strength, and also opened up the road from Jianzhou to the Ussuri River Basin and the middle and lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, which played a role in later recruiting the Savage Jurchens.

Soon, Chu Ying, Dai Shan, and others led 5,000 soldiers to the Yihan Mountain City of Ke Ula. In September of the 40th year of the Wanli Calendar (1612), Buzhantai and the Mongol Horqin led an army to attack Huerha Road, which belonged to Jianzhou. In December of the same year, Nurhaci led his fifth son Mang Gultai and the eighth son, Emperor Taiji, to personally march on Ula, and the Jianzhou soldiers marched south along the Ula River, and after the six cities west of the Lianke River, the soldiers approached Ula City. Nurhaci ordered the Jianzhou army to attack the northern gate of Ula City, burn its grain, and destroy its gates. Bu Zhantai saw that the situation was not good and begged again. He took a canoe to the middle of the Ula River and bowed to Nurhaci to ask for forgiveness. Nurhaci withdrew his troops and returned to Jianzhou after denouncing Buzantai's crimes. Upon Nurhaci's return, Buzantai turned his anger to his two wives, Mukush, nurhaci's daughter, and Nurhaci's niece, Eshitai. Buzhantai once shot an arrow at Mukush and then imprisoned them. In the first month of the forty-first year of the Wanli Calendar (1613), Nurhaci led an army of 30,000 men, including Daishan, nephew Amin, the generals Fei Yingdong, E yidu, Anfei Yanggu, He Heli, and Hurhan, on the grounds of betraying the alliance, imprisoning his wife, and sending people hostage to Yehe. The Jianzhou army was like a bamboo, and three cities were even lowered. The nobles who were dissatisfied with Buzhantai and the isolated people of Ula fell in the wind. Buzhantai led an army of 30,000 to garrison the city of Volha and decided to fight a decisive battle with Nurhaci. The two sides fought, Ula was defeated, and the soldiers and horses were lost six or seven times. The Jianzhou army marched straight to the city of Ula, and Buzhantai ordered his second son Dalamu to lead the army to defend. At this time, Anfeyangu attacked the city with a ladder, and ordered the soldiers to take out the prepared earthen bags and throw them under the city of Ula, which was soon at the height of the city wall

Pingqi, the Jianzhou army entered the city. Nurhaci sat on the upper floor of Ximen City, flanked by the flag of the founding of the state. Bu Zhantai's general trend has gone, and the soldiers under his command have been less than a hundred, and they have fled when they see the Banner of Jianzhou and take the road. On the way, he was intercepted by Dai Shan again, and Bu Zhantai only spared himself and rode alone to throw Ye He away. Jianzhou captured the city of Ula, and Ula perished. Nurhaci stayed in Ural for ten days and brought the Ulla people, including the sons of Buzhantai, into ten thousand households and brought them back to Jianzhou.

In the forty-first year of the Wanli Calendar (1613), Nurhaci destroyed Ulla on the basis of annexing Hada and Huifa, and Ulabelab Zhantai escaped to Yehe on horseback. Nurhaci asked Yeh for Buzhantai three times, but was refused. In September, Nurhaci led an army of 40,000 to attack Yehe. The Jianzhou Army's Nineteen large and small cities, such as Kejidang'a, Wusu, Yaha, and He'ersu, directly approached the two cities of Yehe. Ye He then asked the Ming Dynasty for help, and the Ming Dynasty sent guerrillas Ma Shinan and Zhou Daqi to lead thousands of soldiers to enter YeHe with firearms. Nurhaci saw that Ye He was prepared, so he burned his hut and returned to Jianzhou with the descendants.

In May of the forty-third year of the Wanli Calendar (1615), Yehebuyan Gubel gave Dong Ge xu to the Mongol son Boguer Da, and captured 6 people from Jianzhou. In July, Nurhaci took the opportunity of Yehe's old daughter's marriage to the Mongols, sent three thousand troops, stationed in the old land of Nanguan, and prepared to wipe out Yehe in one fell swoop, but due to the ming court's intervention again, Nurhaci had to temporarily suspend the army.

With the gradual expansion of his power, Nurhaci's name also gradually developed from "Congrui Belle" to "Lord of the Female Zhiguo Jianzhou Wei Guan Shu YiRen", then known as "King of Jianzhou and other places", and then to the Khalkha Mongol honorific title "Kundullun Khan". The Ming Dynasty's ambitions for Nurhaci were completely ignored, and even in 1615, a year before Nurhaci established the Jin Dynasty, the governor of Jiliao called it "obedient to orders" to the imperial court.

In the forty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar (1616), Nurhaci was called "the Wise Khan of the Overthrowing Nations" in Hetuala, and the national name was "Dajin" (historically known as Houjin), becoming the Great Khan of Houjin, and the era name was Mandate of Heaven. By this time, Nurhaci had captured most of the Jurchen tribes.

On April 13, the third year of the Mandate of Heaven (1618), Nurhaci swore an oath to the heavens in Shengjing, read out the Seven Great Hatreds with the Ming Dynasty, and at the same time led 20,000 horsemen to attack the Ming Dynasty. Most of the forts east of Fushun City were captured by the Later Jin army. After the Later Jin army attacked fushun and Qinghe, it had planned to attack Shenyang and Liaoyang, but due to insufficient strength, the flank was threatened by Ye Hebu, and at the same time, it was discovered that the Ming Dynasty had decided to reinforce Liaodong, so that it could take the initiative to retreat in September.

Fushun and other places fell one after another, which made Emperor Mingshenzong feel that the situation was serious, and sent Yang Hao, the left attendant of the military department, to preside over the defense of Liaodong for liaodong. He also decided to send troops to Liaodong and attack Houjin in a big way. However, due to the lack of soldiers and salaries, they could not act immediately, so they sent 2 million taels of silver and sent troops from Sichuan, Gansu, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces to reinforce Liaodong, and also informed the DPRK and Yehe to send troops to respond. After more than half a year of preparations, although most of the reinforcements arrived in the Shenyang area, the grain was not prepared, the soldiers fled, and the generals restrained each other.

In the first month of the fourth year of the Mandate of Heaven (1619), Nurhaci personally led a large army to attack Yehebu and obtained more than twenty villages. I heard that the ming dynasty army came, so I went back. Yang Ho of the Ming Dynasty sent emissaries to Houjin to discuss a boycott of the army, but Nurhaci replied with a letter refusing. In February, Ming arrived in Liaodong with more than 80,000 reinforcements, plus Ye He's army and more than 10,000 North Korean troops, a total of about 100,000, claiming 200,000 (470,000). The MingShen Sect repeatedly urged Yang Hao to launch an attack. So Yang Ho sat in Shenyang and ordered his troops to encircle and suppress Houjin in four ways.

After Nurhaci attacked Fushun and Qinghe, in view of the long distance of the battle with the Ming army, it was necessary to set up a forward base at the junction with the Ming Liaodong Dusi to prepare for the herding of horses, so he built a city at Jilin Cliff (present-day east of Fushun City, Liaoning), strengthened the defensive facilities, and sent troops to guard to block the Ming army's way to the west.

Before the four-way Ming army moved, the combat attempt was discovered by Hou Jin. After Nurhaci discovered the Ming army's actions, he believed that the Ming army's north-south two roads were dangerous and obstructive, the road was far away, and it was impossible to arrive immediately, and it was advisable to defeat the soldiers in the middle of the road first, so he decided to adopt the concentrated force of "depending on how many roads you come, I will only go all the way" and the combat policy of breaking down road by road, and gathered 100,000 troops near the capital to prepare for battle.

On February 29, the Later Jin army found that the vanguard of the Ming Dynasty Liu Ling's army had marched north from Kuandian, and the main force of the Ming army led by Du Song had gone out of Fushun to the east, but the progress was too fast and isolated. After receiving the report, Nurhaci decided to use the 500 soldiers and horses originally stationed in Hetu Alam to delay Liu Ling, taking advantage of the slow progress of the other Ming armies, and concentrate the strength of the Eight Banners to meet the Juniper Army. On the first day of March, The Juniper army made a prominent and adventurous advance, and had entered Salhu (near the Dagangfang Reservoir in present-day Fushun, Liaoning), divided into two troops, and stationed the main force near Salhu, leading 10,000 people to attack Jilin Cliff. Nurhaci saw that the Juniper Army was alone and scattered, and on the one hand he sent reinforcements to Jilin Cliff, and on the other hand, he personally led 45,000 Six Banners to attack the Juniper Army of Salhu. The next day, the two armies engaged in battle, and the Mingxi Route Army was completely destroyed. After annihilating the Juniper Army, Nurhaci turned the main force of the Eight Banners north to meet the Malin Army in the direction of Shangjian Cliff, and the MingBei Route Army was completely destroyed except for the main general Ma Lin who led several horses to flee back to Kaiyuan. Yehebel Jintaishi and Buyangu, who were on their way to support Panzong's Yan department, heard of the defeat of the Ming army, panicked, and withdrew to Yehe.

The Southern Route Army led by Liu Ling failed to advance to Hetuala as scheduled due to the rugged mountain roads and difficulties in action. Because they did not know that the West Road and the North Road had been defeated, they still drove north as originally planned. After Nurhaci defeated the Marin army, he immediately moved his troops south to meet the Mingnan Road Army. On the third day of the first month of March, in order to completely annihilate the Southern Route Army, Nurhaci adopted the method of luring it to advance quickly, setting up ambushes and gathering fighters, and arranging an ambush at Abdali Gang (Hetu Alanan) with the main force in advance, and a small number of soldiers posing as Ming troops, wearing Ming army armor, under the banner of the Ming army, holding Juniper's arrows, falsely claiming that the Juniper army had approached Hetuala and asked Liu Ling to advance quickly. Liu Ling believed it to be true and immediately ordered a light and rapid advance. On the fourth day of March, when Liu Que's army on the East Road of the Ming Army set out from Kuandian, the people east of Houjin took refuge in the deep mountains and old forests. Liu Hao led his army to capture the cottage along the way, killing the crippled, blind and other people who could not move, and marched all the way forward. When Liu Ling's vanguard troops advanced to Abdali Gang, they were ambushed and killed. Nurhaci took advantage of the victory to defeat his successors.

Yang Hao sat in Shenyang, with a mobile force in his hands, and did not make any response to the Three Roads Ming Army. It was not until after the defeat of the juniper and Marin armies that on the fifth day of March, Li Rubai's army was hurriedly transferred back to the division. Li Rubai's army was slow to move, only to the tiger barricade (east of Qinghe Fort). When the order to retreat was received, it was discovered by the Houjin sentry, who issued a shock signal on the mountain and shouted loudly. Li Rubai's army thought that the main force of Houjin launched an attack, and fled in panic, trampling on each other, killing and wounding more than 1,000 people. Marshal Kang Hong-ri of the North Korean army led the remaining 5,000 soldiers down the mountain to surrender, and after Jin set up a banquet to entertain them, he released them back to China and wrote a letter to the Korean lord Gwanghae-jun.

Later, Nurhaci outwitted Kaiyuan and Tieling, causing the Ming Dynasty to lose the shield of Jinxi after the Imperial Guard in the Liaodong region. After several major wars, the Ming Dynasty's military strength in Liaodong was devastated, and Yehebu was isolated. In August of the same year, Nurhaci personally led a large army to besiege the two cities of Yehebu in the east and west, conquered them in one fell swoop, killed yehe leaders Jintaishi and Buyangu, and eliminated Yehebu.

In the sixth year of the Mandate of Heaven (1621), Nurhaci moved the capital to Liaoyang and built the city of Tokyo.

In the seventh year of the Mandate of Heaven (1622), Nurhaci defeated Liaodong Jingluo Xiong Tingbi and Liaodong Governor Wang Huazhen, and captured The Ming Dynasty's western town of Guangning (present-day Beizhen, Liaoning). Immediately after that, Jin Lian besieged more than 40 castles in western Liaoning, such as Yizhou, Jinzhou, and Dalinghe. Xiong Tingbi and Wang Huazhen led the remnants of the Ming army and hundreds of thousands of displaced people to Shanhaiguan.

In March of the Tenth Year of the Mandate of Heaven (1625), Nurhaci moved the capital to Shenyang. During his reign in Liaodong, he carried out bloody killings in conquests many times. In January of the eleventh year of the Mandate of Heaven (1626), Nurhaci launched the Battle of Ningyuan, which was defeated by the Ming general Yuan Chonghuan with the Hongyi cannon made of Portugal, and the army retreated to Shengjing (Shenyang). In April of the same year, Nurhaci personally led a large army to conquer the Mongolian Khalkha, "entering the Syrah wooden wheel and obtaining its livestock." In May, the Ming general Mao Wenlong attacked Anshan, and Nurhaci returned to Shengjing. On May 21, Nurhaci left the city to greet Obabel of the Horqin Tribe, who had come to Shenyang.

In mid-July of the eleventh year of the Mandate of Heaven (1626), Nurhachi was suffering from poisonous gangrene, and on July 23, he went to Qinghe Tangquan for recuperation, and at the beginning of August, the illness turned critical, so he decided to return to Shenyang by boat along the Taizi River, and on August 11, he took a boat down the Taizi River, and died of illness at the age of 68 in Fuling Longenmen Chicken Fort (present-day Jinbao Village, Zhai Hometown, Yuhong District, Shenyang City). Nurhaci was buried in Fuling,Shenyang (present-day Dongling, Shenyang), with the temple name "Taizu".

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