
The Qing Dynasty did not have a late monarch, nor were they all Ming jun, which is more appropriate to put it another way

As the last dynasty in China, the Qing Dynasty has a history of 296 years. From the Mandate of Heaven Emperor Ai XinJue Luo Nurhaci to the Xuantong Emperor Ai Xin Jue Luo Puyi, there were a total of 12 emperors. The famous historian Yan Chongnian believes that the Qing Dynasty did not have a late monarch, which is a relatively absolute statement and has always been controversial.

What is The Dark Lord? What is Ming jun?

Studying ancient emperors, people habitually distinguished them between the Emperor and the Emperor. But what is a dark lord? There is no absolute definition of the emperor in the academic circles, but it can be roughly expressed as follows: he has no brains and still listens to rumors, gets close to unscrupulous and traitorous subjects, mutilates loyal and good, does not listen to good words, does all bad things, drags down the people, ignores the government and politics and only cares about his own pleasures, but can be vigorously fabricated, and destroy the ancestral inheritance, such an emperor is undoubtedly a faint emperor. For the Ming Emperor, it is probably to be able to know people and be diligent in government affairs, let the people live well, and promote the progress and development of the dynasty. In fact, objectively speaking, it is more difficult to judge an emperor by using the Emperor Mingjun, because people are very complicated, the Mingjun may also do wrong things, and the Emperor may also do good things, a person cannot guarantee that all the things he does are good, nor can he guarantee that all he does is bad, not to mention that a thing often has two sides. Therefore, for Ming Jun or Xia Jun, it is a relatively absolute and non-objective statement.

The Qing Dynasty did not have a late monarch, nor were they all Ming jun, which is more appropriate to put it another way

The Qing Dynasty had almost no emperors

The Qing Dynasty's high degree of monarchical system determined that the emperor must be diligent, the Qing Emperor has a lot of power in his hands, almost the emperor alone decides all, in this case, the emperor is not diligent, the country absolutely can not play. Since the beginning of the Emperor Taiji, the state has been very strict about the education of the prince, and the father of the prince who is not easy to learn is not worthy, and will be the first to pass off when passing the throne, so he can sit on the throne of the Qing Dynasty, naturally he is very diligent. Judging from this factor alone, the Qing Dynasty did not have a faint monarch.

The Qing Dynasty did not have a late monarch, nor were they all Ming jun, which is more appropriate to put it another way

Before the Qing Dynasty entered the Customs, it experienced two generations of emperors, the Qing Taizu Nurhaci and the Qing Taizong Emperor Taiji. Nurhaci was a pioneer of the Qing Dynasty, with courage to challenge, political brains and military talents, and was a very remarkable emperor. Compared with his father, Huang Taiji was even more than his father, with foresight and ability, extraordinary, the only pity was that he died too early, and this person was naturally not a dimwitted.

The Qing Dynasty did not have a late monarch, nor were they all Ming jun, which is more appropriate to put it another way

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, it experienced ten generations of emperors, and some people even think that the ten emperors after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs were all emperors. The first emperor after entering the customs, Qing Shizu Shunzhi, did not have great merits, but there was nothing to criticize, and the Emperor was not counted. Qing Shengzu Kangxi, Qing Shizong Yongzheng, and Qing Gaozong Qianlong are the three more accomplished emperors in the history of the Qing Dynasty, who jointly created the prosperous era of Kangqian, although there are also deficiencies and decays, but they cannot be counted as emperors. The remaining six emperors, from the Jiaqing Emperor to the last emperor Puyi, were very mediocre, although they did not do much, but it was a bit too much to describe it as a late emperor.

There is no emperor but there is a mediocre king

In the history of the Qing Dynasty, the closest thing to the Emperor is Qing Wenzong Xianfeng, but this old brother is really miserable, he thought of governing the government well, he did not expect to catch up with the uprising, it was too late to suppress, and then encountered the invasion of the British and French allies, xianfeng, who was worried about internal and external pressure, was breathless, based on the fact that he was mediocre and incompetent, so Xianfeng waved his hands and did not do it, smoked opium, excessive lust, played as much as he wanted, paid no attention to state affairs, hey, brother played with you. But Xianfeng was indeed very diligent in the early stage, and also did a lot of reforms, and in the later period, it was really mud that could not support the wall, conniving at the old thief of Cixi, and bringing calamity to China, it can be regarded as half a faint king, in the end, it is still incompetent, mediocre to the extreme, and a proper mediocre jun. The emperors since Qianlong have basically been mediocre.

The Qing Dynasty did not have a late monarch, nor were they all Ming jun, which is more appropriate to put it another way

In general, the Qing Dynasty had almost no emperors, but nearly half of them were mediocre monarchs.

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