
The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day

After people's economic level has improved, many families can afford to buy a car, but for the convenience of city travel, some people will still buy an electric two-wheeler at home. Since it is driven by electric energy, the cost of travel is very low. Before the popularity of electric two-wheelers, there was also a generation of walking tools that were also very popular, that is, motorcycles. More than a decade ago, when the automobile was not yet widely popularized, motorcycles became an important means of transportation for people to travel, whether it was far away or near, it was very convenient.

The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day

However, in recent years, due to the impact of the motorcycle restriction order, coupled with the impact of automobiles and electric two-wheelers, motorcycle sales have gradually declined. In 2013, motorcycle sales exceeded 20 million units, but in the past two years, motorcycle sales have been declining.

In 2021, the sales of mainland motorcycles are only more than 18 million, although it is up from 2020, but in general it will continue to decline. However, among the many motorcycle production enterprises, there is a motorcycle company whose sales have become the sales champion of domestic motorcycles very well, which is the Great Yangtze River Car Company, and its sales have surpassed Zongshen and Lifan.

The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day.

The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day

As early as 1993, the sales of motorcycles in the mainland have reached the first position in the world, but due to the impact of the epidemic, the sales of motorcycles have undergone major changes, and due to the difficult living environment, many motorcycle manufacturing companies have been forced to close down due to poor management.

Although the epidemic is basically under control now, the motorcycle industry has not recovered rapidly, and many people now pay great attention to word of mouth and brand and quality when buying motorcycles, so the sales of motorcycle brands that meet these conditions are still relatively high.

From the current mainland motorcycle industry, the price of most motorcycle products is relatively low, compared with many developed countries' motorcycle brands, although the overall price of many domestic motorcycles has increased, in general, the same displacement of domestic motorcycles and foreign-produced motorcycle prices have a big gap.

The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day

In Japan, for example, motorcycles produced in the mainland are much cheaper than those produced in Nissan, at least about 30% cheaper.

As the state attaches great importance to intellectual property rights and patents, the intellectual property rights of some car companies that produce motorcycles independently have been protected, and the state industry and information technology department has also been punished for infringing enterprises.

What is more worth mentioning is that after years of development, the mainland has an excellent manufacturing level and a perfect supporting system, and has also formed a large-scale production capacity, so many motorcycle manufacturing enterprises have been well developed, and the Yangtze River car company is one of them.

The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day

As the founder, Wang Dawei is very business-minded, and after inspecting the motorcycle market, he established the Great Yangtze River Motorcycle Enterprise in Jiangmen.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Great Yangtze River car company, there were many enterprises that were grasping production at that time, but the Great Yangtze River paid great attention to the quality and technology of the product, so it soon established a good reputation in the domestic motorcycle brand. Later, it reached a cooperative relationship with the Suzuki Group, and promoted the development system of the GreatEr Yangtze River to be very smooth through mutual reference.

In the past, many people paid great attention to whether they were big names, and now many people pay attention to word of mouth and quality, it is precisely because the Great Yangtze River is very good in word of mouth and quality, so it soon occupies most of the domestic market.

The champion of domestic motorcycle sales appeared: surpassing Zongshen Lifan, with an average of more than 5,000 units sold every day

It is understood that in 2021, in the mainland's motorcycle car sales ranking, the Great Yangtze River Group ranked among the best, with a daily sales volume of more than 5,000 vehicles, which made many motorcycle companies very envious.

With the continuous improvement of people's economic level, it was very difficult to buy motorcycles in the past, but now basically every household can afford to buy motorcycles, and many car companies are also paying great attention to product quality and word of mouth in order to continuously increase sales.

With the high demands of consumers, many motorcycle companies are also trying to meet the needs of consumers in order to occupy a large share of the consumer market.

It is precisely because of its good reputation and quality, as well as cooperation with excellent brands, that The Great Yangtze River has made its brand better and better. No matter which industry, in the process of development, if you want to get huge benefits, you must do a good job of the brand and improve product quality and reputation.

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