
In a stack of sketchbooks, I think of my father

▲ If you are willing to push open a door, you can see another world

Winter moon, warm sun.

In the corner of the exhibition hall, we found Teacher Wang Zhongyu, who held "Father's Sketchbook", read it softly, stopped occasionally, and gently rubbed it. "It's like back in time when we were five or six years old, we were lying at my father's desk and watching him draw." Teacher Wang Zhongyu said with a smile.

The "Father's Sketchbook" that the teacher read was a book dedicated to his father by Wang Zhongyu, Wang Huangsheng and Wang Huangxin. Use the sketchbook to record the emotions and attitudes of a father and an artist towards life, family, nature and life, and life. And this exhibition is an extension of this.

From Nanyang to northern Guangdong, from mountains, rivers, lakes and seas to bustling cities, from north to south, and then from Chaoshan to foreign countries. The exhibitions that fall from the ceiling fill the space and are invisible. One by one, it is full of memories and memories of their children's fathers.

Bypassing the exhibition, each volume is introduced by a piece of old paper-colored cardboard, displaying the original sketches of Mr. Wang Lanruo in each period. The arduous labor scenes in the mining area, the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, the lively and playful fruits and vegetables... The scenes of sketching in different periods make the viewer feel like retracing the footsteps of Mr. Li; green, forbearing, sincere, delicate, comfortable, focused, self-satisfied, free-spirited... The interweaving of the tone of life in different periods allows the viewer to appreciate the variety of life.

At the end of the exhibition hall, there is a small studio, playing the emotions and design of the book "Father's Sketchbook: Wang Lanruo" narrated by the children, and mr. Wang Lanruo shared the warm picture of the joy of heaven with his children. This allows everyone who sits down to complete the viewing of this exhibition in the most daily and relaxed manner.

Just like Mr. Wang Huangsheng's father enlightened his art through sketchbooks when he was young, as a descendant, they also hope that through their father's sketchbooks, they can provide many details behind an artist's life. Whether it is for researchers or for us, to better understand an artist to provide a kind of information behind the scenes.

= About Wang Lanruo =

Wang Lanruo, 1911-2015. He is a famous contemporary Chinese painter and art educator, a member of the China Artists Association, the honorary chairman of the Shantou Literary Association, the honorary president of the Shantou Academy of Painting, and the honorary chairman of the Shantou Artists Association.

Born in Jieyang, Guangdong, nicknamed Love Green Grass Hall Lord. Fine landscapes, flowers and birds, characters, its orchid plum bamboo chrysanthemum, scale armor aquatic tribe is known in the world. The style is elegant and delicate. After the age of 100, the painting style has changed in particular, and the atmosphere is magnificent and natural.

He has been engaged in art education and creation in the Chaoshan region for a long time, and many of the students have become important figures in the Chinese painting world. He has held exhibitions in various parts of The Country and the United States, France, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Thailand and other countries. Many of the works are collected by the Palace Museum and the National Art Museum of China. In 2011, he won the Shantou Culture and Art Lifetime Achievement Award.

He has published more than ten personal works such as "Wang Lanruo Painting Collection", "Chinese Modern and Contemporary Famous Artists Painting Collection - Wang Lanruo", "When Sitting and Watching the Clouds Rise - Selected Works of Wang Lanruo", "Nine-Nine Changes of The French King Lanruo" and so on.

In a stack of sketchbooks, I think of my father

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