
Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

author:Small sweetheart source

When we succeed, we will be very happy, when we fail we will be very lost, life will always rise and fall, no one is smooth sailing, failure is a common thing, some people can not afford to fail, failure can not afford, some people fail, after a period of loss, put away emotions, choose to start again. If you fail once, you have no confidence, then talk about what struggle, talk about what change, failure you will start again, just like falling, you get up and walk again, it is impossible to say that you fell down and lie there without moving, only you can make yourself stand up, if you do not want to stand up, then who to help you is useless, the so-called where you fall up, where to get up, to learn to get out of the shadow of failure.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

One reason for career losers to fail is that they subconsciously see themselves as a perpetual loser and cannot get out of this shadow. They simply can't face themselves and work for improvement.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

A female student named Nan Ku turned out to have her biggest wish to become an actress. Her room was crammed with books on brush painting, the walls were plastered with posters of Hollywood's great legends, and the journals and magazines nancy containing celebrity secrets were numerous. However, her wish was not fulfilled, she said: "I hate office work, but I have no other choice." I know I'm a loser, but I can't get anything back, and I feel the smell of failure everywhere!

Let's take a look at nanman's parents and friends, who also only regard her dreams as incomprehensible and impossible fantasies, so Nancy's paperwork now becomes a container for her to vent her dissatisfaction in life, and she herself thinks that maybe she is happy to be a loser and find self-resentment satisfaction in nothing.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

Nancy thinks she has "failed" in her career, for reasons that she has not done so.

1. Find out what you really want;

2. Understand your strengths and weaknesses;

3. Failure to develop their own advantages in a planned way;

4. Failure to systematically correct mistakes and improve shortcomings.

5. No effort to find opportunities for ideals

6. Do not pursue success wholeheartedly;

7. Failure to build up one's own confidence;

8. There is no coordination between hope and reality.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

Nanman's attitude towards ideals is negative, she is only a recipient of fate, not a picker.

So what should we do when we really encounter setbacks

To deal with it? Sometimes the best way to break a setback is not to be tough, not to confront it head-on, but to have a way to follow and a skill to talk about.

First, correctly understand setbacks and take setbacks as a new starting point in life.

Napoleon of France said: Success in life is not without a record of failure, but it can be repeatedly raised. So failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the attitude and actions you take after failure.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

Second, vent appropriately and forget the energy of failure.

When we fail, we will all be sad, but do not let the pain occupy our psychology, or even let it rot and deteriorate, so that it is more difficult to get out of the shadow of failure, and actively find other ways to eliminate the frustration in our hearts. You can find friends to go to the wide fields and shout a few times, listen to songs, and other ways that you feel satisfied. But there can be no extreme behavior. In this way, confidence and passion will slowly recover.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

Third, find others to talk to and throw away the psychological baggage.

Don't put frustration and sadness in your heart, so it is easy to make yourself more and more melancholy, the less likely you are to get out of the shadow of setbacks, and finally you will be more and more sad. Talk to a good friend and say the words that are stuffy in your heart, which will be more comfortable, and you can also analyze why you have failed, so as to find a more appropriate way to get your confidence back.

Fourth, find a goal and strive to replace setbacks with success.

The reason why we feel frustrated is because we have been hit by failure, it is difficult to get out of the shadow of failure for a while, and when we have suffered setbacks and cannot be eliminated and overcome in a certain period of time, the best way is to take a detour. We need to find a goal and focus on the new goal so that we don't have time to think about past failures. When you succeed, look back, failure is not a big deal, then you will laugh it off.


Therefore, when we suffer from pain, sometimes we don't have to rush to solve this pain, we can use the cold method, first hide the pain, turn a blind eye. Let's do what we think is accommodating

Easy to succeed in another thing. When we succeed in new areas, look back at the previous setbacks, the setbacks have long disappeared, setbacks are no longer setbacks, no longer a roadblock on our way forward.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

Fifth, recall the wonderful experiences in life.

You can recall a wonderful, fascinating, and selfless experience that you feel in your daily life and work. When you feel depressed, don't forget to remember the glory of the past to boost your morale. Face reality, start over, and forget about unpleasant things.

Failure is not necessarily all bad, failure can make us grow, let us accumulate experience, but also let us have the spirit of more and more courageous

When we suffer, the past will let him pass, it is a fact that cannot be changed, why should we punish ourselves with past setbacks, face setbacks, bravely jump over, life will have a different hole.

Only by stepping out of the shadow of failure can you move towards success

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