
The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

author:Read Song Ci every day

Spirit refers to a person's consciousness, mental activity and general mental state. From the ancient term "spirit" to the classical term "spirit", and then to the "consciousness" of the Enlightenment era, the "psychology" in today's modern terms, with the progress and perfection of human society, our understanding of "spirit" has become more and more comprehensive.

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

About 700 years ago in Japan, a spirit called "Bushido" was born, which is the spiritual pillar and moral code of the samurai class in Japan's feudal society, and the most typical behavior of the Bushido spirit is "cutting the abdomen", which is an incomparably painful and long process.

According to Japanese historical records, in 989 AD, a man named Fujiwara Yoshi became the first person in Japanese history to commit suicide by cutting his abdomen, and when the officers and soldiers rushed into his home, he was ready, Fujiwara Yoshitoshi was open-chested, sitting cross-legged in the hall, with a shiny knife on his lap, and leisurely blowing a whistle.

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

When the song was over, Fujiwara Yoshi took the tai knife, inserted it into his abdomen forcefully, and then cut his abdomen from left to right, and used the tip of the knife to pick out his own internal organs, throw it on the officers and soldiers, and then fell to the ground and died. A hundred years later, Fujiwara's suicide method became the most glorious way to die in the eyes of Japanese samurai, and this extremely cruel way of suicide was fully in line with the aesthetics of violence in the eyes of the Japanese.

Because the Japanese believe that the human soul resides in the belly, through the caesarean section, you can show your soul to the world, in order to achieve the highest state of "beyond death". As a result, the suicide method of suicide by caesarean section quickly became popular in Japan.

However, in fact, the abdominal cut is too painful, it is by no means a knife can be ended, and most people are difficult to continue halfway through, so at this time, the Japanese samurai took a "compromise" approach - auxiliary measures.

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

First, the form of caesarean section

Generally speaking, the abdomen has a one-shaped, two-figure, three-shaped, cross-shaped form, the so-called "one-shaped", that is, from the left rib into the abdomen, and then pulled horizontally into the right abdomen; and the "two-shaped, three-shaped", is on the basis of the "one-line", longitudinally from the chest to the navel; "cross-shaped" is the most painful, the caesareaner in the absence of assistance, to cut the "cross" shape in their abdomen, so that the internal organs all flow out, and eventually die due to excessive blood loss.

To tell the truth, even the "simplest" one-line shape, few people can do it, half of the stroke has been painful to continue, modern medicine believes that the blade touched the internal organs, the caesarean section will lose consciousness, so at this time, the need for "auxiliary measures".

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

2. Auxiliary measures

Since caesarean section is a serious and honorable thing for the Japanese, representing the self-esteem and honor of the samurai, it is not allowed to be sloppy, and in general, they will put on their most solemn kimono before the caesarean section, wipe the knife used for the caesarean section clean, and then shout words such as "Long live the emperor", and then gently open the kimono and cut the abdomen.

Next to the cesarean, there is often a person standing, they are called "wrong people", when the cutter can not bear the pain, and want to defend their self-esteem, the wrong person will immediately behead them, and then declare to the outside world that the samurai died by caesarean section.

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

Later, some samurai would drink poison before the caesarean section to prepare for their own death. This shows how deeply ingrained the Japanese spirit of Bushido is in their hearts.

And the suicidal person must have a spirit beyond life and death, even if the abdominal section is extremely painful, can not close the eyes to show the spirit of fearlessness, and when the abdominal cut is completed, must be knees together, the body must lean forward, fall to the ground in front, not backwards or sideways. The knife used to cut the abdomen should also be placed in front of the caesarean section. In this way, he can be regarded as maintaining his own samurai style bone.

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

When war broke out later, some people with ulterior motives combined the spirit of Bushido with militarism and became the best spiritual weapon for the Japanese government to advocate "absolute loyalty to the emperor" and "external expansion", so that the barbarism of the Japanese military and people completely broke out and became slaves to the spirit of Bushido.

The Japanese samurai's "suicide by caesarean section" is not as simple as a knife, and there are many auxiliary measures

With the end of the war, the material life of the Japanese people has gradually improved, and people's spiritual life has become more and more impoverished, in this case, people will not think of anything "beyond death", and the caesarean section has gradually withdrawn from the stage of Japanese history, but now the Japanese people have begun to frequently use the two words "caesarean section", in order to ridicule those failed bureaucrats and make them quickly cut their abdomen and apologize.