
Abdominal cut: How many levels of pain are you willing to endure for your family?

author:Uncle Bing

2 teeth extracted, broken for 2 weeks.

Let's make a break with a movie in which a Japanese samurai "grits his teeth" to die, "Cut the Belly".

The pain index for pregnant women giving birth is 10.

The pain index of tooth extraction was once 2, now it is 0, because there is anesthesia.

The pain index of the abdomen, between 2-10, is the key to the craftsmanship of the wrong person.

The mistake is the person who helps you to get rid of the pain as soon as possible in the abdominal cutting ceremony, and cut off the head with a knife.

If, as soon as you express the meaning of cutting the abdomen, the threat has just entered the abdomen, and the mistake is swung with the knife, the pain index 2.

If, you are Yukio Mishima, choose the wrong person, get cut 4 times, pain index 7.

If, like in the movie "Cutting the Belly", Qian Qianyan asked for a woman, you were forced to use a bamboo knife, yes, a knife made of bamboo, to cut the abdomen.


100% 10。

You must have a graded awareness and feeling of pain, for example, just had root canal surgery, or treated periodontitis, in order to feel more empathy, the love of pain and pain in the movie "Abdominal Cut".

Abdominal cut: How many levels of pain are you willing to endure for your family?

Qian Qianyan begged for a woman, and when he went to cut his abdomen, he was full of hope.

He hoped that he would live to the death, receive the care of the class as fellow samurai, get money, and save his son who was seriously ill and dying.

He did not expect that the class was also hierarchical, he was the lowest nobody, and the greatest value was that he used his low life to prove the noble rules of the class, which were awe-inspiring and inviolable. Killing him, forcing him to die, never letting him live and disgrace everyone's face, has become class correct.

Qian Qianyan begged for a woman, and when cutting his abdomen, there was still expectation.

He hoped that he would die with dignity, with the help of his class of fellow samurai, and die quickly and decisively.

He did not expect that the jealousy of his peers, he dared to cut his abdomen with a bamboo knife, and this courage and courage made all the onlookers feel ashamed in their hearts.

Jealousy made his peers feel evil, and the more undignified he died, the more decent his peers became.

Qian Qianyan begged for a woman, and finally bit his tongue and committed suicide, with extravagant hopes.

He hoped that his tragic death would awaken the pity of the class who were also samurai, and that when he sent his corpse home, he would bring some alms with him.

He didn't care, decently; nor fear, pain; and even less, escaped death.

Is it interesting to be alive in such a world where such "gritted teeth" endure humiliation and burden, and the whole family cannot live? What if you can die its "rope"?

Qian Qianyan asked for a daughter and was a good husband.

For his wife and children, he gave up the class dignity of the samurai and sold the swords that symbolized the identity of the samurai, just to live.

He made a final effort for his wife and children, extorting the class dignity of the samurai by going to the door and cutting his abdomen, demanding money and seeking medical treatment.

He left the last glimmer of possibility for his wife and children, and the sympathy of people with this heart and material wounds can bring life-saving money and food to their seriously ill wives and children.

Abdominal cut: How many levels of pain are you willing to endure for your family?

The ending is a human tragedy,

After the dedication of the 10th level of pain, Qian Qianyan asked for a woman and cut his abdomen to death;

Son, who died of illness three days later;

Wife, 7 days later sad and desperate to die;

Half a year later, his father-in-law took revenge for him, fought hard, was outnumbered, and cut his abdomen and died again.

Some people describe "Cut Belly" as a Japanese samurai version of "Alive".

The ending of this human tragedy is the cautionary and constant words that the director wants to express,

If a class cannot take care of even its own class compatriots with a minimum of food and clothing, it must be overthrown, wiped out, and thrown into the garbage heap of history.

In its place, the class that does not seek its own government does not deserve to live.

Abdominal cut: How many levels of pain are you willing to endure for your family?


Masaki Kobayashi, director of Harakiri (1962)

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