
Don't panic when the cold wave hits, "Blue Friends" come to assist!

The Meteorological Bureau of the Autonomous Region released the news that this week (January 17 to January 23, 2022), there was light snow (rain) in Nyingchi, Nagqu and Ali, and moderate to heavy snow in some high-altitude areas; there was light snow (rain) on cloudy days in Shigatse, Lhasa, Shannan and northern Qamdo. From Saturday to Sunday, there is light to moderate snow (rain) in Southern Ali, Southern Shigatse, Southern Shannan and Nyingchi, with heavy to heavy snow at some high altitudes; light snow on cloudy days in other areas. In addition, there are 7-8 winds at high altitudes south of Nagqu, Ali and Shigatse, and gusts of 4-5 in the Shigatse, Shannan and Lhasa Valleys.

For the driver

How to drive safely on snow and ice days

It's a very headache

Travel in rain and snow

Be sure to pay attention to traffic safety!

Don't panic when the cold wave hits, "Blue Friends" come to assist!

The morning of December 26, 2021

Command Center of Fire Rescue Detachment of Changsha City, Hunan Province

Received an alarm

A traffic accident occurred on a viaduct

Sixteen cars on the scene rear-ended in a row

It was cold! The snow is huge! The road is slippery!

But "Blue Friends" will give you the warmest protection!

Tibet Fire Department reminds you:

Safely go out and keep an eye on the road

Slow down or speed

Travel safely, go home safely!

Stabilize the throttle and drive at a uniform speed. Ice and snow road, starting and driving, to stabilize the throttle, maintain a uniform speed, should not violently lift the clutch, accelerate sharply, brake sharply.

Keep your car distance to prevent rear-end collisions. Ice and snow road driving, due to the friction between the tire and the ground decreased, the braking distance increased, maintaining the distance, the current car braked, the rear car is difficult to brake the car in a short distance, resulting in a rear-end accident.

Drive slowly, tapping the direction. In the case of ice and slippery road, when passing through a curve or needing to turn, reduce the speed in advance, stabilize the steering wheel, and turn slowly back.

Drive by lane to reduce lane changes. Don't change lanes easily and frequently. When you must overtake, you must also maintain a sufficiently safe distance from the car in front, and do not rush to return to the original road after overtaking, but pull away from the rear car before returning to the original road.

Pay attention to the road conditions, slope curve. When going up and down the slope on a snowy day, you need to pay attention to keeping a distance from the car in front, do not stop and go, strive for a one-time climb, and must maintain a double distance from the car in front. When going downhill, change the low speed gear, if the road conditions are bad, you can sprinkle some sand on the front and rear wheels of the car to increase the friction of the wheels.

Increase tire ground friction. If you encounter ice and snow on the way and cannot replace the snow tire in time, you can put some air on the tire to increase the contact surface between the tire and the ground and improve the grip of the tire.


Don't panic when the cold wave hits, "Blue Friends" come to assist!


Pay attention to driving skills on snowy roads

It's about your driving safety

Don't panic when the cold wave hits, "Blue Friends" come to assist!

▌Source: Tibet Daily Tibet Fire All-Media Work Center

▌ Editor: Gyatso

▌ Proofreader: Xiao Xuan

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