
Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action

Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action

To strengthen team building and build brand departments, Nagqu People's Hospital "Critical Maternal Rescue Center" and "Critical Child and Newborn Treatment Center" have been established, and the establishment of these two centers also marks a new high in the medical level of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of The People's Hospital of Our City.

Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action

According to reports, in Naqu, 10-20 newborns are born every day, and due to the high altitude, the herdsmen's ideological tradition has no awareness of obstetric examination, resulting in an increase in premature babies and neonatal diseases. Today, in the pediatric department of Nagqu People's Hospital, incubators and neonatal equipment are readily available. Improving newborn survival has also saved countless families.

Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action

The establishment of the critically ill children and newborn treatment center also provides a strong medical guarantee for newborns in the northern Tibetan plateau, and the establishment of these two centers also marks the further improvement of the city's high-risk maternal and critically ill children and newborn treatment system, the medical treatment capacity has been further improved, and the "two drops and one liter" work has been further consolidated.

Editor-in-chief: Du Lin Chun

Editor-in-charge: Ciwang Puta

Editor: Solang Quzhen

Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action
Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action

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Improving medical standards Nagqu People's Hospital is in action

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