
Meta-universe burns to the film and television industry Huace Film and Television has set up a special department to focus on the layout of virtual images, NFTs...

Per reporter: Bi Yuanyuan Per editor: Dong Xingsheng

From the fire of 2021 to 2022, the meta-universe has become the new field that various industries most want to explore.

This fire has finally reached the film and television industry. Recently, "the first share of TV dramas" Huace Film and Television issued an announcement that a special meta-universe new business department was established to seize the new development opportunities in the digital era.

Along with this announcement, Great Aim Film and Television also announced a new management change, in which Fu Binxing, daughter of founder Zhao Yifang, will serve as the president of Great Aim Film and Television.

Meta-universe burns to the film and television industry Huace Film and Television has set up a special department to focus on the layout of virtual images, NFTs...

Fu Binxing Image source: The official website of Great Aim Group

On January 10, the day of the announcement, The opening of Huace Film and Television rose by more than 5%. As of the close of trading on January 19, the market value of Huace Film and Television exceeded 13 billion yuan, and the stock price was 6.97 yuan per share. And Fu Binxing's own value has exceeded 100 million yuan.

Last year, the film "Assassination of a Novelist", directed by Huace Film led by Fu Binxing, applied dynamic virtualization shooting, and the expression of the character "red-haired ghost" was very similar to the popular virtual person. Every time the reporter learned, the business of the meta-universe will also be dominated by Fu Binxing. In an interview with the Daily Economic News reporter, Great Aim Film and Television responded that the layout of the meta-universe is the long-term strategic development direction of Great Aim Group to embrace the future, and in the future, the company will also focus on the direction of virtual image, NFT, digital studio and other directions to develop the new business of the meta-universe.

Set up a meta-universe department, what does Huace want to do?

Starting with a TV series, Huace Film and Television began a drastic reform in early 2022.

According to the "Announcement on Adjusting the Company's Organizational Structure" released by Great Aim Film and Television on January 10, the company will develop four new business sectors of film, copyright, international and meta-universe new business: integrate the cinema business department with the film production, investment and publicity business of Great Aim Pictures to form a film business department; integrate the copyright business of Jiayun Society, Olive, Drama Alliance and other copyright companies into copyright start-up companies, build a high-tech digital film and television entertainment material operation platform; and set up a special meta-universe new business department to seize the new development opportunities in the digital era.

How does film and television combine with the metacosm? This concept has been explored for a long time in the film and television industry.

Great Aim Film and Television replied to every reporter that the layout of the meta-universe is the long-term strategic development direction of Great Aim Group to embrace the future. At the same time, Great Aim Group has the advantage of creating and converging consumer demand.

Specifically, in "Assassination of a Novelist", Great Aim Group has created three avatars; "Anti-Corruption Storm 5: Final Chapter" has launched an NFT blind box and launched a free digital collection activity; and a virtual shooting digital studio located in the Yangtze River Delta International Film and Television Center, which is scheduled to be put into use after the Spring Festival...

Meta-universe burns to the film and television industry Huace Film and Television has set up a special department to focus on the layout of virtual images, NFTs...

Image source: Great Aim Group's official website

Great Aim Film and Television said that in the future, the company will also focus on the direction of virtual images, NFTs, digital studios and other directions to develop new business in the meta-universe.

Huaxin Securities' research report at the end of 2021 shows that the main investment control film "Assassination of a Novelist" shot by Huace Film and Television in 2021 with dynamic virtualization accounts for 35% of the audience aged 20 to 24.

In Assassination of a Novelist, the character "Red-haired Ghost" is represented in a very similar way to the now popular virtual person. Huace Film and Television also said that "Assassination of a Novelist" fills the gap in the domestic dynamic virtualized shooting system and sets a new benchmark for the industrialization of Chinese films.

According to the "2022 Film and Television Industry Meta-universe Research Report", now that the application of virtual people is in its infancy, users have just begun to have a preliminary understanding of virtual people. As virtual people are more widely used in live broadcasts, influencer KOLs, film and television works, brand spokespersons, online meetings and corporate business, virtual people will be easier to reach people's lives.

In fact, not only Huace Film and Television, Mango TV launched the digital person "YAOYAO" after September 2021, and Hunan Satellite TV also launched the virtual host "Xiaoyang"; NetEase, Baidu, Tencent and other Internet companies have also laid out new "meta-universe" related services such as virtual concerts, virtual people or VR.

The "second generation" took office, showing the new goal of Huace Film and Television

As soon as the meta-universe department was established, it was adjusted by Huace Film and Television to one of the four major new business innovation and development sectors, and continuous investment will be carried out in the future, which is a big move of Huace Film and Television in recent years.

Huace Film and Television told every reporter that the meta-universe based on Web3.0 technology, as a new ecology built by the next generation of Internet technology, will bring more profound changes to the future lifestyle of human beings. This technological change will have a great impact on the entire industry chain of the film and television industry.

The driving force behind this is Fu Binxing, the new president of Huace Film and Television.

On January 10, Great Aim Film and Television also announced the "Announcement on the Election of the Chairman of the Fourth Board of Directors, the Adjustment of the Members of the Special Committee of the Board of Directors, and the Appointment of the President of the Company and the Representative of Securities Affairs", in which the management of Great Aim Film and Television changed.

Meta-universe burns to the film and television industry Huace Film and Television has set up a special department to focus on the layout of virtual images, NFTs...

Zhao Yifang Image source: The official website of Great Aim Group

Zhao Yifang still holds the position of chairman of the company, and in order to further promote the rejuvenation, specialization and internationalization of the core leadership force and promote the upgrading and development of the organization, the board of directors of Great Aim Film and Television agreed to appoint Fu Binxing as the president of the company.

Fu Binxing is the daughter of Zhao Yifang and Fu Meicheng, and has been in the management of Huace Film and Television since 2015. According to the announcement of Great Aim Film and Television, although Zhao Yifang is the founder and actual controller of Great Aim Film and Television, she does not hold shares in the company. As of the date of the announcement, Fu Binxing held 15.6 million shares of the company.

In fact, since January 10, the stock price of Great Aim Film and Television has ushered in a wave of rise. At the opening of the market on January 10, the stock price of Huace Film and Television rose by more than 5% at one point. As of the close of trading on January 19, the market value of Huace Film and Television exceeded 13 billion yuan, and the stock price was 6.97 yuan per share, while Fu Binxing's own value had exceeded 100 million yuan.

From 2015 to the present, Fu Binxing has been practicing in Huace Film and Television for more than 6 years, officially taking over the baton from the identity of "second generation". During this period, Fu Binxing participated in the production of many films and dramas, such as "Assassin Nie Yinniang", "The Last Night on Earth", "Assassination of a Novelist", "My Girlhood", "Diplomatic Storm", "Our New Era", "My Motherland and Me", etc.

In March 2021, at the film list conference held by Great Aim Pictures, Fu Binxing announced that in the next three years, it will invest, produce and distribute 30+ films, and achieve the box office target of 10 billion+ at the fastest speed. At the investor relations event in August 2021, Great Aim Film and Television confidently announced that in the next three to five years, movies and animations will strive to enter the top three or top five.

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