
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?

author:Pin Li Bai reads Tang and Song dynasties
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?

Speaking of Li Bai's essay "History of Pei Chang of Shang'an Prefecture". Li Bai wrote this article for a reason.

After Li Bai entered the Xu family, he was particularly defamatory because of his poetic talent and unruly behavior. Someone said bad things about Li Bai from the newly appointed Governor of Anzhou, Shi Peikuan, accusing Li Bai of misbehaving and having a bad character. Li Bai originally wanted to criticize Pei Changshi and asked for citation, but he had no choice but to slander him. The content of Li Bai's "letter of recommendation" added the component of "snow slander", and judging from the proportion of the text, it became the main body of this "letter of recommendation". Therefore, in the "book", Li Bai expressed his beautiful conduct from the aspects of light wealth and good charity, saving money and valuing righteousness, raising high and forgetting opportunities, and being rich in talent, and the ultimate goal was to settle on the recommendation.

In the text, Li Bai said of his study: "At the age of five, he recited liujia, and at the age of ten, he looked at a hundred families. "Five years old" said that he read early, and the content he learned was "Liujia". The so-called "Liujia", in ancient times, used A, B, C, D, E, hex, Geng, Xin, Nong, 癸和子, ugly, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 海 in turn to match into sixty groups of stem branches, of which the A characters starting with the word Jia zi, Jia Shu, Jia Shen, Jia Wu, Jia Chen, Jia Yin, so called "Liu Jia". "Hanshu Food And Goods Chronicle" Yun: "Entered primary school at the age of eight, learned the affairs of the Liujia and Wufang Books, and first knew the day of the parents and children." When Wang Xianqian supplemented this remark, he quoted Gu Yanwu as saying: "Liujia, 4:60 and so on." Zhou Shouchang was also quoted as saying: "Juyan xueshu ganzhiye." The Book of Han and the Vinaya Chronicles says: "In the old days, there were six sons, five sons, eleven, and the way of heaven and earth was completed, and the words began again and again." "Nanshi Yinyi Biography • Gu Huan" said: "At the age of six or seven, I know that I push liujia." Song Zenggong wrote in the "Table of The Emperor Xie of Yan'an County": "The book of the untouched Liujia is at the age of two fashions." It can be seen that "Liujia" is the enlightenment "teaching material" of ancient children's education.

Li Bai's "five-year-old" is "reciting the Six Jia", which means that his enlightenment education is earlier than that of ordinary children, and the subtext is: not only learned early, but also very intelligent, so "ten years old" is "Guan Baijia" - emphasizing his diligence and erudition, very comparable.

(To be continued; I am serious about Li Bai; all rights reserved)

The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?
The Mystery of Li Bai (62) || What does Li Bai's "liujia" of "five-year-old recitation of liujia" refer to?

Text/Zhao Bin Photo/Tan Changyong, Jiang Ge

Li Bai's hometown, Sichuan Jiangyou

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