
Is Mr. Fawn wrong?

author:Flower Qingyun lazy

At the end of the swan dance, Miss Lion clapped and clapped her hands hurt, and said loudly, this dance is also too beautiful, the first time I saw such a beautiful swan dance, it reminded me of a poem "The world learns to dance only dance, how can the posture be so."

The Swan Sisters, smiling shyly, said, "Just like it."

The swan baby who was called Little Baby also said happily, I am very happy to be able to dance for you today, and I am so happy to dance.

Miss Swan patted the little baby's head and said, you, that dance was not happy, and I don't know why you like dancing so much.

Miss Fox was shocked at the beauty of the Swan Dance, and for a moment she didn't know what to say like Mr. Fawn.

Mr. Woodpecker was silently thinking, if only I could dance, but did not dare to say it, he felt a little ashamed, if he wanted to dance.

Mr. Fawn was thinking, how could such a beautiful dance be seen by only a few of them? I wondered if I would ask the swan sisters if I wanted to go to the theater or some stage to dance, such a beautiful dance, it is worth everyone seeing.

Mr. Woodpecker thought about it and whispered, actually, do you want to start a dance class, I still want to learn.

Mr. Woodpecker thought, I finally said what I wanted to say, but because the voice was too small, no one responded to him.

Mr. Woodpecker didn't feel the need to respond either, so he said in a normal voice again, we are so lucky this time, we can still see you dancing, thank you.

Miss Fox actually heard Mr. Woodpecker's words, but didn't know what to say, so she pretended not to hear them.

Miss Fox thinks the swan dance is beautiful, but she doesn't know what words to use to describe it, but she feels that it is not good not to speak, so she can only say, thank you.

The Swan Sisters smiled and said, no thanks, we also like to dance, we feel very happy to be able to dance for you today, and it is good that our dance makes you happy.

Mr. Fawn finally plucked up the courage and asked the Swan Sisters aloud, do you want to dance for more people to see, I know some theaters, such a beautiful dance, should let more people see it.

Miss Swan said, then there is no need, we like to dance casually, there is no fixed dance form, we are all dancing according to the mood, if there is a bondage, but do not like.

Mr. Fawn asked incomprehensibly, bondage? Theater performances are actually quite free, not shackled.

Miss Swan said that the theater performance we have to face the audience, we have to think about what the audience likes, but we don't know how to dance, before there were also Swan little sisters to go to the theater to dance, but dancing on the template, do not know how to dance freely, we do not want to do this.

Mr. Xiaolu suddenly realized, oh oh, well, in fact, I just think that the beautiful and shocking dance should be seen by more people, because I don't know much about dance, I said something wrong, I apologized to you, I'm sorry.

Miss Swan said, no, no, you are also well-intentioned, we understand.

Mr. Fawn didn't know what to say, so he touched his head and smiled at the Swan Sisters.

Miss Swan said, it's okay, we're going to fly to another place, it's a pleasure to meet you, we've heard a lot of things about you on the road before, meeting is fate, we're very lucky, I can dance for you, I'm also very grateful to Mr. Fawn for this proposal, we will consider it carefully.

Mr. Fawn said ashamedly, thank you, I really don't know what to say, I apologize again for my abruptness, thank you for such a beautiful dance, next time I have the opportunity to see you again.

At this time, Miss Lion and Miss Fox did not know where to take a bouquet of flowers, smiled and said, thank you for the dance, please accept our flowers.

The little swan baby was very happy and said, I received such a beautiful tweed for the first time, thank you.

Mr. Woodpecker took out a lot of garlands, smiled and said, these garlands you can wear on your head, it must be beautiful, I am still very good at weaving garlands.

Miss Swan said, we are also good at this, but when did you make it up, so much, it's so beautiful, thank you.

Mr. Woodpecker said happily, "If you like it."

Mr. Fawn was even more ashamed, for he had nothing to give.

The swan baby saw Mr. Fawn like this, flew to Mr. Fawn, smiled and said, you don't have to do this, we like you a lot, we listen to a lot of your things, you hug me, I want to hug you.

Mr. Fawn's face immediately turned red, and he silently hugged the swan baby, and his eyes slowly turned red, saying, Thank you very much.

The Swan Sisters also laughed and said, we like each and every one of you, and today is very happy, goodbye.

Miss Lion and Miss Fox also reluctantly said goodbye.

Mr. Fawn began to cry, and the Swan Sisters looked at Mr. Fawn who was crying and did not know what to do for a moment.

Mr. Fawn cried and said, It's okay, it's okay, you guys go quickly, I'll be fine in a moment.

Miss Swan flew to Mr. Fawn and gave Mr. Fawn a hug, and then each Swan Sister flew down to give Mr. Fawn a hug.

Mr. Fawn cried even more sadly, and Mr. Woodpecker quipped next to him that Mr. Fawn was very happy today, and he could see the swan dance and get the hugs of the swan sisters.

Miss Lion also said, don't cry, don't cry, you see the swan sisters are in a hurry.

Mr. Fawn cried even more, and the Swan Sisters didn't know what to do, and they didn't know if they had done something wrong. Mr. Fawn, feeling that he has done something excessively self-righteous, does not know what to do, feels very ashamed, and feels that the Swan Sisters have danced for them so hard, Miss Fox and Miss Lion also know how to send flowers, on the contrary, they are really not right, they can only apologize, but once they apologize, the Swan Sisters say that it is okay, and Mr. Fawn feels that he is excessive.

Mr. Woodpecker saw this scene, smiled and said to the swan sisters, it's okay, Mr. Fawn is just too emotional, if you don't go all the time, he can keep crying, he will be fine in a moment, you go first, Mr. Fawn We will comfort you, today has delayed you a lot of time, it is already very embarrassing.

Miss Swan said, it's okay, then let's go first, goodbye, Mr. Fawn goodbye, there is a reason we still want to dance to show you.

Mr. Fawn was still crying, and could only nod, and then cried and said, goodbye.

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