
The dark shadow outside the cave room "middle"

author:Xu Muhua

In addition to helping her mother-in-law cook, she sews insoles and knits sweaters when she has time.

"Wang..." The puppy in the courtyard barked, and she put down her hand and jumped off the kang, it was her brother who brought her sister-in-law, and it was also her sister-in-law.

"Brother, here you are..."

She welcomed her brother and sister-in-law into the house, her brother looked full of red light, his clothes were neatly dressed, it seemed that his sister-in-law entered the door, and his brother had a lot of spirits.


She brought a glass of water to her sister-in-law, "Mom went out to the second uncle's house to borrow something, and will come back in a moment."

The sister-in-law excitedly looked back and forth at the home where she grew up, and then looked at her, thinking that they were both changing relatives, not voluntarily.

"What about my brother?"

She told her sister-in-law that the dog and her father-in-law had gone to the woods in the lake to cut down branches for winter.

The brother honestly sat on the kang, and his two eyes turned with the sister-in-law, and the look of pity was really ridiculous

"Shall I go and see if they come back?"

The sister-in-law jumped off the kang and left, and her brother called her to slow down in pain. It is true that the father and mother are not as good as the daughter-in-law, although it is a sister-in-law who uses herself to exchange, it is worth it to see my brother so happy.

The brother said that since her sister-in-law entered the door, she was good to her parents and to him, and the villagers in the village praised her. He said he wanted to go to the city at the end of this month to work, earn some money to come back for the New Year, or buy something he liked for his sister-in-law.

The two were chatting, the dog they both came back, the sister-in-law patted her body, and as soon as she took off her shoes, she sat down next to her brother.

She quickly gave the dogs their face wash water, ready to cook, the dog and brother nodded their heads to say hello, the father-in-law lit a dry cigarette to give to the brother, the brother refused, the father-in-law took care of himself smoking dry tobacco and waiting for food.

The mother-in-law stir-fried vegetables, she burned the fire to pull the bellows. After a while of kung fu, everyone took up the bowl.

"Hey, what about my brother?"

The sister-in-law suddenly remembered the little uncle.

The mother-in-law yawned at Nishiya, "I want to review it, I want to go to college again next year."

The dark shadow outside the cave room "middle"


  Winters in the north are particularly long, with snowflakes starting in late September, the fields running out of work, and the dogs going to the city with her brother to work. Before leaving, she found out that she was pregnant and she wanted to wait until he came back to tell him.

"It was cold, and in order to save some coal, my mother-in-law burned the kang of a house during the day. When the whole family is fine, they are all on a kang, she sews shoe insoles, the little uncle reads, the mother-in-law is always repairing clothes, and the father-in-law, as long as he is not alive, does not seem to have put down the dry cigarette bag.

"I don't know what's wrong with the dogs when they're outside," the mother-in-law said every day.

The father-in-law said that he would let the little uncle run to the post office later to see if the dog had a letter to send.

The little uncle never objected to the words of the in-laws and mother-in-law, and as soon as the father-in-law finished speaking, he jumped off the kang, wrapped up a scarf and went out.

"Wait, there's no salt in the house." The mother-in-law then chased out the door, and the little uncle had gone far.

"Mother, I'll go, I just bought some flower thread"

There was a distance from home to the store, and with the snow drifting again, she went out without a scarf, and for a moment she felt that her neck was filled with snow.

She grabbed her collar with both hands, trying to ward off the wind and snow, this damn day, every day except snow is windy.

She trotted all the way and finally caught up with her little uncle in the wind and rain.


The little uncle took off his scarf and gently wrapped it around her, and she felt that the little uncle's hand was as delicate and soft as a girl's.

"Don't freeze."

The little uncle's concerned words touched her, and after entering the door for half a year, the little uncle communicated with her for the first time.

The little uncle is called a pillar.

In the winter in the north, it is rare to see snow underground, and because she has a small life in her belly, she is extra careful when walking.

"Dog daughter-in-law," Knit a sweater for the pillar, it's cold, and the one next to him is too broken."

The mother-in-law took a bunch of burgundy wool, and she suddenly felt a pang of discomfort in her stomach and quickly ran to the courtyard to vomit.

When she threw up a little strength, she felt that she ran out without a cotton coat, and the little uncle was holding a cotton coat in one hand and a towel in the other.

"Sister-in-law, is it uncomfortable?"

When she entered the house, her mother-in-law quickly helped her to Kangtou and asked her if she was pregnant.

She touched her stomach in embarrassment, and when the dog returned from the New Year, she would definitely be happier.

She took the yarn, let the little uncle hold it up, and wrapped around the yarn ball. The little uncle has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the dog seems not to be born of a mother.

She was in a trance, how good it was for the baby's father to look so beautiful.

"Sister-in-law, all right!"

Oh, she suddenly felt a little hot and wanted to sweat, and quickly got up and measured the size of the little uncle's upper body with her hands.

The night was still so long, the night without dogs, as if something was missing, and as if she needed such silence.

The bright moonlight shone on the kang, and she carefully looked at whether there was really a jade rabbit on the moon, and whether there was really Wu Gang who cut down trees.

She was very envious of her brother-in-law's ability to review for next year's college entrance examination, and if she did not marry, she could also enter the university, and she had very good grades.


She sighed softly, turned over, and faintly saw a long figure again.


The dark shadow outside the cave room "middle"



She was still asleep, and her mother-in-law was knocking on the window outside the window.

"Oh well"

The eyelids are still very heavy, and I fell asleep in the middle of the night after insomnia last night.

"The dog has written!"

As soon as she heard the dog's letter, she quickly got dressed and went to her mother-in-law's kang, although she could not say love to the dog, but the dog was her man and the father of the child.

The mother-in-law and father-in-law could not read, so she threw the letter to the little uncle and asked him to read it to everyone.

The little uncle had just read a few words, his face turned blue, and the letter silently fell to the ground with his loose hand.

"What's wrong?"

The mother-in-law eagerly picked up the paper and looked around, she took it, and before she could finish reading it, she fainted.

The letter was written by the dog, who said he would be back in a week.

The letter said that the dog and brother went to the provincial city and did not find a satisfactory job, heard others say that they went to the construction site to steal construction iron to sell, very profitable, maybe the brothers were unlucky, just went in was caught and beaten violently, the brother because of serious injuries, but also by the people on the construction site in the snow kneeling for several hours, not long after entering the hospital died. The dog's legs were also lost, and he could no longer walk.

This desperate letter almost killed the whole family, and the father-in-law sighed and said how good it was to stay at home honestly, and had to go out.

The mother-in-law's tears swollen twice, saying that the two children's lives were bitter, what should the daughters-in-law of the two children do, saying that the brother was dead, or take the sister-in-law back.

The only normal person is the little uncle, who will put his favorite novels in her house every day, and sometimes go to the far town to buy her some fruit.

Touch the baby in the stomach for almost four months, look at the jade rabbit in the moon, this day after that is still long!

The dark shadow outside the cave room "middle"

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