
This woman was too bold, and dared to walk alone at night, and there was no one on the road, but she suddenly felt that someone behind her was secretly following him. The woman sped up her pace, around a corner

author:Cute migrant girl Liping

This woman was too bold, and dared to walk alone at night, and there was no one on the road, but she suddenly felt that someone behind her was secretly following him. The woman quickened her pace and hid around a corner. She was scared and didn't know what would happen next.

Just two months ago, a 26-year-old young woman was brutally murdered. The deceased's name was Zhou Qian, and she had been married for less than a year. At 11 o'clock that night, after Zhou Qian's party with colleagues, she drove home alone. The next day, on a construction site a kilometer from home, Zhou Qian's body was found. Tie Hu, deputy captain of the criminal police team, took Xiaoting to the deceased's home for the first time to investigate. According to Zhou's father, his daughter Zhou Qian has always been obedient and sensible, never sinned, there will certainly be no enemies, his family is not a rich family, really can't understand why someone killed his innocent daughter, at this time, Zhou Mother rushed back from the field, the moment she saw the portrait of her daughter, she fainted on the spot. At present, the police do not have many clues, in order to solve the case as soon as possible, Tiehu alone came to the construction site where the body was found. It's very remote and there is no one at night, perfect for crime.

Just as Tie Hu was looking for clues at the scene, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, and he turned his head alertly and found that there was nothing. Iron Tiger realized that he might be being followed, and in order not to hit the grass and snake, he did not act immediately, but pretended to survey the scene and then quickly attacked. The black shadow panicked and hid in the corner of the wall, who knew that he was controlled by the sudden appearance of the iron tiger. Surprisingly, this man Tiehu knew, and it was Zhou Qian's husband Liu Xiaoman. Tie Hu was very angry, what did he do with me in the middle of the night? Liu Xiaoman is also a stomach grievance, his good daughter-in-law said that it is gone, he wants revenge, if he can't catch the murderer, he is not interesting to live alone. Tie Hu didn't know how to comfort her, so he had to change the subject. What happened to Zhou Qian's parents? Speaking of his mother-in-law, Liu Xiaoman was even more sad. Zhou's mother could not stand the stimulation of her daughter's death and was admitted to the hospital. The doctor said that she was mentally abnormal, very easy to get neuropathy, one would be awake, one would be confused, and her mouth kept saying that she knew who killed Zhou Qian. Liu Xiaoman thought that he was talking nonsense, when Zhou Qian was killed, she was in a foreign country, how could she know who the murderer was? But Iron Tiger remembered this clue.

Early the next morning, Tie Hu came to the hospital, Zhou Mu's condition was really not good, but as soon as she heard that Tie Hu was a policeman, she immediately woke up and quickly went to arrest Zhou Chunsheng, my old girl was harmed by Zhou Chunsheng. Tie Hu looked puzzled, who is this Zhou Chunsheng? Father Zhou quickly explained that Zhou Chunsheng was a beast and had bullied Zhou Qian before. It turned out that Zhou Chunsheng used to be Zhou Qian's neighbor, and he had always liked Zhou Qian, but Zhou Qian couldn't look at him and didn't want to play with him. No one expected that Zhou Chunsheng would actually have evil intentions, infringe on Zhou Qian, and also go to prison for seven years for this matter. Zhou's father believes that it is impossible that Zhou Chunsheng killed his daughter, and he has not yet been released. Hearing this, Zhou Mu's emotions were extremely excited, because she knew that Zhou Chunsheng had been released from prison early a month ago. It turned out that a month ago, Zhou Qian had gone home to find her mother, and she was in a very bad mood at that time. Only after the mother asked did she know the truth, Zhou Chunsheng was released from prison early, and as soon as he got out of prison, he had to find trouble for Zhou Qian. He threatened Zhou Qian to make a choice between divorce or compensate him for 100,000 yuan as compensation for seven years of imprisonment. I have never seen such a brazen man, who has committed a crime himself, and even wants the victim to lose money. Zhou Mu was about to go to the police on the spot, but Zhou Qian stopped him. Zhou Chunsheng said that if he dared to call the police, he would kill his entire family, and her husband Liu Xiaoman did not know what he had done in the past, and once he reported to the police, he could not hide anything, and his life would be completely over. For the sake of her daughter's reputation, Zhou Mu compromised, she returned to her hometown to borrow money everywhere, and finally made up enough for 100,000, but when she came back, she knew that her daughter had an accident. She regretted that if she had called the police earlier, her daughter might not have died. Judging from the current situation, Zhou Chunsheng's murder suspicion is very large.

That night, the police found Zhou Chunsheng, Xia Xiaoting pretended that the property staff knocked on the door, did not expect that the door was opened by a woman. Xiao Ting pulled the woman away, and Tie Hu and the police officer quickly rushed in to arrest people. Zhou Chunsheng was also a cruel person, directly grabbing a fruit knife to resist, but was quickly stopped by the police. Inside the police station, Zhou Chun's ecology is very arrogant, and he does not seem to know why the police arrested him. Tie Hu didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and directly asked him if he knew Zhou Qian, but that was all in the past. He was obviously a little weak-minded, and explained that he had not gone to look for Zhou Qian after he was released from prison. Of course, Tie Hu knew that he was lying, and on the other side, Xiao Ting was responsible for interrogating the woman, whose name was Xiao Hong. He actually claimed to be Zhou Chunsheng's girlfriend, and this Zhou Chunsheng was really powerful, and he had just made a girlfriend after he was released from prison. Xiaohong confessed that she and Zhou Chunsheng met at a bar, and Zhou Chunsheng invited him to a meal, and the two got better. Xiaoting is a little speechless, and today's young people are too casual about feelings. However, what he was most concerned about was the whereabouts of Zhou Chunsheng on the night of the crime. According to Xiaohong's recollection, that night she and Zhou Chunsheng experienced the most memorable thing in their lives, it turned out that Zhou Chunsheng owed a lot of money, the night of the crime, the fifth brother of the creditor caught Zhou Chunsheng and her in a pig farm, Zhou Chunsheng had no money to pay back, the fifth brother asked someone to beat her up fiercely. When he got this situation, Tie Hu immediately called the fifth brother to the police station, and the fifth brother honestly confessed that he did tie Zhou Chunsheng to the pig farm that night and did not release him until four o'clock in the morning, which showed that Zhou Chunsheng did not have time to commit the crime. Subsequently, the police compared Zhou Chunsheng's DNA with the remaining DNA on Zhou Qian's body, confirming that it was not the same person, and Zhou Chunsheng's murder suspicion was basically ruled out. When the police take the last step to solve the mystery case, when the truth comes out, everyone sighs, who do you think is the real culprit, you can leave a message in the comment area, we will reveal it in the next issue

This is the storyline of the movie "Criminal Police Mission"

This woman was too bold, and dared to walk alone at night, and there was no one on the road, but she suddenly felt that someone behind her was secretly following him. The woman sped up her pace, around a corner

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