
The neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

author:Guard 5602

The female neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

The neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

Moon Dance Flower Creek

2021/10/09 11:00


My wife was on a business trip, I was eating alone at home, there was a sudden rapid knock outside the door, and as soon as the door opened, the female neighbor said, "Brother, let me hide in your house, someone is chasing me." "Hearing noisy footsteps downstairs, I hurried to let her in. The female neighbor looked a little frightened and said to me, "Brother, whatever happens, don't hand me over." ”

When I came in, I asked her what was going on and why so many people were chasing you. While looking out from the cat's eye, she said to me, "I was misunderstood by the lady boss of the company, and she is now looking for someone to arrest me." I didn't understand it very well, and wanted her to say it in detail, and she said, "Don't ask first, let's not make a sound, be careful that they hear." "When I saw this, I didn't ask any more.

The female neighbor is named Xiaoying, 26 years old, with a good figure and white skin, who works as an assistant to the president of a company. I heard that the monthly salary is 20,000, to be honest, I am quite envious of her, my monthly salary is only 8,000. Xiaoying is a big grinning girl, so the first day she moved in, she greeted us very warmly.

The neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

My wife is in business, often travels, and the children are brought by grandparents in my hometown, so most of the time, I am at home alone. Xiaoying also lives alone, is currently single, she does not like to eat out, so often go home to cook and eat.

Xiao Ying not only grinned a lot, but also lost a little, and every time she cooked, she was either less this or less that. Then he knocked on my door and borrowed from me, and sometimes even borrowed meat from me, and was speechless. Once I was annoyed by her, I casually said, when my wife is not there, you just come to my house to eat.

I don't know if I didn't hear my implications, or if I deliberately pretended to be stupid. Whenever my wife is on a business trip, she really comes to my house to rub rice, I really cry and laugh, but I am embarrassed to drive her away. Fortunately, she is a somewhat self-aware person, and after each meal, she will take the initiative to help me clean the table and wash the dishes.

This came and went, I was used to it, thinking that it was just eating together, and I didn't do anything else, it shouldn't be a big deal. Once, by chance, she was tripped by something, and seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, saying that it was too late and fast, I put my arms around her from behind. This hug is also my instinctive reaction, just when I was in a panic, Xiaoying said softly: "Brother, you still don't let go of me." ”

The neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

Only then did I react and hurriedly let go of Xiaoying. Don't look at Xiaoying's usual big grin, at this time she suddenly felt embarrassed, she didn't make a sound when she finished eating, and after eating, she hurriedly cleaned up a bit, and then went back to her own house. And since then, I haven't come to my house to rub rice. I think it is better not to come, in case I am bumped into by my wife, it will be a big misunderstanding.

One day, my wife was on a business trip, and I was also eating at home alone. Suddenly I heard a sharp knock at the door, and I walked over to open the door and found that it was Xiaoying. Xiao Ying saw me open the door and said to me, "Brother, let me hide in your house, there are people chasing me outside." "As soon as I looked downstairs, there were really five or six people chasing after me, and I didn't think much about it before letting Xiaoying enter my house."

Xiao Ying seemed to be very scared and told me not to open the door. I nodded in agreement and then asked her what was going on, and she said she had been misunderstood by the lady boss. I thought that she was the assistant to the president, often around the boss, and it was really possible to be misunderstood by the boss lady.

The neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

At this moment, there was a knock at the door, and Xiaoying was so frightened that she quickly grabbed my hand and said to me: "Brother, we must not let them find me, otherwise I will be miserable." I comforted her and said, "It's all right, I don't open the door, and they don't dare come in." "Seeing that we were not responding, the knocking on the door outside continued.

I let go of Xiao Ying's hand, stepped forward and shouted, "Who! "They asked me if I had seen the neighbor across from me, and I casually replied no, not knowing her well. Then he continued, so late, don't knock on the door and affect my rest. When people outside heard me say this, they didn't knock on the door again.

At this time, Xiaoying slowly relaxed, she walked to the door, looked out from the cat's eyes, and was startled again. It turned out that the person who chased her did not leave, and was guarding outside the door. Xiao Ying said to me: "Brother, I may not be able to go back tonight, can I borrow your sofa to rest for one night?" "I saw that she couldn't do anything, so I agreed to her."

After comforting Xiaoying a little, I went back to my room and went to sleep. Thinking that after this night, the people outside should always leave. At about 7 o'clock in the morning, I had not yet gotten up, and there was a knock on the door outside, and I thought that the gang had not left, so I shouted: "Have you not left yet, I told you that the neighbor on the other side is not here." ”

The neighbor was chased and hid in my house for the night, and the wife came back from a business trip just in time to meet the female neighbor at my house

But what I didn't expect was that it wasn't the gang last night, it was my wife who had returned. She replied, "It's me, what a mess, open the door for me." "I panicked and didn't know what to do. I was thinking about how to explain, and my wife knocked on the door again and said, "What a famous place in it, why don't you open the door?"

I could only open the door first, and as soon as I opened the door, my wife saw that the female neighbor Xiaoying was also there, and the atmosphere suddenly became very awkward. In a panic, I asked my wife, "How did you come back so quickly, didn't you say you were going to travel for three days?" The wife knew that I was diverting the topic and said angrily, "Am I not supposed to come back, am I sabotaging your good deeds?" ”

I couldn't argue and hurriedly said, "It's really not what you think, nothing happened to me and Xiaoying." In this case, my explanation seems so pale and feeble. My wife called my mom, asked her to do justice, and gestured to divorce me.

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