
What is the difference between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty?

In fact, there is no Eastern Han and Western Han in history, but the Han Dynasty established by later generations to distinguish between Liu Bang and Liu Xiu, according to the geographical location of the capital (Chang'an is in the west. Luoyang was in the east) and the founding of the country successively, called the Western Han (Former Han) and the Eastern Han (Later Han), respectively, because Liu Xiu was the ninth grandson of Liu Bang, from the Han Jing Emperor's son Liu Fa, the prince of Changsha Ding, so the Eastern Han Established by Liu Xiu is a continuation of the Western Han Established by Liu Bang.

What is the difference between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty?

The Western Han Dynasty (202 BC – 8 AD) was founded by Liu Bang (Han Gaozu) and was a unified dynasty in Chinese history after the Qin Dynasty, with a total of 12 emperors, 210 years of state, and the capital Chang'an. Liu Bang raised an army as a cloth cloth, and after 3 years of the Battle of Qin and 4 years of chu-Han War, he defeated Xiang Yu, unified the whole country, and established the Western Han Regime. Its vast territory, which borders Korea in the east, Vietnam in the south, over the Green Ridge in the west, and the Yin Mountains in the north, laid the most basic territory of modern China, with a population of 59 million people at its peak.

In 8 AD, after the dictatorship of Wang Mang, a foreign relative, abolished the emperor of the Han Dynasty and established a new dynasty, taking the Han Dynasty's Jiangshan for himself, and the Western Han Dynasty completely perished. Wang Mang implemented the New Deal and implemented reforms, and some of these measures already had the ideology of modern society, so many people called Wang Mang a crosser. However, the government decrees were cumbersome, and the orders were changed at the end of the day, resulting in the people's complaints, the green forest and the Chimei uprising broke out, and the new recklessness was destroyed. In 25 AD, Liu Xiu was proclaimed emperor, and the Han Dynasty established by Liu Xiu was not inherited, and the "new" dynasty established by Wang Mang, the "Gengshi" regime (Liu Xuan, Xuan Han) and the "Jianshi" regime (Liu Penzi) were separated.

Liu Xiu, the ninth grandson of Liu Bang in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), was established as a unified dynasty in Chinese history after the Western Han Dynasty, passing down 8 emperors and 14 emperors, enjoying the 1955th year of the country, the capital luoyang.

Liu Xiu raised an army as an imperial family, and after 12 years of war, he eliminated the Gengshi regime, the Chimei Army, and the separatist regimes in Kwantung, Longyou, and Western Shu unified the whole country and established the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty has shrunk relative to the territory of the Western Han Dynasty, with 65 million people at its peak.

The Western Han Dynasty consisted of the military power group, the imperial power force and the foreign relative force, which together constituted the three political forces of the Western Han dynasty, and in the late Western Han Dynasty, the imperial power and the military merit group declined, and the foreign relatives rose, and finally the Western Han Dynasty died at the hands of the foreign relative Wang Mang.

In the early days of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the landlords and powerful forces, the meritorious group, and the imperial power together constituted the three major political forces of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and by the time of the Han Ming Emperor, foreign relatives and eunuch forces rose and began to alternately govern, while the landlords and powerful forces evolved into a door valve society, the Yuan Shao family and the Sima family in the Three Kingdoms era; the Yang family in the Western Jin Dynasty; and the Wang and Xie families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty all gradually developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, foreign relatives and eunuchs fought fiercely, both were destroyed, and the warlord forces took the opportunity to enter Luoyang to control the government, beginning the great chaos of the Three Kingdoms of the Late Han Dynasty for decades, and in 220 AD, the powerful minister Cao Pi usurped the throne and the Eastern Han Dynasty collapsed.

What is the difference between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty?

The political system in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty was a parallel system of counties and states, that is, the county system was implemented in the central government, and the system of sub-feudalism was implemented at the local level, and the promulgation of the Tuien Order of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finally eliminated the sub-feudal system.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, the official positions basically followed the Qin system, implementing the system of three dukes and nine secretaries, and setting up ministers and three dukes to manage hundreds of officials. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty artificially formed the internal and external dynastic system, which emphatically overshadowed the imperial power and strengthened the imperial power.

The Eastern Han Dynasty has always implemented the county system, but the official position has set up "Shang Shutai" to elevate the power of the three dukes, all government decrees are through the Shang Shutai Emperor Chen, by the emperor adjudicated, when people said that "although the three dukes are placed, the matter belongs to the Tai Cabinet", "the office of the three dukes, only the reserve staff", Liu Xiu's use of the assassination history system, became the central supervision of local officials system, but by the end of the Han Dynasty, the thorn history became a local real power official.

What is the difference between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty?

The Xiongnu have always been a threat to the Western Han Dynasty, during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu were completely defeated and fled to the West, and later Xianbei gradually rose and became a threatening force in the north in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty. The Qiang people in the western frontier also always threatened the security of the Eastern Han border, and the two sides engaged in a tug-of-war for more than half a century, depleting the national strength of the Eastern Han.

The Western Han Dynasty was the most powerful empire in the world at that time! Economic development is also very rapid, especially the opening of the Silk Road, which greatly enhances the speed of economic development and cultural exchanges in "diplomacy".

Half of the four major inventions appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun invented and gradually improved papermaking, and Zhang Heng invented the ground motion instrument and the armillary celestial instrument. Buddhism, which has been circulating in China for thousands of years, was also introduced to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

What is the difference between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty?

To this day, the historical influence of the Han Dynasty still stays in the blood and life of countless Chinese sons and daughters. The historical stories and historical figures of the Chu-Han rivalry Xiang Yu Wujiang Self-Destruction, Huo Went Sick Sealing Wolf Juxu, Su Wu Muyang, Wang Zhaojun Out of Sai and Relatives and Popular Population are all clearly understood. Why are only the Chinese civilizations of the world's four major ancient civilizations continue to this day? Are China's 56 nationalities unified? We are now called "Han Chinese" and the language we speak is "Chinese". All this is based on a common cultural belief, stemming from the ubiquitous Han culture.

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