
How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

author:Entertainment Pioneer


Finland's prisons are not the eerie places you might imagine, but they are nicknamed "luxury resorts" by netizens!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

You heard it right, it's not a fantasy, it's real! What is the story behind the fact that the prisoners there can enjoy such luxurious treatment? Let's uncover this mystery together!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Finnish prisons that subvert the imagination

When you think of prisons, you often think of high-walled, dark, damp cells, and the hideous-looking prisoners.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

But in the far-flung Nordic country of Finland, the prisons here are a big surprise! In the case of Gilmesky Prison, for example, the cells here are simply a replica of a luxury apartment!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Spacious, bright, well-equipped, and even the cameras are only installed in public areas, fully respecting the privacy of the prisoners. What kind of prison do you say? It's even more luxurious than a 5 star hotel!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Criminal "happiness" life

You might think that the inmates here have to face cold walls and endless despair every day, but in reality their daily lives are much more nourishing than you think!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Every day, the prison chef prepares a hearty meal for them, and if it doesn't suit their taste, they can cook their own meals. After eating and drinking, they can go to the gym to work out or go to the recreation room to enjoy various entertainment activities such as playing games, watching movies, etc.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

What's more, there are a variety of courses available for them to learn, ranging from languages to skills. What's even more amazing is that these prisoners can still fall in love in prison and still get paid! This kind of treatment is simply enviable!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

"Rules" in prison

Although the prison is so well paid, not everyone can get in. Newcomers to prison go through a strict security process, but Finland is much more relaxed than in other countries.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

However, this does not mean that there is harmony in prison. The prisoners also have their own "rules" among themselves. For example, prisoners who are imprisoned for violent crimes are often treated as brothers and take care of each other.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Those imprisoned for sexual assault and child abuse are isolated or even beaten by other inmates. Although this kind of "charlatan rule" is cruel, it also reflects a kind of order and balance in the prison.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

The heroes in prison are revealed

In this prison, there are also some influential figures worth mentioning. First of all, Kinkara and his brothers, who were sentenced to prison for a violent assault but are living at ease here.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Jin Kara once proudly said: "After I am released from prison, I will continue to clean up those old scoundrels!" It seems that this old man intends to carry forward the "cause of violence"! But having said that, his performance in prison was very low-key and did not cause much turmoil.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Let's talk about Chikla! The dude was not idle in prison, and he used the resources provided by the prison to make a homemade tattoo gun and tattoo himself and his companions in prison.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

This craftsmanship is even more exquisite than the professional tattoo artists outside! His tattoos are widely circulated in prisons, and there are even people who are willing to exchange valuable items for his tattoo services.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Another figure worth mentioning is Trimp. This dude taught himself textile techniques in prison and became an expert! Not only did he weave all kinds of beautiful clothes himself, but he also helped other prisoners solve their dressing problems.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

What's even more surprising is that he also made a girlfriend in prison and plans to live a down-to-earth life with her after he is released from prison. This transformation is simply impressive!

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Thought to be sparked by staggering data

However, despite such generous treatment in this prison, data shows that more than 57% of inmates will reoffend within two years of being released. This begs the question: Why are these prisoners still unable to rehabilitate themselves after such luxurious treatment?

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Is it because this overly comfortable environment has made them lose their desire for freedom and the motivation to turn over a new leaf? This is a question worth pondering.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

Netizens are hotly discussed: Heaven or hell?

For this prison, which is called a "luxury resort-style", netizens are also talking about it. Some people think that such treatment is too extravagant, and it will make the prisoner lose his desire for freedom and the motivation to rehabilitate himself;

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

It is also believed that such an environment allows inmates to reflect on their mistakes and try to rehabilitate themselves in a relatively comfortable environment. However, regardless of the opinions of netizens, the existence of this prison does cause us to think about punishment and reform.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!


After reading these introductions, are you also shocked by this "luxury resort-style" prison? Although we cannot directly evaluate the quality of this prison, we can see the different philosophies of punishment and rehabilitation in different countries.

How luxurious are Finnish prisons? It's so subversive that some criminals don't want to get out of prison!

In any case, we hope that these prisoners will truly realize their mistakes and work hard to turn over a new leaf, creating a better future for themselves and society!

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