
"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

author:Wen and again

When God closes a door for you, He opens a window for you, and some people don't have it.


In the past two days, an article titled "Our Genius Son" has swept the screen, introducing the ordinary and great story of ordinary people with bipolar Jin Xiaoyu, which has touched countless people.

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

Kim Hyo-woo's father, Kim Ho Yong

Jin Xiaoyu was injured in the left eye by a toy pistol when he was 6 years old, and was forced to withdraw from school because he did not obey the school management in high school, and was later diagnosed with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, depression and mania regardless of time and number of attacks.

However, he was not defeated by the disease, he taught himself English, and under the guidance of his mother, he began to do English translation, which became the spiritual pillar of his resistance to the disease.

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

△ Jin Xiaoyu and father Jin Shengyong

In the past ten years, he has translated 22 books in English, Japanese, and German, read all the foreign language novels in the Zhejiang Library, and carefully cared for his mother who suffered from Alzheimer's disease for the last three years of her life.

His story touched the whole network, let people see more about the greatness of ordinary people in the ordinary, saw more about patients with mental illness and better ways to survive, and also called on society to give greater help and acceptance to patients with mental illness.

However, there are many people who are also mentally ill without his good fortune.


My sister is a typical example of this, from the time she began to be ill in 2011, until now, she has refused to admit that she is a mental illness, and now, at the age of 42, she is still trying to find a job and support herself.

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

Our genius son Jin Xiaoyu is being watched, and there are many more Jin Xiaoyu who need attention

The children of poor families are in charge early. As the eldest sister in the family, for the sake of her brothers and sisters, she gave up the opportunity to study, stepped into the society in advance to work, and earned money to subsidize the family.

When I was a child, my family was poor, and there were many children in the family, and there were 4 children in the family, each with an age difference of 2 years.

The eldest sister's grades have actually been very good, in the middle of the final exam, eating bad things and causing the test results to be unsatisfactory, causing her lifelong regrets, since then, she left the school, entered the society, and began a part-time career.

In fact, at that time, my sister wanted to repeat her studies for a year, and she would definitely be admitted to high school and then go to college next year. However, our family has no money, and the eldest sister has 3 younger brothers and sisters who have to go to school, and the sister left the opportunity to go to school for us.

It also became a regret in her life, and she would always blame her father and mother for this matter.

After my sister entered the society, within a few years, she met her brother-in-law and got married.

After my second sister and I sent our relatives to send the eldest sister as a mother's family, we cried at home, and from then on, there was no eldest sister in the family, and the sister became a member of the other family.

I thought that the conditions of my brother-in-law's family were better than ours, and my sister would not suffer too many grievances, but I did not think that this was the beginning of my sister's misfortune.


Although my sister was not far from married, my sister never mentioned her married life to us.

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

It wasn't until one day that we found out that our sister had been hiding everything we had: the marriage that seemed beautiful to outsiders was full of holes, the sister was abused by the family, and the sister had begun to fantasize, she said that someone wanted to hurt her.

My sister said at the time that when she went to bed in the middle of the night, she felt something in her nose.

She didn't know where she had found some tiny pieces of stuff, saying that someone was trying to hurt her.

Once, she turned on the gas stove at home and tried to commit suicide, but fortunately her mother-in-law came home early and found it.

At that time, we did not know that these reflections of my sister were precursors to mental illness.

In 2011, my sister left her little nephew for a few months and secretly went to Shanghai with me, she wanted to work to earn money, and she didn't want to stay at home.

I put the seasoning in the common area, and my sister told me solemnly: "You put all these things outside, if others want to harm you, what do you do?" ”

I thought it was strange, I have lived here for 2 years, the neighbor relationship is still very well handled, no one will hurt me.

I replied to my sister, "No one is going to hurt me, I've been living here for many years." ”

However, the sister resolutely refused to listen, or took everything back into the house and put it away.

Later, the sister still couldn't do without the child, and she still chose to go back to take care of the child.

After more than half a year, a phone call from my mother broke my usual.


In the sound of the phone, the mother spoke viciously: "Your brother-in-law has sent your sister to a mental hospital, you said, your sister is a good person, how to marry into his family, has become a mental patient, you have to hurry up and call your brother-in-law to talk about it." ”

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

On this end of the phone, I was suddenly confused, "mentally ill", "hospitalized"?

I haven't reacted to anything yet, my eldest sister, there will be such a disease!? That big sister with a clever mind and thinks about her family everywhere?

After my eldest sister got married, she still thought about doing business to subsidize the family, thinking about how to improve the life of their small family, thinking about continuing to study and improve academic qualifications, how did she have mental illness?

I didn't believe it, so I quickly called my brother-in-law, and on the other end of the phone was my brother-in-law's helpless voice: "Sister, I have no way, your sister is like this, I can only be sent to the hospital." ”

After hanging up the phone, I slowly recalled my sister's previous words, and what I did turned out to be some omens, but we lacked common sense, did not know these, did not know how to help my sister get rid of the disease.

Dad and Mom also went directly to the hospital the next day to see my sister, and my dad said, "Your sister is so pitiful, we met her, she said, she is not sick, she wants to go home." ”

On the other end of the phone, it was Dad's choking voice and sighing voice.

Later, the doctor wrote on the diagnosis book: paranoid mental disorder.

Less than a month after her sister was hospitalized, she was discharged from the hospital in advance, not because she was well, but because the family needed her.

At that time, my sister's family, 2 children, the eldest in elementary school, the youngest is not yet one year old, the father-in-law diabetes caused blindness in the eyes, my brother-in-law alone can not take care of, had to let my sister out of the hospital early.

The sister who returned home was indeed better than before.


After my sister was discharged from the hospital, the doctor instructed me to take medicine on time, conduct regular re-examinations, and not have too much mental stress.

In order to supplement the family, the brother-in-law chose to go out to work, before going out, he also specially instructed the neighbors to come to the house often to sit down, if you find that my sister has facial paralysis, I will quickly call the 120 emergency number.

These things, it was also later, I listened to my brother-in-law, I learned that my sister's illness was so serious.

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

Until 2016, I asked my sister to take my little nephew out on a trip, in fact, to let her come to Shanghai to see her illness.

When I got to the hospital, I talked to the doctor with my sister, and I found out how serious my sister's disease was. As a sister, I don't know anything.

My sister said that at that time, when she was sick, she foamed at the mouth and lay on the ground, unconscious. Now, I can't sleep at night, and I feel very excited.

The doctor prescribed some common medicines and did not say anything, but I felt that my sister seemed to have something to hide, and I did not dare to say my true feelings.

In fact, my sister looks the same as ordinary people, but she always uses the excuse that she is a sick person to push away more things.

Because of her illness, the joints of her fingers were twisted, and her fingers were shaking from time to time, which also led to her work often being dismissed for various strange reasons after less than 1-2 months.

She worked in the supermarket, and after her colleagues learned that she had the disease, they quietly told the boss, and as a result, she was fired.

She went to work at a hotel, did it for a few months, and was fired for a variety of reasons.

She just wants to get a job, support herself, and earn some money for medicine to keep her alive.


Since her sister fell ill, she has been taking medicine, because of the side effects of the drug, her weight has increased by 40 pounds, becoming a big fat man.

In order to survive, she chose the hard and tiring job of a porter, and because of one of her leaves, the boss dismissed her.

"Our Genius Son" touched the whole network: the same mentally ill, some people have no good luck

Now that she's 42 years old, she's still looking for odd jobs, and I suggest she learn about the Internet and make money through the Internet, and she always says, I won't, I have a problem with my brain.

Writing these words, I hope to make my sister understand that it doesn't matter if she is sick, we can cure the disease, I am afraid that I am afraid of avoiding medical treatment, and I am more afraid of my own laziness.

I hope that there will be more people in the society, when you know that the people around you are mentally ill, please do not wear colored glasses to see them, please treat them with normal people, be more tolerant of them, they need more care and help from the society.

Give someone a rose, and the hand will have a lingering fragrance!

(Pictured with network)

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