
Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine
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Methylcobalamin, the name may sound a little unfamiliar, but for many diabetics, it is a "good friend". Methylcobalamin is not only effective in the treatment of diabetic peripheral nerves, lesions (DPN), but also in the treatment of five other diseases. So, what exactly is the magic of this drug? How long does it take to stop? Today we will talk about this topic in detail.

Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

Overview of methylcobalamin

Methylcobalamin is a water-soluble vitamin B12 derivative that is mainly used in the treatment of neurological disorders. It promotes nerve repair and regeneration and is an important neurotrophic agent. Methylcobalamin has been widely used in clinical practice for many years, especially in the treatment of neurological damage caused by diabetes.

The importance of methylcobalamin in the treatment of diabetes

Diabetic peripheral nerve lesions (DPN) are a very common complication in diabetic patients, mainly manifested by numbness, tingling, abnormal sensation in the limbs, etc. If left untreated, severe DPN can lead to ulcers, gangrene, and even the need for amputation.

Studies have shown that methylcobalamin can be effective in relieving symptoms of DPN. As a neurotrophic agent, methylcobalamin reduces patient distress by promoting nerve repair and regeneration, increasing nerve conduction velocity.

Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

According to a 2022 study, the effect of methylcobalamin in combination with traditional Chinese medicine injection in the treatment of DPN was significantly better than that of methylcobalamin alone. The study, conducted in China by Ma Yuqi, Chen Ji, Huang Xinggui and Liu Yuan, et al., showed that methylcobalamin in combination with brevisanthin injection performed best in terms of overall response rate and nerve conduction velocity.

Methylcobalamin treats five other diseases

In addition to DPN, methylcobalamin can also treat the following five diseases:

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common but difficult to cure condition in which patients often feel extremely tired that cannot be relieved by rest. Studies have found that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome usually have vitamin B12 deficiency, and methylcobalamin can effectively improve the fatigue symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients by supplementing vitamin B12.

Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

Optic nerve, lesions

Optic nerve, lesions can be caused by a variety of causes, including diabetes, infection, etc. Methylcobalamin can effectively improve the vision of patients with optic nerve lesions by promoting the repair and regeneration of the optic nerve. Relevant studies have shown that methylcobalamin has a significant effect in the treatment of optic nerve lesions, which can improve visual acuity and improve visual function.


Anemia is a common blood disorder, and methylcobalamin plays an important role in the treatment of megaloblastic anemia. This type of anemia is usually caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, and methylcobalamin supplementation can improve anemia symptoms by promoting red blood cell production and raising hemoglobin levels.

Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

Oral sputum

Canker sores are a painful problem that many people experience. Studies have shown that vitamin B12 deficiency is often present in patients with long-term canker sores, and methylcobalamin supplementation can accelerate ulcer healing and reduce pain. Methylcobalamin helps canker sores heal faster by promoting cell regeneration and repair.

Postherpetic neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is a stubborn form of neuralgia that often bothers patients for a long time. Methylcobalamin has a significant effect in relieving this pain. It helps patients return to their normal lives by promoting nerve repair and regeneration, reducing pain and discomfort.

Duration of methylcobalamin treatment and discontinuation time

The duration of treatment for methylcobalamin varies depending on the type of disease and individual differences. Here are some recommended treatment cycles for specific conditions:

Diabetic peripheral nerves, lesions: For patients with DPN, the cycle of methylcobalamin treatment is usually 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, patients need to receive regular treatments to ensure that the medication works optimally. Combined with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine injection, the effect is better.

Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

Chronic fatigue syndrome: People with chronic fatigue syndrome may need methylcobalamin therapy for a longer period of time. Continued methylcobalamin supplementation is usually recommended until symptoms improve significantly, which can take weeks to months.

Optic Nerve, Lesions, and Anemia: The treatment cycle for optic nerves, lesions, and anemia varies depending on the severity of the condition and can range from weeks to months. The specific timing of medication should be adjusted according to the doctor's advice.

Canker sores and postherpetic neuralgia: For mouth sores and postherpetic neuralgia, it is recommended to continue methylcobalamin for several weeks after symptoms have resolved to consolidate the effects of treatment. Consult a doctor before stopping the drug to ensure that the condition is fully controlled.

Methylcobalamin is a friend of diabetics and can also treat 5 diseases, how long can it take to stop?

Safety and side effects of methylcobalamin

Methylcobalamin, as a derivative of vitamin B12, generally has a high safety profile. However, some side effects may still occur during use, such as mild gastrointestinal discomfort, skin allergies, etc. The safety of long-term use of methylcobalamin also needs to be evaluated regularly to ensure that there are no adverse effects.

Studies have shown that methylcobalamin interacts less with other drugs, but attention should still be paid to the combination of drugs during use to avoid potential drug interactions. Regular follow-up and re-examination are particularly important for patients who have been taking methylcobalamin for a long time.


Methylcobalamin occupies an important place in modern medicine, especially in the treatment of diabetic peripheral nerves, lesions, and other neurological diseases. Not only does it alleviate symptoms, but it also promotes nerve repair and regeneration.

For patients and doctors, rational use of methylcobalamin, following doctors' recommendations, regular check-ups and evaluations, is key to ensuring the effectiveness and safety of treatment. Through scientific treatment and management, methylcobalamin can help more patients improve their quality of life and regain their health.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!


1. Ma Yuqi, Chen Ji, Huang Xinggui, Liu Yuan. The efficacy and safety of mecobalamin combined with Chinese medicine injections in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022.

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