
Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

author:Maruko Bunsha
Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?
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Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

On the stage of CCTV, Zhu Xun is a dazzling star. Her sweet smile and amiable hosting style have won the love of audiences across the country, and the reputation of "national hostess" has accompanied her career to flourish.

However, fate is secretly brewing a great change.

When the diagnosis of thyroid cancer came like a thunderbolt from the blue, Zhu Xun's world collapsed in an instant. What made her heart even more piercing was that at this moment when she needed the company of her relatives the most, her mother chose to go away.

Zhu Xun's life story begins with a poignant beginning. As the third daughter in the family, her birth did not bring joy, but instead plunged her parents into the abyss of disappointment.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Under the shackles of traditional concepts, the Zhu family's parents regarded giving birth to a boy as a mission, but the third expectation was disappointed again, casting a haze on the family.

When he was born, Zhu Xun didn't even get a well-prepared name. The parents originally named the expected boy "Zhu Xundong", hoping that he could become the pillar of the family.

When the unexpected daughter was born, they hastily deleted the word "east", leaving the hasty and seemingly indifferent name "Zhu Xun". This naming process seems to foreshadow the difficulties of Zhu Xun's childhood life.

At home, Zhu Xun is always simply called "Little San'er". This title without temperature silently tells the loss in the hearts of parents. Unlike his sisters, Zhu Xun realized early on that he was not the crystallization of his parents' expectations, and this recognition cast a lingering shadow on his young mind.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

His parents have been working in Japan for a long time, and Zhu Xun spent most of his childhood under the care of his grandmother. Despite the company of her kind grandmother, the emptiness of not being loved by her parents always haunted her.

In such a family environment, Zhu Xun gradually learned to observe words and colors, and used sweet words to win the love of others. This precocious survival wisdom became the cornerstone of her future success, but it also planted the seeds of sensitivity and anxiety in her heart.

Zhu Xun's outstanding eloquence often makes her grandmother proud, but only she understands what kind of bitterness is hidden behind these compliments. Whenever he sees other children enjoying the love of their parents, Zhu Xun always has a trace of bitterness in his heart.

She longed for her parents' approval, but she never felt powerless.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

This challenging childhood experience deeply affected Zhu Xun's character formation. It is both the source of her inner fragility and the motivation for her to be strong in the future. Although full of hardships, it was these experiences that forged Zhu Xun's independent and tenacious character and laid the foundation for her future success in her career.

Zhu Xun's story is destined to be a legend about growing up in adversity from the beginning.

Zhu Xun's life ushered in a major turning point at the age of 17. She was not only successfully admitted to the coveted Beijing Film Academy, but also received an invitation from Japan to study abroad.

Faced with these two opportunities, Zhu Xun made an unexpected decision - she resolutely gave up Nortel's admission qualification and chose to embark on the road of studying in Japan.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Behind this decision is her deep desire to be reunited with her parents.

However, reality gave Zhu Xun a blow to the head. When she set foot on Japanese soil with great anticipation, she was greeted not by warm affection, but by her mother's cold declaration: "You will not be able to live with us, we will only pay for your first semester, and you will have to settle everything after that."

These words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing Zhu Xun's expectations for family affection.

Faced with tuition and living expenses of up to 1.2 million yen a year, 17-year-old Zhu Xun fell into a huge predicament. In order to raise money for her tuition, she had to look around for part-time job opportunities.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Zhu Xun's first job was as a cleaner, responsible for the sanitation of the toilets on the entire floor, including the disgusting task of brushing the toilet. Japan's strict requirements for hygiene made Zhu Xun collapse several times, but for the sake of tuition, she could only grit her teeth and insist.

However, the job didn't last long. An accident led to Zhu Xun's dismissal, and she became a dishwasher instead. In order to make more money, Zhu Xun often works overtime and has almost no time off.

Fortunately, he met the kind boss and found that she was serious and eloquent, so he transferred her to the reception position in the front office.

Just when Zhu Xun thought that her life was finally on the right track, another bad news came - her grandmother, who was dependent on her, died of a stroke. This blow almost made Zhu Xun collapse.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

She has lost the love of her parents since she was a child, and the only thing that can give her warmth is her kind grandmother, and now even this last reliance has left her. Zhu Xun hurried back to Shanghai, but failed to see her grandmother for the last time, and this regret became an eternal pain in her heart.

Despite his grief, Zhu Xun held back his tears and embarked on the journey of studying again. However, fate always seems to refuse to give her a respite. Long-term hard work and mental pressure caused Zhu Xun, who was only 18 years old, to suffer from a hemangioma.

Faced with the high cost of surgery, she had to ask her parents for help, but once again experienced the indifference of family affection.

This arduous study abroad experience not only exercised Zhu Xun's will, but also made her more aware of the difficulty of life. Her strength and perseverance were fully demonstrated during this period, laying a solid foundation for her future career development.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Zhu Xun proved with his own actions that even if he faces great difficulties, as long as he does not give up, he can always find a way forward.

Zhu Xun's life is like a drama of ups and downs, full of breathless twists. Her acting career got off to a smooth start, and she made a name for herself when she was still a teenager by participating in the movie "Rock 'n' Roll Youth".

This rare opportunity stemmed from the fact that when she accompanied her sister to the audition, she was accidentally photographed by the director. With years of experience as a host of school activities, Zhu Xun has shown extraordinary talent in front of the camera.

After the film was released, Zhu Xun received unanimous praise from the audience, and her superb acting skills and beautiful appearance made her quickly become a high-profile new star. What's more, this success finally earned her the approval of her father.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

The father, who was far away in Japan, took the initiative to call and congratulate his daughter on her achievement. This phone call became an important motivation for Zhu Xun to firmly devote himself to his acting career.

However, just when Zhu Xun's career was just starting and her future was bright, fate played a cruel joke on her again. Zhu Xun, who was only 18 years old, was diagnosed with a hemangioma.

This blow came so suddenly that Zhu Xun was caught off guard. What made her even more chilling was that even though her parents were in the same city, they were indifferent to her condition.

Faced with the high cost of surgery, Zhu Xun had to ask his parents for help. However, her mother's reaction left her heartbroken – neither caring nor financially supportive.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

In desperation, Zhu Xun could only choose to receive treatment in a small clinic with poor conditions, but due to the poor environment, postoperative complications and wound infection were difficult to control.

In desperation, Zhu Xun asked his mother for help again. This time, although the mother paid for the operation, the postoperative visit was perfunctory. Zhu Xun clearly remembered that his mother only came to visit once, brought half a watermelon and left in a hurry, while his father never showed up.

The postoperative pain and loneliness made Zhu Xun deeply appreciate the indifference of family affection.

But Zhu Xun was not defeated by these setbacks. After recovery, she seemed to be reborn from the fire and devoted herself to her career with a firmer will. She participated in the Japanese host selection contest and quickly became the host of a well-known Japanese TV show with her outstanding performance.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Her sweet voice, quick thinking, and masterful hosting skills have made her one of the most popular hosts in Japan in just a few years.

However, just when everyone was expecting Zhu Xun to have a more brilliant development in Japan, she made a surprising decision - to return to China resolutely. It turned out that her mother suddenly lost her sight and needed to return to China for treatment.

Although he had been hurt, the filial Zhu Xun still chose to give up his career in Japan and accompany his mother to return to China for medical treatment. At the same time, she also decided to participate in the CCTV interview and start her career again.

This series of experiences shows Zhu Xun's indomitable character and persistent pursuit of family affection. Despite her ill-fated fate, she never gave up her yearning for a better life and the pursuit of her career.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

This spirit also laid the foundation for her later success at CCTV.

Zhu Xun's relationship with her mother can be called the most complicated and heart-wrenching chapter of her life. Although he lacked the nourishment of maternal love in his childhood, Zhu Xun's feelings for his mother have always been deep.

When she learned that her mother was blind and needed to return to China for treatment, she did not hesitate to give up her career in Japan and chose to accompany her mother back to China.

However, fate always seems to play tricks on Zhu Xun. Just when she was taking care of her mother wholeheartedly, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. At this moment when she needed the company of her relatives the most, Zhu Xun's mother chose to leave again and went to Singapore alone to enjoy her old age.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

This decision not only made Zhu Xun's heart twist, but also caused widespread controversy among the public.

In the face of criticism from the outside world, Zhu Xun chose to remain silent. It wasn't until in the popular variety show "Hello, Life" that she finally mustered up the courage to shout out to the vast sea to express her deep thoughts about her mother.

The call seemed to travel through time and space and touched the heartstrings of my mother.

Perhaps because of the influence of the show, Zhu's mother finally decided to return to China to visit her daughter. She brought Zhu Xun a pink sweater knitted by herself, and this belated maternal love made Zhu Xun cherish it so much that he was reluctant to take it off even when he was sleeping.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Although the relationship with his mother was full of regret and complexity, this brief reunion allowed Zhu Xun to reconcile his heart. This tortuous mother-daughter relationship also made Zhu Xun cherish every sincere emotion in her life even more, especially the care given to her by her mother-in-law, which filled her heart's desire for maternal love to a certain extent.

Zhu Xun's life journey is like an inspirational legend, full of setbacks and struggles. From the unanticipated childhood, to the arduous life of studying abroad, to the ups and downs of his career, Zhu Xun has always maintained his indomitable will.

Even in the face of the relentless invasion of disease and the death of her loved ones, she did not give up her love for life.

On this thorny life path, Zhu Xun learned to find warmth in suffering. Her mother-in-law's selfless love filled her heart's desire for maternal love, and the success of her career gave her the motivation to keep going.

Riddled with illness and relatives dying one after another, what is the "straw" that crushed Zhu Xun?

Although there are too many regrets in his life, Zhu Xun chose to face it calmly and cherish every moment of the moment.

Her story teaches us that the meaning of life is not how many setbacks you have experienced, but how you find the strength to move forward in the face of adversity. Zhu Xun used his own experience to explain what true strength is, and also set an example for us to continue to grow in the midst of suffering.

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