
It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

author:Let's go on a road trip

Every year the happiest cities in the country are released.

Among the happiest cities in 2021, there is a cozy town that has slipped through the net, which has been the happiest city for two consecutive years, but it is still low-key and almost no one remembers.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

More than 700 years ago, Marco Polo traveled here and said

"This city is not very big, but there are many kinds of earthly happiness."

This is still the case 700 years later, and people live a slow and leisurely life.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Source: My Taizhou

She is in central Jiangsu, next to Yangzhou, although low-key, but here is the most favorite place for food documentaries, film and television dramas.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise


"Water city slow life, more happiness in the world" is the propaganda slogan of Taizhou, which is a city that feels very peaceful and happy just by listening to the name.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise
Taizhou it spans northern Jiangsu and southern Jiangsu, is located in the middle of Shanghai and Nanjing, located on the edge of Yangzhou, next to the Yangtze River, Taizhou under such a halo, but not so conspicuous.
It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Source/Taizhou Cultural Tourism

Taizhou is a famous historical and cultural city in China,

Here gathers a deep humanistic charm,

Tang Dynasty calligraphy critic Zhang Huaihuan,

Northern Song Dynasty educator Hu Yan, "Chess Sage" Huang Longshi,

"Water Margin" by Shi Nai'an,

Wang Geng, founder of the "Taizhou School",

"Yangzhou Eight Monsters" representative figure Zheng Banqiao,

Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang...

From ancient times to the present, countless elegant characters have created Taizhou.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Taizhou is one of the happiest cities in China.

She is also a civilized city in China.

Or the hometown of Chinese opera, the hometown of Chinese soup buns,

It is also the first auspicious cultural town in the country...

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise
Source/My Taizhou

Taizhou, a historical city

The ancient city of Taizhou, 2100 years of history, thousands of years, the city has left countless historical relics and humanistic stories.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The ancient city buildings, ancient towns, ancient streets, and historical sites are still standing still in the thousand years of wind and rain.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Qintong Ancient Town

In the central Jiangsu region, Qintong is one of the ancient towns with the most ancient buildings and the best preserved, there is no commercial atmosphere here, only the breath of time.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

There are also many former residences of academicians of Shuxiang Mendi and private schools in the ancient town, which exude a strong smell of books.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Huangqiao Ancient Town

Huangqiao Ancient Town is known as Xiaoyangzhou, there are not too many tourists, there is not much reputation, but it retains a quaint temperament and has been obscure.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

It is also the hometown of China's violins, which can produce more than 700,000 violins every year, and 3 out of every 10 violins in the world are born here.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Taizhou Old Street

Stretching 600 meters of Taizhou Old Street, a variety of Taizhou authentic snacks full of incense, through it, you can also hear the commentary rap, it is really a different kind of Taizhou style.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

© Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism

Taizhou, a city that is more delicious than Yangzhou

The rivers, rivers, huai, and sea are also accompanied by Taizhou, making the products here abundant.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The food culture here is the same as Yangzhou, the "world capital of gastronomy", and whether it is Huaiyang cuisine or morning tea, it is not lost to Yangzhou.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Taizhou's cuisine integrates the characteristics of the Water City region, or a word, fresh.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The morning begins with morning tea

The evening ends with opera

The morning in Taizhou starts with morning tea, which has some similarities with the guangzhou morning tea, a pot of tea, a stack of hot dried silk, a cage of buns, a bowl of fish soup noodles, is the beginning of the morning.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The essence of Taizhou morning tea must be inseparable from the crab yellow soup bun, many people only know Yangcheng Lake, but do not know that Taizhou is China's largest crab origin and the largest crab trading market.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

And the famous crab yellow soup bun, only Taizhou Jingjiang is the most authentic.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The soup bun is steamed at the moment, and the filling is specially made of hairy crab, fresh pork skin, authentic old hen chicken, and the soup skin can be broken, and the soup is not greasy.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Blanch the shreds

Taizhou people "morning tea three treasures", a cage of crab yellow buns, and a plate of hot dried silk.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

© Little Red Book Zurich's Once Upon a Time

Dried silk is a soy product made of soybeans processed, cut into thin strips, washed and blanched repeatedly, to remove the smell of beans, poured with refined marinade and sesame oil, accompanied by ginger shredded and dried shrimp.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Fish noodle soup

The most critical thing about fish soup noodles is fish soup, which is boiled three times into the pot, and after cooking with meat oil, add a large piece of pork bone, simmer over low heat.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

After boiling, the fish soup is milky white, the soup is thick and fresh, not fishy, and the noodles are fragrant.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Qinhu Lake eight fresh

Qinhu Eight Fresh actually refers to: Qinhu Crab, Qinhu Green Shrimp, Qinhu Turtle, Qinhu Silverfish, Qinhu Sixi, Qinhu Snail Shellfish, Qinhu Waterfowl and Qinhu Water Vegetables.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Crab, turtle, snail shellfish and other eight kinds of lake fresh roast, just sip a mouthful of soup, the refreshing umami will spread rapidly between the lips and teeth, the aftertaste is endless.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

A unique and authentic flavor

Every bite is nostalgia

The snacks here are also rich and colorful, such as fried stinky dry, Huangqiao roast cake, Huangqiao meat residue, Jingjiang roast cake, Caolu baked cake, Jiangyan shortbread, Osmanthus flower cake, swollen cake, old sauce chicken, Maqiao wontons, ginkgo biloba, fish cake.....

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

A drama

End the day routine

Taizhou is a thousand-year-old opera town, "listening to comments after meals, enjoying idle dramas at night", is the daily life of Taizhou people.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

When you go to Taizhou, you can't help but taste morning tea; when you taste morning tea, you can taste not only by eating, but also by listening. The morning tea shop in LaoJie still preserves the old custom of selling morning tea while inviting people to talk about books.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

In the major parks in Taizhou, you can feel the opera, hanging voice, oratorio.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

You can go to the plum garden, feel the opera, take a boat through Taoyuan, and enjoy the Kunqu opera "Peach Blossom Fan". You can go to willow garden and shake your head and listen to a stage.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Source/My Taizhou Cheng Zihua

Taizhou, a water city in Jiangnan

The confluence of the rivers, Huai, Haisanshui and Qinhu Lake in Taizhou City has created the pattern of water city here, there are no mountains here, they are all water, and they have also created a gentle and quiet, moist and beautiful temperament in Taizhou.

Fengcheng River

Fengcheng River is the "mother river" in the hearts of Taizhou people, and the Fengcheng River meanders around the urban area of Taizhou and flows for thousands of years.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The scenery of Taizhou, most of which is around the Fengcheng River, connects more than 30 scenic spots along the river, lined with lush trees.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The best time to visit the Fengcheng River is at night, at night, the ancient buildings on both sides of the river are illuminated with warm light, and the scenery on the banks of the Fengcheng River will be spread out in front of you.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Qinhu Wetland Park

Qinhu Lake is the local "West Lake" of Taizhou, where the water and grass are abundant, and in ancient times it was a paradise for rare animals and elk. Despite the vicissitudes of the sea, the water environment is still clean.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Source/Taizhou release

Here lakes, rivers and forests criss-cross each other, full of oxygen, or a rare freshwater wetland park in the country.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Thousands of stacks of fields bloom

Flowering period: from the end of March to April around the Qingming Festival

Taizhou Xinghua City Tank Gu Township, here canola flowers are different from other places, 750 years ago, tank Gu Township farmers in the water to take soil piles, neat as stacks, and plant crops on it, only to evolve into today's ecological scenery.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Every spring, the rape blossoms, the blue sky, clear water from the high to see the field rape flowers, a piece of yellow flower field floating in the water, like a Chinese block text.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The best way to come here is to take a wooden boat down the river, slowly paddling through the fields of thousands of flowers, the boat roaming in it, and the rich floral fragrance is fascinating.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Taizhou, not Jiangnan is better than Jiangnan

The ancient Taizhou City was once an authentic garden city, compared to other Jiangnan gardens, Taizhou's gardens are more vicissitudes, but exquisite.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Port carving building

Also known as Chaixu Ancient Town, in the early years of the Qianlong Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, the Taizhou Port Town Wood Merchant Yao Clan built, dating back to nearly 300 years of history.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

The floor is located on the east side, with heavy eaves and hard mountains, two floors up and down, and five rooms wide, which is extraordinary. The buildings in the park are typical of Jiangnan gardens, with mountains and water and lush trees.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Wanghai Tower

Wanghai Tower, a landmark building in Taizhou, a sentence "the window contains the East Sea Day, the door to the Hailing tide" is enough to summarize the grandeur of this ancient city building.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Climb to the top of the Wanghai Tower, you can see the whole picture of Taizhou City and the winding Fengcheng River, once Lu You, Fan Zhongyan, Zheng Banqiao... Countless celebrities and sages, after hanging on to the ancient sadness, waved a large pen and left behind a masterpiece of eternity.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Mei LanFang Park

Plum Garden, also known as "Mei Lanfang Park", is located on the eastern outskirts of Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, on the Phoenix Pier with beautiful legends, in honor of Mr. Mei Lanfang, the master of Peking Opera.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Although it is a post-built garden, every set of the plum garden completely reproduces the appearance of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Joe Garden

This is the oldest surviving garden in northern Jiangsu and is also known as the First Garden of Huaizuo.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

In the wind and frost for more than 400 years, after many damages and reconstructions, it has also preserved the gentleness of Jiangnan and the atmosphere of Jiangbei.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Nichiren Garden

Built during the Ming Dynasty, the Garden was a private residential garden built by Chen during the Ming Dynasty. It is known as the first garden of Huaizuo.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise

Source/Weibo Taizhou release

Over the past four hundred years, the garden has changed hands several times and has been destroyed several times. Nowadays, nichiren garden combines the beauty of landscapes, gardens, flowers and trees.

It is the happiest city in China, low-key and no one remembers, but it is a food documentary paradise


Self-driving directions: Enter Taizhou in the map

Arrival: Taizhou Station

Route: 3-day tour

D1: WanghaiLou - Plum Garden - Qiao Garden - Night Tour Fengcheng River

D2: Taizhou Morning Tea - Xinghua Rape Flower - Lizhong Water Forest - Jindongmen Old Street

D3: Qinhu Wetland - Qintong Ancient Town


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