
The loudspeaker sounded 60,000 kilograms of potatoes in Lüliang Mountain rushed to Xi'an

author:International Online

The situation of epidemic prevention and control in Xi'an has touched the hearts of the people in the old area of Luliang. In Lan County, Lüliang City, Shanxi Province, villagers drilled soil kilns and cellars, took out potatoes stored in winter, and even contributed potato seeds to be cultivated in the spring next year, raising a total of more than 60,000 catties of potatoes to donate to Xi'an free of charge.

At present, these potatoes have been transported to Xi'an through the Shanxi Provincial Social Assistance Foundation, and the relevant departments in Xi'an have been assigned to xi'an Jiaotong University and Xi'an Jianda, which have enriched the tables of teachers and students during the "school closure" period.

Reporter: Lu Mengqi Zhao Yang

Reporter: Cui Yihua

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