
Signs before the death of a loved one, if there are these 6 points, you should be careful

author:DrX said

"That day he suddenly got out of his hospital bed, took a shower and washed his head, and talked to me a lot about the past. He said he felt that his illness had improved and that he would be able to go out to play tai chi in a few days, but he died that night. ”

"One day he suddenly said he could breathe, let us unplug the ventilator, and got up to smoke a cigarette. But because he has advanced lung cancer, we all know that it is a return to the light..."

Before many people die, such unusual actions occur, which we call "returning to the light". However, not everyone will return to the light before dying, such as sudden death and accidental death.

Because of the appearance of the return to the light, so many people have the illusion of getting better or even recovering. But as everyone knows, this is only a short "surprise", and the relatives will eventually have to face bad news.

Signs before the death of a loved one, if there are these 6 points, you should be careful

What is "back-to-light"?

In nature, the return to light refers to the process of accelerating into the night after a brief light that appears when the sun is about to set.

The same is true when the return of light is applied to the human body. In folklore, it often refers to the person who is about to die, and suddenly there is an illusion of relief such as rehabilitation.

For example, a patient who has been in a coma for many days suddenly wakes up; a patient who has been unable to speak for a long time can suddenly speak; a patient whose body function has been damaged, and this function has suddenly reversed, and so on... But after this brief recovery, the condition suddenly deteriorated sharply and eventually led to death.

Signs before the death of a loved one, if there are these 6 points, you should be careful

Clinically, the explanation for returning to the light is similar. It refers to those patients who are already dying, suddenly wake up, and even take the initiative to ask for food and drink, and put forward various needs that make us think that his condition has improved. But after that, his condition suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse until he died.

Why is there a "back to the light"?

This starts with adrenaline, which secretes the cortex and medulla. Among them, the cortex is used to fight inflammation, viruses and allergies, while the medulla can excite the heart, vasoconstriction and increase blood pressure.

When a person is dying, the brain secretes hormones that cope with death, which is the brain's last response to death. At this time, some people will be awake, want to eat and drink, and even take a bath and wash their hair.

Signs before the death of a loved one, if there are these 6 points, you should be careful

In addition, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also plays a huge role. Because it has the role of energy storage and energy supply. When people are dying, adenosine triphosphate will release a huge amount of energy, making people suddenly show spirit and vitality.

Unfortunately, these effects can be maintained for a short period of time, usually ranging from one hour to several hours. After this, the patient will fall into permanent "sleep".

What do people see on their deathbed?

This is also a question that many people are curious about, but it is difficult for living people to feel what they will see before dying, and they do not want to feel it.

Belgian scientists have done a study in which they surveyed 154 people who had experienced death and come back to life, and concluded the following:

64% saw a person or soul; 60% saw a very strong light; 36% felt their soul return to the body; 35% felt that their soul was out of the ordinary; 4% saw the future...

Although this study is not representative, it at least confirms that people do see something when they are dying.

The explanation for this phenomenon still returns to the brain. The possible reason is that when people are dying, the brain wants to struggle, so as to secrete a large amount of dopamine and norepinephrine, which causes people to be excited and then hallucinates.

Signs before the death of a loved one, if there are these 6 points, you should be careful

In any case, when a person is dying, the brain will make a final struggle, and the only reason to struggle is: to remind their master to live!

What are the signs before a person dies?

The following is summarized according to the experience of netizens from all sides, not everyone will appear, but it has certain reference significance:

(1) Incontinence and cannot be controlled;

(2) Nonsense, because before death, the various organs of the body have failed, it is difficult to express all the words you want to say, you can only say a little, and there is no hierarchy and no logic;

(3) The hands and feet are cold, and the blood vessels on the hands have changed from cyan at the beginning to bluish black;

(4) Before the death of some elderly elders, the wrinkles left on the forehead for many years may slowly stretch out, and when they are all opened, it means leaving;

(5) At the time of dying, the breathing will become very weak, there is basically no pulse, and the muscles will be relaxed;

(6) Unable to eat on their own, unable to even drink water, and can only wet each other's lips through cotton swabs;


Signs before the death of a loved one, if there are these 6 points, you should be careful

For death, current science still can't explain it all, and it can't change much. The only thing we can do is to cherish it when we have it, love the relatives around us, do what we should do, and don't leave regrets.

Your organs value your life more than you do, and finally share a passage from what you saw:

Brain: Units report the current situation.

Heart: 99% loss of function.

Liver: 99% loss of function.

Lungs: 99% loss of function.

Stomach: loss of function 99%.

Spleen: 99% loss of function.

Kidneys: loss of function 99%.

Brain: Outside aid can no longer turn the tide, adrenal glands please report the reserve situation!

Adrenaline: Adrenaline reserves are severely inadequate, with only 5% left and cannot be manufactured again!

Brain: All adrenaline is assigned to the nervous system and vocal cord muscles, ready to convey the final message to the outside world, the rest of the units are ready to stop, and this instruction will not be repeated.

A short death...

Brain: Thank you all for your years of collaboration, goodbye!

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