
The cat is too lazy to let the dog carry it around, and you can take a "BMW" every day, netizens: hard work!

author:Light Emotion

**The cat is too lazy to let the dog carry it, and you can take a "BMW" every day, netizens: hard work! **

The sun was shining that day, and the sun shone in the community, giving everything a golden coat. I am an ordinary office worker, named Li Ming, 30 years old this year, living a 9-to-5 life every day. My family lives in a corner of the community, although it is not big, but it is very warm. I have a cat and a dog at home, and they are the little blessings in my life.

The cat is too lazy to let the dog carry it around, and you can take a "BMW" every day, netizens: hard work!

The cat's name is "Lazy", she is five years old this year, and she is an orange cat. It's not a casual name, it's because it's so lazy! In addition to eating and sleeping every day, I just nestled on the sofa and didn't move. The dog's name is "BMW", it is a three-year-old golden retriever, it has a docile personality, smart and clever, and it is a little expert in my family.

Although BMW and Lazy have very different personalities, they have a surprisingly good relationship. BMW is always silently guarding the lazy, and wherever the lazy is, it will follow wherever it goes. As for laziness, it seems that he is also accustomed to the company of BMW, and often lies lazily on the back of BMW, enjoying the comfort of being carried around.

On this day, I came home from work and just walked into the community and saw an interesting picture. I saw the BMW walking in front, and the lazy was lying leisurely on the back of the BMW, spreading out his limbs, looking like he was enjoying himself. I couldn't help but laugh out loud and thought to myself: this lazy cat, what a pleasure!

When I got closer, the BMW didn't seem to feel tired, but walked steadily. Its eyes were full of tenderness and pampering, as if to say, "It's okay, I'm willing to carry you on my back." Lazy closed his eyes, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if to say: "It's so comfortable, this is my BMW car!" ”

The cat is too lazy to let the dog carry it around, and you can take a "BMW" every day, netizens: hard work!

This scene made me feel emotional. In this fast-paced society, people are always busy with work and life, and rarely have time to enjoy the beauty of life. But BMW and laziness opened my eyes to another way of life: simple, pure, and full of love.

I decided to film it and post it online. Soon, my post caused a heated discussion among netizens. Someone commented: "This dog is so hardworking, so good to cats!" Someone else commented: "I would also like to have a BMW like this, carrying me every day!" ”

Looking at these comments, I couldn't help but laugh. Yes, the story of BMW and laziness is simple, but it brings warmth and touch. In this noisy world, they interpret the meaning of love and companionship in their own way.

That night, I lay in bed for a long time and couldn't sleep. I think of BMW and Lazy together: they play together, sleep together, eat together...... Every detail is full of warmth and happiness. I suddenly realized that true happiness is not how much wealth and status I have, but being able to have a grateful heart and a kind heart to cherish the people and things around me.

The cat is too lazy to let the dog carry it around, and you can take a "BMW" every day, netizens: hard work!

Since then, I've been paying more attention to the people and things around me. I began to learn to be grateful and cherish, and began to treat everyone around me with a kind heart. I find that when I do this, my life becomes much better and more fulfilling.

And BMW and Lazy still enjoy their "BMW car" trip every day. Every time I see their happy looks, a warm current wells up in my heart. Although they can't speak, their every look and movement conveys the warmth of love and companionship.

This is my BMW and lazy, they made me understand the true meaning of life in the simplest way: cherish the people and things around me, and love and accompany everyone worthy of our cherishment with our hearts.

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