
98 rescued a cat from the flood, gave it to the locals when he was discharged from the army, and saw me on the streets of the big cat's hometown 6 years later!

author:Light Emotion

**That year, I rescued a cat, gave it to the villagers when I was discharged from the army, and reunited six years later, with tears in my eyes**

My name is Li Yang, I am 48 years old, and I used to be an ordinary PLA soldier. My hometown is located in a picturesque town in the south, where there are memories of my childhood, the blood of my youth, and my indissoluble bond with a cat.

I was born into an ordinary peasant family that had been farming for generations. Since I was a child, I have longed for the military camp and dreamed of one day wearing a military uniform to defend my family and country. After graduating from high school, I did not hesitate to sign up for the army and became a glorious PLA soldier.

98 rescued a cat from the flood, gave it to the locals when he was discharged from the army, and saw me on the streets of the big cat's hometown 6 years later!

In 1998, it was a rainy summer, and the Yangtze River basin experienced a rare flood. Our troops received the order to fight the flood and rescue the people and quickly rushed to the disaster area. There, we fought to the death against the floods, fighting day and night on the front lines of the floods.

During one of my patrols, I spotted a kitten trapped in a tree. It was soaking wet, shivering, and looking at me helplessly. I felt pity and decided to climb a tree to save it. After some effort, I was able to save the kitten from the tree. It looked at me with those moist eyes, as if to say, "Thank you, life-saving benefactor." ”

I took the kitten back to the station, bathed it and fed it some food. Gradually, the kitten regained her vitality and became close friends with me. I gave it a name called "Little Hero", which means that it was brave and strong in the flood.

In the days of fighting floods, the "little heroes" became my best companions. It has accompanied me through many lonely and lonely times, and also witnessed the heroic deeds of me and my comrades. Whenever I am exhausted, I see its lovely appearance, and I feel a warm current welling up in my heart and reinvigorate me.

98 rescued a cat from the flood, gave it to the locals when he was discharged from the army, and saw me on the streets of the big cat's hometown 6 years later!

However, there is no such thing as a feast. Two years later, I was old enough to be discharged from the military. On the day I left the army, I was reluctant to let go of my comrades-in-arms, let alone the "little heroes". I thought about it for a long time and decided to give the "little hero" to the local folks, hoping that it can continue to live happily here.

When I came to the villagers with the "little heroes", they were all very happy. They have said that they will take good care of the "little hero" and let it live a happy life. With tears in my eyes, I handed over the "little hero" to them and told them to treat it well.

After being discharged from the army, I returned to my hometown and started a new life. Although I left the army and the "little heroes", my heart has always been concerned about them. I often think of those days of fighting floods, and I think of the bits and pieces of my "little heroes".

98 rescued a cat from the flood, gave it to the locals when he was discharged from the army, and saw me on the streets of the big cat's hometown 6 years later!

One day, six years later, I went back to that town for work. As I was walking down the familiar street, I suddenly heard a familiar cat meow. I followed the prestige and saw a big cat crouching under a tree, looking at me with those moist eyes. I took a closer look and was stunned - the big cat turned out to be a "little hero"!

I excitedly ran over to pick up the "little hero", and it rubbed its head on my cheek affectionately, as if telling the thoughts and worries of all these years. My eyes were moist, and I held the "little hero" for a long time and refused to let go.

Folks told me that the "little hero" has been living well here all these years. It will come under this tree every day and wait for me to come back. They also said that the "little heroes" were very smart and sensible, and never caused them trouble, and everyone loved it.

Listening to the words of the villagers, I was full of emotion. I didn't expect the "little hero" to remember me and wait for me here for six years. I was deeply shocked and touched by this loyalty and gratitude.

This reunion made me realize the deep emotional bond between humans and animals. Although they do not have the complex emotional expression of humans, they can express their love and loyalty to their owners in the purest way. This love and loyalty deserve to be cherished and cared for by each and every one of us.

Today, "little heroes" have become an integral part of my life. I will do my best to take care of it and accompany it through every happy time. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can be kind to the animals around them and cherish this hard-won fate.

#q1# In this world, there are always some warm stories happening quietly, they may be insignificant, but they are enough to warm our hearts. Let's feel the strength and warmth brought to us by these stories with our hearts!