
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

author:The erudite Aoyama 7K
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

In the bustling world, there is a kind of beauty, which is not ostentatious or eye-catching, but has a different style. It is like vermilion powder gently applied to the face, not very deep and even, but just right to outline the gentleness and charm of the woman. The idle flowers are faintly fragrant, drifting with the wind, not strong, but enough to make people intoxicated.

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

She is such a woman. Her beauty is not as strong as wine, but like the faint vermilion powder, which is an understatement, showing the elegance and style of women. Her face is as warm as white jade, and the vermilion powder is lightly applied, adding a bit of charm and shyness. Her eyes, deep and bright, seem to hide endless stories and wisdom.

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

Her posture is even more commendable. Everyone is humane to her willow waist, and her slender waist seems to be blown down by a gust of wind. However, she has amazing resilience and strength to stand tall in the face of wind and rain. Her steps are light and graceful, and every step seems to tell her story and emotions.

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

Her beauty lies not only in her delicate appearance, but also in her inner sexiness. Her smile, as warm as the sun, can melt the coldness and loneliness in people's hearts. Her voice, soft and beautiful, like a heavenly sound, makes people intoxicated. Her wisdom and talent are even more admirable.

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

In this noisy world, she is like an idle flower, quietly blooming her beauty. She doesn't need too much embellishment and ostentatiousness to be able to exude a unique charm. Her beauty, like the makeup that is not deep and even, although it is elegant, it is enough to make people's hearts move.

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming

She is such a sexy and charming woman. Her beauty lies not only in her delicate appearance, but also in her inner kindness and wisdom. She uses her own way to interpret the charm and style of women. In her, we see the softness and strength of women, as well as the beauty and hope of life.

The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming
The vermilion powder is lightly applied, and the light fragrance is charming