
Be careful with respiratory diseases And the supplement should also be balanced

author:Bright Net
Be careful with respiratory diseases And the supplement should also be balanced

Today ushered in the last of the twenty-four solar terms , the Great Cold. Huang Haiyin, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that the cold climate is dry and cold, which is easy to induce respiratory diseases such as colds, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, allergic rhinitis, and repeated respiratory infections.

Huang Haiyin said that during the cold festival, we should pay attention to keeping the body warm, add clothes in time, wear scarves and masks, and protect the body from the cold. "Wearing loose and warm clothing is more conducive to the circulation of blood in the body, especially pay attention to the warmth of the nose, neck and chest." She pointed out that washing the nose with cold water every morning and evening is conducive to strengthening the immunity of the nasal mucosa and is a good way to prevent rhinitis; and rubbing the nose wings can improve the blood circulation of the nasal mucosa and help alleviate nasal congestion, sneezing and other symptoms.

Huang Haiyin also taught a trick of acupuncture point massage: the two hands of the big fish between each other, rub hard, so that the fish is hot to hot, and then quickly put the big fish to the nose next to the incense point, the warm stimulation can make the local capillary expansion of the nasal trick, in order to achieve the purpose of the nasal trick.

In the harsh winter, everything withers, and people are prone to mental depression, depression, depression and other manifestations of "tragic winter". Huang Haiyin suggested that you can use the "six-character recipe" to cultivate meditation. "Through the sound of the six words 'huh, boo, exhale, sigh, blow, and hip' issued by people when exhaling, combined with inhalation, you can promote blood circulation throughout the body, improve cold resistance, and subtly calm your own state of mind."

Ma Li, deputy chief physician of the Department of Nutrition of Yueyang Hospital, said that during the cold season, the daily diet can eat more warm food to supplement the body, providing the body with sufficient calories to resist the cold. "However, high-calorie, high-fat foods can easily lead to high blood sugar and blood lipids." Therefore, while supplementing warmly in the waxing moon, you can also eat some 'three winters' and 'three freezes' to balance the dietary structure. ”

"Three winters" refers to winter melon, winter dates, winter cane, winter melon contains more dietary fiber, can help reduce blood sugar, but also reduce cholesterol in the body, lower blood lipids; winter dates contain 19 kinds of essential amino acids, vitamin C content is particularly rich, can improve human immunity; and winter cane contains a large number of iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and other essential trace elements, has the reputation of "blood fruit". "Three freezes" refers to frozen persimmons, frozen pears and frozen tofu.

Ma Li also reminded that Chinese has the traditional custom of "eating wax in the wax moon". However, the consumption of wax flavor should pay attention to the "control of the amount", it is recommended that each person consume about 50 grams each time, do not exceed 75 grams each time, relieve the hunger, do not covet the appetite of the appetite to eat too much.

Reporter Gao Yang

Source: Xinmin Evening News

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