
Huating: Cultivate ecological civilization and cultivate a better home

author:China Gansu Net

Correspondent Li Maolin

Since the beginning of this year, Huating City has focused on the construction of ecological civilization, firmly established the concept of innovative development, deeply implemented the strategy of sustainable development, built an ecological civilization system, and laid a good "background" and enhanced the "bottom line" for the creation of a national civilized city.

Let the mountains and rivers be lush and green, let the sky be clear and blue, the air fresh, let the river be clear to the bottom, and the fish be happy... Huating City makes every effort to promote the global governance of the ecological environment, implements the red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, the upper line of resource utilization and the "three lines and one single" zoning control of the ecological environment access list, strictly controls the construction of the "two high" projects, implements the new concept of "green cycle and low-carbon development", strictly enforces industrial access standards, vigorously develops new energy industries, ecological agriculture, and modern service industries, and promotes low-carbon green development; comprehensively promotes water control, gas control, mountain control, and city governance, deeply carries out comprehensive air pollution control, and fights the "blue sky defense war" Deepen the ecological protection and restoration of the Jing River Basin and the comprehensive treatment of the water environment, fight the "blue water defense war"; strengthen the control and restoration of soil pollution, and fight the "pure land defense war"; innovate the ecological environment management system, strengthen the environmental monitoring ability, and make every effort to create a beautiful Xinhua Pavilion with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

From the past "dirty and chaotic" to today's "clean beauty", Huating City relies on the current good ecological and cultural resources, actively develops new formats such as leisure agriculture, family farms, rural tourism, characteristic sightseeing, and life experience, and creates a number of pastoral complexes integrating circular agriculture, tourism, leisure vacation and agricultural experience, and strives to create a green development blueprint for ecological beauty, humanistic beauty, urban and rural beauty, and life beauty

The mountains are green, the mist flows slowly, the majestic and the vast are in contrast, the blue sky is endless, the village cottages are dotted among them, and thousands of meteorological winding mountains... This is a beautiful scene of Dananyu Village in Cedi Town.

The river is babbling, the green mountains are picturesque, surrounded by greenery, the birds are singing and the mountains are quiet, the "poetic" scenery is in front of you, and the sunset is in the distance... This is the idyllic scenery of Donggou Small Fishing Village in Yanxia Township.

The fields surrounding the hillside are surrounded by green bamboo hedges, the green water reflects the pi, and the canyons that go deep into the east along the river are full of scenery, which is interesting and gives people a smart and euphemistic beauty... This is a grand scene of the construction of the special project of eco-tourism in Shimin Village, Xihua Town.

Mo Dao is civilized and beautiful at this time, and next year's flowers will be better than this year's red. The construction of ecological civilization has created a beautiful home for the local people with clear sky and clear water, green and livable, and has also deeply integrated the civilization factors into the blood and meridians of the city, gradually releasing more vitality and charm of vigorous development.

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