
With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

author:Ink falls in search of smoke

Qiang, an ancient and diverse, timeless people.

Speaking of Qiang, everyone will think of the Qiang flute that cannot be blown through the jade gate and has a miserable and desolate sound; will think of the rough and pious sheepskin encouragement that communicates with the ancestor gods; will think of the fire pond that bursts with Mars and the simple and far-reaching fire culture; and will think of the graceful peony on the black background embroidery and the goddess who blesses all sentient beings.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March
Behind these well-known cultural symbols, there is a Qiang people with distinct personalities, hundreds of rivers and rivers, and abundant martial virtues - the Qiangdi can be used as a horse whip and ride the wind; the dance is majestic and agile, showing the heroic nature; the Sag goddess who can sing and dance also dares to challenge the Mandate of Heaven and undertake the mission of benefiting the children of the Qiang nationality.

The Qiang people in the pre-Qin period - the bloodline and endless struggle with the upper echelons of the Chinese regime

The character "Qiang" is similar to the "Jiang" character, and many mythologists believe that Qiang and Yandi Shennong are of the same origin; Dayu was born in The Western Qiang, and also witnesses the similar ancestral origin of Qiang and Huaxia.

In the Shang Dynasty, the "Qiang character" appeared on the turtle shell sacrificed by King Yin, and the Qiang people at this time became the Western enemies of the merchants.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

Under the hands of merchants who were reluctant to drink alcohol and the wind of obscenity was difficult to break, the Qiang people who were captured in battle also became the sacrifices of the Shang king's living people except slaves.

The resilient Qiang people did not give up the opportunity to fight. At the time of the Zhou tribe's cutting down merchants, the Qiang people appeared on the battlefield of "Cutting The Way" and overthrew this dynasty of cool and good ancestors and Rong together.

The Qiang people's great help to the King of Zhou with the surname Ji may be related to the "Jiang" surname of Jiang Yuan, the female ancestor of the Zhou people.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the King of Zhou also often married women surnamed Jiang. Similar blood and in-laws made "Jiang" and "Qiang" allies of the Zhou royal family.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

Who knows, the Zhou Youwang of the Beacon Theatre Princes broke this "unbreakable alliance". Not knowing whether it was to get rid of the influence of his father-in-law, Jiang Hou, or just to smile at the beauty, King You of Zhou ordered the abolition of the prince status of Shen Hou's grandson and the establishment of the son of Shen Hou as the crown prince.

Faced with a king who "ignored the rules", Shen Hou connected with the Xiqiang people (Inuyasha), who were already related, to launch a rebellion, causing the princes to support their grandsons as the King of Zhouping.

After the rebellion between Shen Hou and Inuyasha, the Qiang tribes began to move into the Central Plains. King Ping, who had taken the throne from the turmoil, also paid the price he should pay—the palace was looted by the Western Qiang.

King Ping was determined to move east and revive orthodoxy, but Tianzi had already lost his own world--colluding with his grandfather to indirectly kill his father, using the Western Qiang to provoke a rebellion, Tianzi himself "broke" Li Le, and the princes just borrowed the topic to play. The Qiang people who moved into the Central Plains encountered a new rival—the princes who established the concept of the Central Plains of China.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

Qiang and Huaxia share the same ancestry, but the closeness of blood can not prevent the struggle, and the regime will not give up some small interests for blood relations -- the very different production and lifestyles make the inward migration of the Qiang people a "mistake", and the backwardness of the means of reclamation makes the population gradually crowded.

The Qiang people who fished, hunted and nomadic herders fought endlessly with the Chinese people who were farming in the era. As a result, the princes in a strong position began to "drive away the rong".

The princes of the world, no king, no "exorcism", no king does not speak "Huayi debate", the Qiang people were defeated in the war, had to move to the present-day Gansu, Qinghai, Hehuang region.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

The Qiang tribes of the sixteen kingdoms of the two Han Dynasties, Wei and Jin, the blood splashed on the border pass, rose up in anger

The time came to the Han Dynasty. During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up a lieutenant to manage the economic disputes between the Qiang and Han dynasties, and also ordered the border people to monitor the Qiang people in the border areas. At this time, the border was sometimes full of wolf smoke, and sometimes it was full of military force.

The weather is unpredictable. The cold climate has invaded the land of China, and the Hehuang region is no exception. No one can say whether the change of climate and the birth of the Eastern Han Dynasty are mutually causal, but the superposition of the two has truly changed the fate of an ethnic group - the Qiang people have migrated inward due to climate.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

At this moment, the Qiang people are facing a dead and not rigid central government. The Eastern Han Dynasty was supported by local Hao warlords, and this improperly positioned dynasty not only replaced Confucianism with Confucianism, but also contracted the local military power of the dynasty for fear of local power, and connived at the Hao clan to raise private soldiers.

The fragile and huge Eastern Han Dynasty began to implement a policy of oppression, discrimination, and infighting against the Qiang people, while at the same time shrinking the local military power. Due to many reasons, the large-scale Qiang-Han War began.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

During the Three Kingdoms period, during the struggle between Wei shu and Wu, the Qiang people once again moved into Guanzhong. In the chaotic era of eclectic and talented people, there were also many Qiang generals in the Wei Shu regime who stood out.

Emperor Ming of Wei died young, and Sima Shi launched the Gaopingling Rebellion to establish the Western Jin Dynasty. The rulers of the Western Jin Dynasty broke out within the rebellion of the eight kings, and the princes with the same surname helped to attract those "foreigners" who were oppressed and trafficked by them.

Under the cruel rule, the "Wuhu" launched a rebellion, including the Qiang, and the wuhu chaotic war began, and Yao Cang, whose father had served in the Cao Wei regime, established the Later Qin regime.

During the Tang and Song dynasties, it was partially integrated into the Mongols and Han chinese, and migrated to the Minshan area.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

The Qiang of the Ming and Qing dynasties – gradually integrated due to cultural, war and economic factors

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Qiang accelerated the pace of cultural integration. The Ming Dynasty established a system of bondage based on the toast system, and appointed local upper-class people to manage the Qiang people.

In the Ming Dynasty, the aristocratic Toastmasters who advocated expansion and plunder connived and encouraged the Qiang to rob grain trucks and occupy the city. Faced with such a situation, officials hoped to educate the qiang people with Confucian classics.

Officials revived the palace, built the Temple of Literature, and even solemnly put on the Han crown for the rebellious nobles at their surrender ceremonies. Cultural influences have led some Qiang people to learn Chinese.

It may be hard for the Qiang to imagine that in a few hundred years there will be a cultural change that will take place in the land where they live, which is more profound than Confucian indoctrination.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

At the time of the intersection of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Chinese nation is experiencing unprecedented changes, the pulse of the times is driving the fate of the people of the world, and the Qiang people are also deeply aware of this change. After the Manchu Qing entered the Central Plains, they changed the weak local control means at the end of the Ming Dynasty--the taxes that the Ming Emperor and generals could not collect, so that the Treasury of the Great Qing Dynasty was full; the places that the Ming Dynasty did not manage well let the Great Qing Empire hold in the palm of its hands.

In the Qing Dynasty, the empire's change to the Qiang people occurred not only in the cultural and educational habits of the upper class, but also in the customs and habits of the bottom.

Officials of the Qing Dynasty strictly forbade the custom of Qiang women "sitting on the bed to summon husbands" and Qiang widows to marry privately; in addition, the Qiang people's practice of cremation of remains that had been used for thousands of years was also banned.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

Why were these officials able to penetrate deep into the daily lives of the Qiang people? This is the credit of the Qing Yongzheng Dynasty's implementation of the "land reform and return to the stream".

In the Ming Dynasty, it was not that the land was not changed, but the exile officials could only be appointed to take over local affairs in the event of a hereditary tusi extinction or rebellion. In contrast, the determination of several generations of Qing emperors to rule the border was extremely strong.

In order to carry out the reform of the land and return to the stream, Yongzheng set off a rebellion in Yunnan- Guizhou and Guangxi to suppress the villagers who rebelled against the return of the land to the stream. Under the suppression of the Qing court, toastmasters in various places had to obey and handed over seals and ordnance one after another. During the Qianlong period, in order to subdue the restless Tibetan chiefs and stabilize the border, Qianlong also sent Ortai to pacify the large and small Jinchuan, strengthening the qing court's control over the Sichuan-Tibet region.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

Under the tough land reform, the Qiang society gradually transitioned into a feudal land ownership society.

The Kangxi Dynasty's policy of dividing the land into acres greatly increased people's enthusiasm for fertility. Later, due to the expansion of the population, the average land of the population decreased, and other ethnic groups moved into the Qiang people's living areas for reclamation, and gradually integrated into the Qiang people. Qiang society has also gradually been attracted to Han Chinese customs, and some similar customs and habits have emerged.

The Qiang people of New China actively joined the Red Army and integrated into the modernization drive

The Red Fourth Front expanded the Red Army in Maoxian, Wenchuan and other places in Sichuan, recruiting nearly 2,000 Red Army soldiers. There was a Red Army soldier who was even a former toastmaster.

With the chinese nation that has been fighting for two thousand years, the Ming and Qing dynasties accelerated their integration and actively joined the Red Army during the Long March

After liberation, the Qiang compatriots who lived in the depths of the white clouds freely entered and exited the mountains and beyond.

They have adhered to their true colors, cultivated and developed on the land of their ancestors, spread ancient culture, and emigrated to various places without exclusion, dedicating boundless love to the cause of socialist modernization in other regions and other nationalities. From constant struggle to active integration, the history of the Qiang people has entered a new and beautiful chapter.

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