
"The New Year goes to the grassroots" they interpret responsibility with perseverance

author:Xinhuanet client

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 20 January: They interpret their responsibilities with perseverance

Fan Xi, Gao Yiran

The annual Spring Festival has begun, and many people have rushed from the north and south of the world to the direction of home with the thoughts they have accumulated for a year. However, there is such a group of people who bury their thoughts in their hearts and interpret responsibilities with perseverance.

In the cold winter, the reporter came to the construction site of the Jiangsu Fuli Expressway Project of the 15th Bureau of China Railway, and although the temperature was low, the construction site was full of enthusiasm. The builders work alternately in shifts, stick to the front line for 24 hours, and want to complete the project construction task as soon as possible and with high quality.

Early in the morning, Yang Li, the project leader, appeared on the construction site to study the construction plan with the technical staff. Over the years, working on the front line of the project regardless of holidays has long been his norm.

Due to the large proportion of engineering bridges, the large number of high-altitude operations, and the high requirements for ecological protection, the project has faced many challenges from the beginning of construction. Yang Li led the staff to overcome the difficulties such as the large number of ponds and rivers along the project, the difficulty of construction and the prevention and control of the epidemic, and scientifically grasped the construction of the project, so that the project became a "benchmark" for the construction of the whole line.

"I can't go home, I can't go back to my hometown, I can be there all year round, and I can reunite my family through video, but if the project is not done, it will stagnate." I am proud that the project can be completed safely and smoothly. Speaking of the approaching Chinese New Year, Yang Li said that this year will be the 7th Spring Festival he has spent on the construction site.

With the opening of the curtain of the Spring Festival, the State Grid Jurong City Power Supply Company has also opened the "Spring Festival Power Supply" mode. In the first week of the Spring Festival, Zhang Jian, the head of the power distribution operation team, led the team members to carry out multiple rounds of inspections and inspections of important transportation hubs such as local high-speed rail stations, bus stations, subway stations and power supply lines along the high-speed rail to ensure safe and reliable power supply.

For him, during the Spring Festival, the "power preservation" measures were stricter than usual: checking the key lines one by one, finding abnormalities and checking and handling in a timely manner; comprehensively strengthening the infrared temperature measurement monitoring of equipment, achieving "early detection and early treatment" of overheating equipment to eliminate hidden dangers of equipment; making emergency repair materials and vehicle preparations, 24-hour standby...

Every day when he arrives at work, it has become Zhang Jian's habit to carefully look through the duty records and understand the operation of the line. Whenever he encountered an urgent, difficult and dangerous maintenance task, he always rushed to the front. "To do work, if you want to do it, you must be careful." If we keep our posts, everyone can rest assured that the New Year will be in peace. Zhang Jian said.

Thousands of miles away, in the Longnan Tunnel of the Ganzhou High-speed Railway in Jiangxi, the high-speed rail bridge workers in the Ganzhou Engineering Section of the Nanchang Bureau Group Company of China Railway are also busy.

"Today we organized a comprehensive inspection of the dangerous rocks at the top of the Longnan Tunnel. Everyone should wear a safety helmet when working at height, and the seat belt should be hung up and locked at any time..." Zhang Xiaoyu, the foreman, instructed the workers.

Zhang Xiaoyu, 28, joined the work in 2015 and has been engaged in road and bridge equipment maintenance work in the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, ganruilong railway and Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway.

"Sweeping mountains is technical work, not just relying on boldness, but also mastering climbing skills and safe operation norms." Zhang Xiaoyu said. This year's Spring Festival, he will lead 8 "post-90s" between the mountains, above the cliffs to "search the mountains and sweep the stones", eliminate hidden dangers, and ensure the safe operation of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway.

Although the position is ordinary, the responsibility is not ordinary. In the Xichang locomotive section of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Company, Huang Hong is also the "guardian" behind the Safe Spring Festival.

As the foreman of the flaw detection team, Huang Hong leads the workers to carry out flaw detection of locomotive parts every day. Clean the surface of the locomotive components, scan with an ultrasonic flaw detector to observe whether the waveform is abnormal... Flaw detection is an important part of the locomotive maintenance process, which can timely and effectively find the defects of locomotive parts, check and deal with safety hazards.

During the Spring Festival, the task of locomotive inspection is more arduous. "In addition to routine testing, temporary work is multiplied, and it must be on call and the results of flaw detection must be highly accurate." Huang Hong said this.

Huang Hong's flaw detection team currently has a total of 6 people, of which 5 are young workers who have joined since 2012, which is a typical young worker team. At work, Huang Hong led the team staff to be meticulous and conscientious. In 2021 alone, he led everyone to detect more than 600 defects, effectively eliminating the locomotive "disease" out of the warehouse.

In the past 4 Spring Festivals, Huang Hong has spent time on the job. This year, he gave the workshop a report in advance that he would not go home during the Spring Festival. In his view, using his earnestness and perseverance to exchange for thousands of passengers to return home safely for the New Year is the meaning of perseverance.

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