
Sun Haiyang's family is too high-profile to annoy people?

author:Wild Lily Little Fun Life Record

Sun Haiyang and his son Sun Zhuo have been dating for more than half a month now. However, news about them is endless on social platforms. Sun Haiyang because of Sun Zhuo's return, rented a 1 bedroom and 4 hall house and moved things also posted on the Internet, and lamented that he could not afford to buy high-end commercial houses in Shenzhen because his son Sun Zhuo was abducted over the years, which caused many people to be distressed, and many people transferred money to buy a house for them, but because of the high discussion on the Internet, Sun Haiyang returned the money given by netizens one by one.

Sun Haiyang's family is too high-profile to annoy people?

Some people say that Sun Haiyang lamented on the social platform that he could not afford to buy a house, that is, he wanted netizens to donate money to buy a house for him, but he returned all the money donated by netizens, which seems to reject this rumor. Then Sun Zhuo's birthday, birthday scene video was also exposed, from the scene map learned that many people sent a lot of gifts to Sun Zhuo, Sun Haiyang also wanted to miss More than ten years of Sun Zhuo's birthday, this time after eating more than a dozen cakes.

Sun Haiyang's family is too high-profile to annoy people?

Therefore, there were several hot searches that night. Then Sun Haiyang, who once said that he would not live stream the goods, also sold his own buns with his wife on the Internet some time ago, and there were many onlookers, and there were many tips, and then their buns were also swept away, which was enough to see their Sun Haiyang's network influence. Then last night, Sun Zhuo's sister Sun Yue returned to China and the quarantine period ended, and their family reunion occupied the hot search on the Internet.

Sun Haiyang's family is too high-profile to annoy people?

A family of five people reunited, sisters and brothers hugging each other, it is indeed emotional. Pay attention to the fans who love them, and naturally weep for the hard-won happiness of their family of 5 today. And some recognize that the spray began to spray their home is too high-profile, it seems that the network hot search to give them a monthly package, the home is short, all to the network to say, occupy and waste a lot of public resources, especially annoying. Some people say that they are particularly disgusted when they see the news of their family of 5 now, and they have not contributed to the country, but they have made them treated like national heroes.

Sun Haiyang's family is too high-profile to annoy people?

As a reader of their series of events from the time they confessed to the present, I still pay close attention to their news and news. I don't think they are high-profile on the Internet, in fact, many people like to share on the Internet, not just them, but because of their high attention, so it is easy to be on the hot search, if no one likes to see them will not appear in the hot spot, so it shows that there are many people who like them, which is because of Sun Haiyang's personal charm and his son's smile like a bend of the moon. Every time I see a few people in their family with happy smiles on their faces, I am happy for them.

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