
China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

author:China Railway Construction Engineering Group
China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

June 28th

by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Xinhua News Agency, National Museum

Co-organized "Ice Road Journey".

Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition"

It is officially open to the public at the National Museum

Chen Wenjian, President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Railway

Wang Yusheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Railway Construction Engineering Group

Invited to the opening ceremony

China Railway Construction Engineering Group provided a series of significant exhibits for the exhibition, among which the main exhibits include the miniature model of Zhongshan Station and Great Wall Station in Antarctica, and the 1:1 replica model of wintering cabin section of Qinling Station in Antarctica, etc., which fully demonstrate the important contribution of China Railway to China's polar expedition

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Exhibition view

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's polar expedition

For 40 years

China's polar undertaking has grown from scratch and from weak to strong

Generations of polar workers

Brave to fight the extreme cold, perseverance, hard work and dedication

Rigorous, realistic, and hard-working

Fruitful results have been achieved

In 2002, the Antarctic Expedition began

Large-scale demolition of the old and construction of the new

China Railway Construction Engineering Group has the "great man of the country"

Actively respond to the call of the party and the state

Be a pioneer and take the lead in the construction of the national polar project

It became the first construction company in China to undertake the construction task of Antarctica

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲The expansion project of Zhongshan Station started

China Railway Construction Engineering Group

Integrate resource advantages

Careful planning of polar expeditions

393 expeditions to Antarctica

The Antarctic Project Department has set foot on the Antarctic continent 20 times

Fight the wind and snow, stick to the front line

Successfully completed the Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Station

Taishan Station is equipped with logistics facilities

and China's fifth Antarctic research station

-- Qinling Station and other construction tasks

The cumulative construction area is more than 10,000 square meters

In order to accelerate the construction of a maritime power

Contribute to the improvement of the polar expedition support system

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Real view of Qinling Station in Antarctica

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

Builder of China Railway Construction Engineering Group

When I first set foot on the Antarctic continent

At that time, the construction of the research station was mainly a container-type house

It serves as a place for scientific research personnel to work and live

The conditions are tough

Since then, China Railway has made a promise

The wish to build a modern Chinese Antarctic research station

In 40 years, China has conducted 40 expeditions to Antarctica

China Railway Construction Engineering Group participated in 20 of them

From 2002 to 2007

It undertook the demolition of the abandoned buildings of the Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Station

and the maintenance and refurbishment of the research station

From 2007 to 2011

Successfully completed the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" capacity building of Zhongshan Station

Built a comprehensive building, a garage, and a comprehensive warehouse

High-altitude physical observation building, waste treatment building, sewage treatment building

Boiler room, high-frequency radar machine room and other building units

The station area has a new look

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Aerial view of Zhongshan Station

From 2011 to 2014

Continue to undertake the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" capacity building of Zhongshan Station

Completed the wintering dormitory building and power generation building

From 2014 to 2017

Completed the environmental management and building maintenance of Zhongshan Station

plumbing renovation and other construction tasks

Since 2017, it has successively undertaken Qinling Station

Construction of temporary facilities, main projects, and logistics centers

Successfully achieved the goal of opening Qinling Station on February 7, 2024

At the same time, Zhongshan Station will be further expanded

Lidar stations, vegetable greenhouses, inland garages, etc

A new member joins the Zhongshan Station complex

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Construction of temporary facilities at Qinling Station

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

With a flick of a finger

From the old Great Wall Station, Zhongshan Station to today's Qinling Station

The Antarctic builders of China Railway Construction Engineering Group have experienced it firsthand

Changes in China's Antarctic research stations

It has greatly improved the support capacity for the polar expeditions of the mainland

Contributed to the wisdom of China Railway

Former Zhongshan Station

Shortwave telephones are completely paralyzed during the polar night

Later, the Zhongshan Station satellite system was set up

It realizes full-time online data and Internet communication with the country

The old dormitory building used to be in difficult condition

Now in the new dormitory

There are 24-hour fire safety monitoring equipment

24-hour heated floor heating and hot water baths

Restaurant, gym, basketball court, infirmary

It is readily available at Zhongshan Station

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Zhongshan Station Comprehensive Building

China Railway Construction Engineering Group has spent more than 20 years

Convert Zhongshan Station from a simple container-style house

It has been transformed into a building integrating scientific research, observation and life

Environmental protection, medical and other functions in one

A modern "science town"

The total floor area is 8,500 square meters

It makes Zhongshan Station well-equipped and technologically advanced

It is also the largest research base in the history of China's polar expeditions

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲ Zhongshan Station Space Physics Observation Building

Qinling Station is the third generation of China's Antarctic research station

A more advanced centralized form has been adopted

Inspect the daily activities of team members such as life, work, and communication

It can be done in an integrated main building

In addition to necessary field work

It can be done without leaving home

As a space-intensive and fully functional new generation of scientific investigation platform

will form a station-centric one

Multi-circle global investigation mode

The range of the survey can be from 300 to 500 km

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Lidar Building of Zhongshan Station

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

From people to intelligent construction

From innovative breakthroughs to green construction

China Railway Construction Engineering Group comprehensive use

Factory, assembly, informatization, etc

Modern technical means

It promotes the continuous innovation and upgrading of polar construction technology

It has formed a service for the construction of national polar projects

The ability to integrate the whole industry chain

He has been part of the Chinese Antarctic expedition for more than 20 years

China Railway Construction Engineering Group

"A benchmark for rapid housing construction in extremely cold regions"

Continuously fill the gap in polar construction technology

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Qinling Station module construction

Get the most out of BIM technology

Dealing with the uncertainty of ultra-long-distance construction

Deepen and refine the design of construction drawings

Simulation and optimization of the construction organization scheme

Avoid all kinds of mistakes in advance

In order to cope with the challenges brought about by the short polar construction window

Modular, prefabricated construction

Factory-prefabricated, on-site assembled building block construction method

Less than 60 days

It was built in the history of China's Antarctic station

The largest single building - the main body of Qinling Station

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲Qinling Station curtain wall construction

Take the lead in introducing new materials and technologies

in prefabricated components, high-strength bolts

Exterior enclosures, high-performance window glass, etc

Carry out technical research on core building materials and processing technology

Avoiding the "cold brittleness" of steel

Enhance the stability and wind and snow resistance of polar buildings

Extensive application of recyclable outer packaging technology

Recyclable and biodegradable

Reduced environmental impact

Application of ultra-thin bifacial photovoltaic panel power generation technology

It has excellent low temperature resistance and increases green power generation

At present, China Railway Construction Engineering Group is ongoing

"Polar Green Building Standards"

Compilation of "Polar Light - Construction and Management of Antarctic Research Station".

Further summarize adaptation to the polar environment

Green construction technology and construction standards

It provides reference for the subsequent construction of polar projects

China Railway Construction Engineering Group appeared at the 40th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of China's Polar Expedition

▲The editing of "Polar Green Construction Standards" and "Polar Light - Construction and Management of Antarctic Research Station" was launched

Twenty-two years of drinking wind and snow

China Railway Construction Engineering Group helps

China's Antarctic research station is iteratively renewed

Promote the innovation and upgrading of China's polar construction technology

Let the spirit of Antarctic construction be passed on from generation to generation

China Railway Construction Engineering Group will keep in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping

Continue writing on the Antarctic ice sheet

A new chapter in recognizing, protecting, and utilizing the polar regions

Contributed by this issue: Party Building Work Department

Editors of this issue: Fu Tao, Liu Kai

Review of this issue: Hou Yuqiang, Sun Wei, Li Zirui, Hou Jiabao

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