
Security considerations for going out with the date

author:Informed Mo Shan

1. About decanting.

It may happen that the date is over and you are downstairs at your house, and the other party has to go upstairs to "sober up".

If you mention it over and over again, it's better to tell the other person directly, "Okay." Then I'll call my dad and ask him to make you a cup of tea."

After that, please pull this date into the blacklist permanently. Respect is the foundation of everything.

Security considerations for going out with the date

2. About diet.

The cup is not out of sight has already been said. But other things like gum/flower lotion handed over by other parties must also be careful.

No matter how polite and harmless the other person seems, the string is tightened.

3. Don't trust any of your friends.

Maybe your friend is fine, but the person who brought it is not clear about the details. Don't believe in endorsements too much, but discern for yourself.

Security considerations for going out with the date

4. About Personal Information.

When chatting, the address is accurate to the street, other personal information is also as vague as possible, and the follow-up flash people can also eliminate some harassment.

5. When you don't know the details, the other party only makes references to what you say - especially when it comes to information that is different from your world view.

Security considerations for going out with the date

6. People who are so good to you as soon as they meet. It could be love at first sight, or it could be a plot. Remember to make a distinction.

And those dating safety tips? Chat in the comments section.

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