
The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!


In the "weight loss circle".

In the past two years, the popular weight loss "miracle drug" semaglutide

Recently, there has been another round of public discussion

The State Food and Drug Administration approved it a few days ago

Developed and produced by the pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk

For long-term weight management

Semaglutide injection "Novoying"

Listing applications in China

June 25th

The approval document of "Novo Ying" is publicized online

Arouse the attention of all parties

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

As a hypoglycemic drug

Semaglutide has a significant weight reduction effect

It has become an "artifact" used by many people to lose weight

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

Previously, the mainland had approved it

It is used for hypoglycemic and type 2 diabetes in adults

Semaglutide injection "Novotech"

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

Has the era of "lying down to lose weight" arrived?

While semaglutide is semaglutide seizing the market in China, drug abuse control is one of the most concerned issues for the outside world.

The approved indication for "Novoying" is for patients with overweight and obesity who have an initial BMI [body mass index, weight (kg)/height (m)²] greater than or equal to 30; or between 27 and 30 with at least one weight-related comorbidity, such as hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep apnea, or cardiovascular disease, once a week. At the moment, Novo Nordisk has not disclosed its price or specific launch date.

Most patients think

"Novo Earning", which was approved for weight loss indications this time

It was used before

"Novotec" for adults with type 2 diabetes

Experts point out that this is a misunderstanding

Although the active ingredients of "Novotech" and "Novo Ying" are both "semaglutide", the dosage of semaglutide required for the two is different and cannot be substituted for each other. Considering that obesity is not a disease covered by medical insurance in mainland China, products used for weight loss may enter public hospitals to a smaller extent.

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

Expert: "Novowin" is a prescription drug

Consult a medical professional

"Novo Ying" should consult a professional doctor in a medical institution

and after an assessment

Use this medicine with a prescription

The doctor noted

"Be sure to pay attention to these kinds of medications

Not yet a perfect drug."

  • Confirm whether you have a thyroid nodule or a family history of medullary thyroid cancer;
  • Whether there is a history of previous intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, etc.;
  • Whether you have had a mental illness such as depression in the past.

Chen Haibing, director of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, said, "These conditions need to be put together for a comprehensive evaluation before determining whether they can be used or not." ”

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

Chen Haibing said that once the weight-loss drug is stopped, it will rebound, and the weight will return to the original level, or even higher. As a patient, if you don't want to take medication for a long time and want to maintain a healthy weight, you need to put in the effort, including lifestyle, diet and exercise, etc., to achieve the ultimate long-term stable effect.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of "weight loss weapons" assisted

But the era of "lying down to lose weight" has not yet arrived

For this weight loss medication

Netizens gossip

Some people have expressed concern about side effects

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

It was suggested

It's better to lose weight by exercising

Some people reminded you to follow the doctor's advice

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!
The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!
The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!
The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

What do you think about this?

The chatterbox is synthesized from news perspective and news workshop

Editor: Chen Li

Editor in charge: Yan Ping

The "hottest diet drug" has been approved, and the era of losing weight while lying down has come? Doctor warns: it's not a perfect drug!

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